Monday, January 23, 2012

Gear Night At The Cuff

Woo! Saturday night at the Cuff was a lot of fun. I had been asked by to come and speak/demo about all things rubber at their monthly Gear Night at the Cuff Complex in Seattle. Toby and his friend Chris helped me set up the vac-coffin, vac-rack, sleepsack and straightjacket just before a sizeable crowd came into the club section of the bar. I didn't have anything scripted and just ran from one topic to another (sort of reasonably segued together!) and then got into the demos. Several handsome volunteers came forward to get into the gear, and not surprisingly the largest amount of curiosity was over the vac equipment. I got one of the guys into the vac-coffin first, and as he squeezed his head through the neck hole, the seam gave away on the neck ring and ran across the top of the top sheet. Merde! Well, suddenly that piece of equipment was out of commission. The guy felt really bad but I told him not to worry about it - as I had mentioned in my speech, rubber is wonderful to play in but requires a lot of maintenance and repair because of the inherent nature of the material.

Anyways, as a consolation I put him in the sleepsack. He was slightly taller than me and actually filled out the sleepsack very nicely. Three guys eventually got into the vac-rack, another in the sleepsack, and the first guy in the vac-rack also tried out the straightjacket (apparently something he was an old vet at wearing).

I got lots of feedback from staff and attendees how well it went and how well-attended the night was. I'm very glad I went! I think there's a good buzz about Rubbout down there and it was also a great opportunity to promote West Coast Rubber. Here's hoping a lot of guys from Seattle attend both.

I spent the rest of the evening visiting with my friend Jim and partying with my friend Eric. I had a lot of fun!


Now I'm already dealing with Rubbout stuff today. For those of you wondering why the weekend package purchase link isn't available on the Rubbout website, don't fret, we'll get it up there tonight. Busy with budget and event planning meetings this week, the first big volunteer meeting next week. I can't believe Rubbout is only 11 weeks away!

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