Gummisardaukar's latest medical fantasy scene all in transparent latex and gasmasks!!! The rebreathing and gear under the apron are hot hot hot.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Interview with Daddy Alan
Loren of Leatherati does a great interview with Daddy Alan on his leather and rubber fetishism, what it takes to be a successful titleholder and events going on in and around Atlanta, where he lives with his boys. Alan is SUCH a nice guy, his genuine personality shines through in this interview!
Rubbout update
Things are quickly falling into place with Rubbout. The venues are all booked and there is a lot of local interest, esp in the local rags so hopefully that equates into some slick coverage and promotion of the event. We have the promotional posters done and are starting to work on the printing. The response on the sponsorship side has been overwhelming and we will be prominently displaying the banners and wares of several companies that most of you will know very well. It's going to be a great success -- I can feel it in my rubber soul! :)
Stiffy for Staff
Monday, February 22, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Canada's golden moment

Jon Montgomery gave Canada its best moment of the Olympics to date. After blazing to gold in the men's skeleton competition last night, his walk through Whistler, hoisting jugs of beer and high-fiving thousands was an unscripted highlight for all of us. Only to add to the fervour is the fact Jon is positively woofy! :)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Whoot! The Libidex military catsuit showed up at the post office yesterday. I tried it on last night -- fits like a glove. Interestingly, it fits better than the white catsuit I bought from Libidex a couple of years ago with custom measurements. This is further testament of how fortunate I am that I can generally wear off-the-rack standard sized latex garments (and all my clothes for that matter) without having to worry too much about customization. Blessed!
The suit came with a latex belt and pouch, however I think it looks better with my Sam Brown belt anyways (the shoulder strap just adds something to the look). Fitted with the Kenneth Cole rubber boots, the suit looks amazing! With the captain's hat on the way from Breathless UK, this is going to be one ensemble that has to be seen to be appreciated!
Now, when to debut the look? Maybe an upcoming VML party? Or maybe the new outfit should wait to debut at Rubbout in April???
Pics forthcoming....:)
The suit came with a latex belt and pouch, however I think it looks better with my Sam Brown belt anyways (the shoulder strap just adds something to the look). Fitted with the Kenneth Cole rubber boots, the suit looks amazing! With the captain's hat on the way from Breathless UK, this is going to be one ensemble that has to be seen to be appreciated!
Now, when to debut the look? Maybe an upcoming VML party? Or maybe the new outfit should wait to debut at Rubbout in April???
Pics forthcoming....:)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Flashback: 1986
Little Green Men
The Green Guys dress up in zentai and taunt the opposition players in the penalty box at Vancouver Canucks games in GM Place. Priceless!!!
And their interview on Global Morning News:
And they even have their own Facebook fan group!
And they're multiplying
And their interview on Global Morning News:
And they even have their own Facebook fan group!
And they're multiplying

WCR Video
Here is a funny vid of us posted by L8xDad on Youtube. I thought we drank too much that weekend; here is the evidence! ;)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Skin tight suits feel like 'Superman'

