I just had a conversation today with my deployment manager at my company and it looks like there should be no barriers to making a hasty departure from Calgary and setting up shop in Vancouver. It is so preferable to move out there while still working and getting a paycheck than having my contract date expire while still here trying to find work out there remotely. Everyone seems to be in agreement.
How exciting! My head is still spinning; this is happening way more quickly than I had anticipated and now it looks like as soon as I get back from Vancouver after Easter I will have an apartment secured for May 1 and can begin packing in earnest immediately. I still have a LOT of work to do; particularly what to take with me, what to give to the Ex, what to store, what to throw away. My intent is only to have enough stuff with me to pack into a minivan.
Holy cow, does this bring back memories of my move to Alberta 15 years ago. I reduced my entire life up to that point into what I could pack into my car. I headed west from Manitoba not really knowing what I was going to end up doing or where I was going to be living. 15 years later, I look back with great appreciation on all the experiences I've gained during my existence in Alberta. I can't believe some of the things I've done and accomplished nor can I emote strongly enough the bonds I feel to the friends I've made and the communities I've belonged to. It's all going to be sorely missed. Then again, I think Vancouver is a natural choice for me; I'm not too far away from friends and family, and a destination for many heading West. Everyone out there is excited for me and already welcoming me with open arms! I can only hope that everyone will continue to come out to the wet coast and stop by for a visit. You're always welcome!
It's time for me to move on; time to get some new inspiration, direction, and energy in my life. Once again, I'm not completely sure what experiences I will find or what I may end up doing out there, but I look at it as the continuation of a journey. I wish I knew what I was looking for, but I don't, so I must continue to search for it. I need to leave some things behind, take the best things with me and apply this over a new location and lifestyle. The adventures that await thrill me!
Wish me luck on the apartment hunt....Rubbout just took on a new layer of complexity!
Best of luck with the move and everything!! I hope you have enough room in the minivan for all your rubber gear XD
Thanks Fox - it's going to be a crazy couple of months....I might need a couple of trips with my shit. One van full just for the rubber! LOL
Hi reid,
Yes, of course we wish you all the luck in the world.However,I dont think you would do this sort of move without thinking it through thoroughly(?)Just think of all those opportunities you are going to have that you may not ever have tried.Thats the way you should look at it,dont have any regrets,its just a waste.
Good luck from me too,friend.
warmest regards Dcx
I've been thinking about doing this move for about three years now. I don't want to disrespect Calgary; it's been great to me, but....it's not, um, a very international city? I need to experience culture and lifestyle that doesn't revolve around cowboys, big trucks, oil and suburbia. It seems to be that the universe has been aligning for me to do this, and I'm not going to pass up the opportunity. Every day I wish the move date was sooner than it is! There's no doubt that I might find things initially a bit daunting, but I honestly already have a lot of friends in Vancouver, therefore I hope it won't be too difficult to reconnect, make lots of new friends and get involved in sports and organizations much the same as I have in Calgary (plus help organize Rubbout and other rubber events!!!!). Living alone for the first time in 13 years will probably be the biggest obstacle to overcome!
I have no regrets, this move is long overdue. I've been asking the ex-bf to move with me for years now, things worked out that this obviously wasn't going to happen so that's the way it has to be.
You want changes? Be ready for the rebirth of "Calgary Rubberman" as "Rubber Canuck". Much more generic, yes?
Hi Reid,
Yes very generic!
I lived alone for years before i moved in with Martin.Although this is the reverse of your situation,I found it harder to get used to someone in the same house.lol.
I sometimes relish my own space.Martin sometimes has to stay ion London overnight when he is away on business meetings.Its more strange to me when i return home and am left to my own devices.
Money is low at the moment and I'm not out on our local scene,so most of my time is spent in front of the TV or on the net(reading your blog).Its nice to have some quiet nights in.It just feels unusual.I think thats what you'll notice more.You have had a routine that is now in your hands to create,you may find yourself at a loss at times,but that will cease as you get more involved.By the way you are getting involved in the rubber scene I think that the quiet nights are NOT going to be part of your life.lol.
martin often talks(only talk)about wanting to live in USA.I DONT THINK SO!
I am the one who doesnt like travelling.I'm the home body and i love living in the Uk,ok it may sound safe,and actually you'd be right.I need security.
(and i dont mean being bound and gagged,although that does sound exciting.)
regards Dcx
You have the role my bf had in our relationship; building the nest, enjoying staying at home while I was the one always wanting to go on adventures and use 'home' as basically a place to crash when things shut down at night!
It may sound strange, but because I worked days and the bf worked nights for many many years, I did spend a lot of time at home by myself, so I don't think that will be the hardest part. It will simply be coming home and finding things exactly as I left them that will be weird. I haven't had that in more than a decade!
In the ultimate of situations, one of my friends in Vancouver who's also into rubber and leather is trying to get me set up in an apartment in the same building as him. We may end up playing in rubber everytime he comes calling for sugar! How sweet would that be?
As long as he doesnt start moving things around,eh?lol.
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