I know I was considering transparent or white in previous posts, but I have talked to a few 'influential' people on line that have been making me think about changing those orders somewhat.
There is truth in the story that I have an affinity for olive green. As you may have noticed over the past few months, I have this military/enforcement bend in me that has been presenting itself in my photo sessions. Well, I've always had a weakness for men in uniform, but I never ever knew this lay latent in me like this! I've seen how an olive green STR suit looks on the likes of rubberjockwa, and I likey likey likey.
I've always been fascinated by the pearlsheen latex too, especially since receiving the pewter catsuit. I saw how Libidex makes their catsuits with accoutrements and that's a look that's recently come back to me. I love this pearlsheen blue one. Stunning.
At any rate, the concern I have for potential disruptions of the unexpected kind as well as price increases this spring and summer are making me think I should buy now and pay later. Bad consumer! Bad debt! Bad rubberman!
I'm completely part of the problems I lament about. But at least I'll have lots of latex to ease the pain.
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