By Grant Robertson and Paul Waldie, The Globe and Mail Posted Sunday, February 14, 2010 11:32 PM ET
As Chad Hedrick stood in the bowels of the Richmond Olympic Oval this week, his top-secret speed-skating suit clung to him as though shrink-wrapped onto his legs.
"We did a body scan," the Texan said. "This is made for my body personally. We put these on and you go out there and you feel like Superman."
Talk long enough with athletes here and the conversation turns inevitably to the new suits they are wearing. Almost every country has developed some form of high-tech, physics-defying uniform for the Vancouver 2010 Games.
How fast the suit feels, where the seams are located, where it wrinkles, the degree of rub between the thighs - they believe all these elements are crucial to shaving milliseconds in a race.
"Our suits are high-tech," Canadian coach Marcel Lacroix said of the red-and-black suits Canada has unveiled. "We've been working with the fabric, the way they are sewn, the way they fit, for the last three years."
Until recently, Canada's gear had been kept locked up like a state secret.
"We know we have a fast suit," Lacroix said. "We're not confident we have a fast suit. We know."
But the suit hype may boil down to trash talk. Countries are playing mind games, touting their suits as faster than their opponents'. Coaches want their athletes to believe they have an edge, and competitors to feel they are outfitted with inferior suits. Some coaches call it the placebo effect, others admit it's a form of psychological warfare.
U.S. skater Shani Davis said he had been switching back and forth between so-called slower suits and faster suits to mix up his training and prepare for Vancouver.
"I'm an athlete," Hedrick said. "I don't know all the bells and whistles. I know there's a lot of seams on this suit that don't get caught up in the air, I know that they are all positioned in the perfect spot, and they are all different materials. It's crazy what goes into these things."
Hedrick's suit was designed by Canadian Len Brownlie, a Vancouver-based researcher at the forefront of design for nearly 20 years. He did the body scan on Hedrick and helped design the U.S. suits for Nike.
The part-time gold hunter became interested in the subject of wind resistance in 1982 while doing postgraduate work in kinesiology at Simon Fraser University. Formerly a distance runner, he titled his doctoral thesis Aerodynamic Characteristics of Sports Apparel.
He designed a series of special suits as part of his research, drawing interest from Nike, but the shoe giant later backed away, and "my kids started using the suits for Halloween."
Nike called back in 1998. They were putting together a team to supply running gear for the 2000 Summer Games in Australia and Brownlie jumped at the opportunity. When Australian Cathy Freeman blew away the field to win the 400-metre race wearing a full-body suit he helped to design, Nike kept him on and expanded his consulting work.
His real breakthrough came in 2002 at the Salt Lake City Games. His new skintight speed-skating suit, called Swift Skin, eliminated seams and made the suit as tight as possible to cut friction and drag. The suits were smooth except for parts of the sleeves that were wrinkled slightly to enhance the skaters' ability to swing through the air without causing drag.
Brownlie tested 150 fabrics before settling on a material coated with polyurethane. Months of research and hours spent in wind-tunnel testing helped the U.S. and Dutch speed skaters to win 18 medals and set eight world records. Post-Games analysis showed the suits cut times by 1 per cent.
Nike thereafter outfitted Norway, South Korea and China. Brownlie was hired as a consultant for Canada's Own the Podium program and worked on suits for a multitude of sports, including downhill skiing, snowboarding, biathlon, cross country skiing, luge and ski cross.
But his connection to Nike meant he could not work on the speed-skating program. Canada stuck with Descente, which has designed its own super-fast suits for Vancouver.
Canada won't let athletes trade them after the Games - a tradition in speed skating - to prevent other countries from going home and trying to create a version.
The Dutch skaters broke with Nike just before the Games because the company couldn't match the requested colour, according to Brownlie. The Dutch are reputed to be using sleek, skin-hugging technology similar to swimsuits that set records in the pool at the Beijing Olympics.
Not all skaters feel the suits make a difference, though. Canadian sprinter Jeremy Wotherspoon likes Canada's new garbs, but doesn't put much stock in the thought that it will win or lose a race for him.
"The differences they do make aren't massive," he said. "It's hard to feel a difference between a couple of tenths of a second in a lap. I think it's good to try some things, but there is a limit to how much stuff is positive for you. Sometimes you've just got to skate."
Olympic fashion

So, we've had some opportunity to check out some of the national team kit at the Olympics so far. Does anything stand out for you? It seems that speedskating skinsuits are more muted across the board this time around (save maybe for Japan). The American downhill ski racing suits look pretty cool, as do the Canadian and Australian luge suits.
I'll keep my eyes peeled for anything remarkable....:)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
The XXI Olympic Winter Games
Thursday, February 11, 2010
WCR Winter Warmup review

I just got back to Vancouver last night after an interesting weekend in Palm Springs. I spent the first two days relaxing poolside at the Helios men-only Resort before the tribe started showing up from L.A. in the late morning on Friday.
Spending time by myself was something I thought I would like at this point, but I found myself feeling pretty lonely by Thursday night, especially after seeing 'Avatar' in 3D at the Palm Springs Imax and being emotionally compromised afterwards (don't ask why; it's complicated). I did manage to get to Tuff Stuff Leather in the afternoon before the movie and look over a bunch of rubber gear Jim had there on assignment that I had seen on the West Coast Rubber website. I ended up buying a pair of black opera-length (read: fisting) rubber gloves and a leather-look Feisty Muscle spandex bodysuit for very good prices.
Friday morning once everyone showed up we immediately proceeded to get supplies for the weekend (ie. visits to Trader Joe's and the liquor store), then did a stint by the pool again before slipping into rubber for our Formal Rubber Dinner which we did at Dink's. The amount of stares and inquisitive people coming to the table was marvellous! Afterwards we went back to the resort quickly then headed to Barracks Bar for the evening.
The rains started overnight Friday and didn't let up until Sunday morning. It was cold and miserable: I figured I should've just stayed home at that point since the weather would be better! Thinking that it was a tad ridiculous that a bunch of rubbermen would be complaining about the rain, Rubberfiend and I did a photo shoot in the early afternoon. It was a great session, probably the best photography I've ever seen of myself! It helps to have someone with professional equipment who knows what the hell they are doing with it. I was in my Spexter suit with straightjacket, inflatable butt plug and gag. The intent was that anyone could randomly inflate/deflate me, and this went on for some time later in the afternoon when everyone got back from shopping. I was edged so many times I lost count!
There was some more time around the hot tub, more rubber outfit changes from everyone, and we decided to grab some more food at Hamburger Mary's in the early evening, so we took over another three tables there. It was immediately back to Barracks for the first annual Rubber Pup Contest (pics now at West Coast Rubber website). There were two contestants and a great time was had by all! Almost everyone headed back to the resort afterwards, and after a period of time in the hot tub again, everyone was exhausted and went to bed.
The weather on Sunday was vastly improved; it looked a lot more like Palm Springs should be on a February day. We spent most of the day lazing and playing by the pool in various states of undress (of course, mostly in rubber). Most people left by Sunday evening, but Rubberchris32 decided to spend another night at the resort with me, we went out for dinner and then to Hunter's for a few drinks.
Monday morning, Rubberchris32 and I got up early and did another poolside photoshoot before having to get ready to head to the airport for the flight back to Vancouver. Rubberchris32 left for Los Angeles again soon after. I was glad to be heading home, but my rubber needs still weren't satiated!

Luging for the Win

Posted: Jan 28, 1:29p ET Updated: Feb 1, 10:42a ET
U.S. luge going high-tech for medal chase (AP) - After the World Cup luge season ends in the frosty Italian Alps this weekend, Mark Grimmette will pack away his mittens for a few days and start heading halfway around the world to breezy, sunny San Diego.
Once there, Grimmette will lie down and relax.
A quick vacation after a long season? Not hardly.
Next month in Vancouver, doubles pair Brian Martin and Mark Grimmette (R) will aim to add a gold medal to their hardware collection. The soon-to-be five-time U.S. luge Olympian will be hard at work on Feb. 3, trying on at least three different bodytight suits that serve as a racer's uniform in a high-tech wind tunnel, looking to find those tiny fractions of seconds that could help him or another teammate find the podium at the fast-approaching Vancouver Games.
"My job's pretty simple," Grimmette said. "I just have to lie there on the sled and be as still as possible."
Simple, sure, but vital considering luge speeds on the track at the Whistler Sliding Centre flirt with 100 mph - almost unheard of for the sport.
"The upcoming round of aerodynamic testing will be especially important," said Gordy Sheer, an Olympic medalist and now USA Luge's director of marketing.
Most sports measure time to the tenth or hundredth of a second. Luge measures to the thousandth, simply because the line between winning and losing can be incredibly slim. So to find a sliver of time here or there, USA Luge is heading back to a place it has visited many times before, the San Diego Air and Space Technology Center.
Grimmette will squeeze his body into suits of different fabrics and styles, made by companies from all over the world. To common fans, they all would look pretty much the same, but to racers the differences can be colossal.
Luge racers used to wear a suit with an outer coating of a rubberized material, only to have those banned more than a decade ago. Modern suits - most of them are made of a Spandex-type material - still have some rubberizing, although it's on the inside and solely to limit how much air comes through the material as racers hit high speeds in often-frigid air.
Grimmette estimated a good suit can shave as much as three-tenths of a second per run, a huge amount of time in any sliding sport.
"Having the best material going into the Olympics, it's very important," Grimmette said.
Much like in swimming and skiing, where the suit material has been all the rage in recent years, the same applies in luge.
As in all sliding sports, aerodynamics are essential, and some racers will try just about anything to stop the trackside clock a few mini-ticks earlier - shaving arms and legs is common in skeleton, bobsled push athletes always tuck their heads as low as possible to minimize drag, luge racers wear booties with no treads - all in the name of gliding more smoothly.
So in San Diego, at a facility also used to measure and experiment with the aerodynamic workings of missiles, jets and airplanes, engineers will measure drag off Grimmette's race suit. He's a doubles slider, so Sheer will be on the sled with Grimmette, trying to simulate a race condition as much as possible.
Aerodynamic engineers will turn the wind to upward of 90 mph, taking into account all the variables such as Grimmette's suit material and position on the sled. They'll then be able to tell which mix creates the least amount of drag, which theoretically would show which mix will create the most speed at the Whistler Sliding Centre.
Wind-tunnel testing is hardly used only by sliders - even seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong has been to the facility.
"Testing is really critical," Sheer said.
And even though the Olympics are nearly here, USA Luge has no concerns about getting new suits if testing dictates they're needed.
"They can manufacture them for us pretty quickly," Grimmette said. "As far as the suit goes, it's something that we just put on for the race and that's it. It's not something that we need to break in or have to have anything specially done to it. We just put it on."
© 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Winter Warmup Photoshoot
I was fortunate to arrange a photoshoot in Palm Springs on Saturday with Rubberfiend. The weather was rainy and cool, so while the pool party was off for the day, we decided to have some fun of our own anyways! :)
I climbed into the Spexter suit around noon. The straightjacket went on at 1:30 and the shoot was done around 3 (when everyone stopped edging me???). Great great afternoon.

We we interested to see what the rain drops would look like in the pictures. In the high-res photos, the close ups look amazing.

I love this shot! ;)

I was really enjoying the camera...

This is the best photoshoot I've ever been involved in. A new height has been set.
Aren't these photos amazing?!?!? Rubberfiend is a very talented photographer.
I climbed into the Spexter suit around noon. The straightjacket went on at 1:30 and the shoot was done around 3 (when everyone stopped edging me???). Great great afternoon.

Aren't these photos amazing?!?!? Rubberfiend is a very talented photographer.
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