Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Welcome to my new rubber room
Figuring that a move physically also warranted a move virtually, this is the new home for the old Calgary Rubberman blog. I'll still post the same ol' kinky stuff all you pervs out there love to get off on. Welcome!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday Session

We had so much fun trying different masks and scenarios. Our great fantasy idea is to do a mercenary video in the Kananaskis wilderness - a scene where two rubbered soldiers meet each other in the middle of nowhere. My friend is one of the few guys in Calgary I've found that's passionate about his rubber and masks, I hope we can do another session sometime before I leave.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Rubber Meltdown - Demo Night

On Saturday April 4, the Calgary Eagle will host a Rubber Demo night. We will have a vac-rack demo, rubber sleepsack demo, and Gearcollector will hopefully bring out his infamous Elenas inflatable bondage ball! It should be a great night. Come on out if you can.
***Just fyi...Mr. Rubber Calgary (sponsored by Priape) has been moved to a weekend in June; we've moved the demo night from Friday April 3 to Saturday April 4 as a result.***
Rubber Canuck
I'm probably going to switch this blog over to the new site this weekend. I'm changing things in my life; things on the blog will change as well.
Since I won't be living in Calgary anymore, I've decided to make the blog name more generic as well. I've been working on a new header this week, much the same as the Calgary Rubberman one.
The new blog will be at http://rubbercanuck.blogspot.com.
I will keep a redirect at this URL to the new site.
Since I won't be living in Calgary anymore, I've decided to make the blog name more generic as well. I've been working on a new header this week, much the same as the Calgary Rubberman one.
The new blog will be at http://rubbercanuck.blogspot.com.
I will keep a redirect at this URL to the new site.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I just had a conversation today with my deployment manager at my company and it looks like there should be no barriers to making a hasty departure from Calgary and setting up shop in Vancouver. It is so preferable to move out there while still working and getting a paycheck than having my contract date expire while still here trying to find work out there remotely. Everyone seems to be in agreement.
How exciting! My head is still spinning; this is happening way more quickly than I had anticipated and now it looks like as soon as I get back from Vancouver after Easter I will have an apartment secured for May 1 and can begin packing in earnest immediately. I still have a LOT of work to do; particularly what to take with me, what to give to the Ex, what to store, what to throw away. My intent is only to have enough stuff with me to pack into a minivan.
Holy cow, does this bring back memories of my move to Alberta 15 years ago. I reduced my entire life up to that point into what I could pack into my car. I headed west from Manitoba not really knowing what I was going to end up doing or where I was going to be living. 15 years later, I look back with great appreciation on all the experiences I've gained during my existence in Alberta. I can't believe some of the things I've done and accomplished nor can I emote strongly enough the bonds I feel to the friends I've made and the communities I've belonged to. It's all going to be sorely missed. Then again, I think Vancouver is a natural choice for me; I'm not too far away from friends and family, and a destination for many heading West. Everyone out there is excited for me and already welcoming me with open arms! I can only hope that everyone will continue to come out to the wet coast and stop by for a visit. You're always welcome!
It's time for me to move on; time to get some new inspiration, direction, and energy in my life. Once again, I'm not completely sure what experiences I will find or what I may end up doing out there, but I look at it as the continuation of a journey. I wish I knew what I was looking for, but I don't, so I must continue to search for it. I need to leave some things behind, take the best things with me and apply this over a new location and lifestyle. The adventures that await thrill me!
Wish me luck on the apartment hunt....Rubbout just took on a new layer of complexity!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Winter Warmup Picture Gallery
L8xDad and L8xBoy of West Coast Rubber have put up a great gallery of pics from the Winter Warmup party weekend. Check them out here.
My new toy
I took a trip to Priape this weekend with the intent of buying some new toys and, umm, 'accessories'. This is what I picked up (thanks to evil Pat for putting the idea in my head):

It's a stainless steel cockring with 'Ass Swing' attachment. Man, you get this thing adjusted and inserted and you will be aroused for hours! Sitting down on the attachment along the taint pushes the steel dildo further into your ass; you can ride this thing while encased in latex forever! It's a wonderful sensation. I plan to wear this thing all weekend in Vancouver.

Ass Swing with harness - double cockringed!!!

Ass Swing in all its glory.
Much like those pics I posted quite awhile ago with the guy with this contraption over top of his latex double-sheath shorts, I will take more pics eventually while in the same position!

It's a stainless steel cockring with 'Ass Swing' attachment. Man, you get this thing adjusted and inserted and you will be aroused for hours! Sitting down on the attachment along the taint pushes the steel dildo further into your ass; you can ride this thing while encased in latex forever! It's a wonderful sensation. I plan to wear this thing all weekend in Vancouver.

Ass Swing with harness - double cockringed!!!

Ass Swing in all its glory.
Much like those pics I posted quite awhile ago with the guy with this contraption over top of his latex double-sheath shorts, I will take more pics eventually while in the same position!

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Gear Night
The turnout at Gear Night was fewer than I had hoped, but those of us in the kink zone had enough fun for the entire bar anyways! After chatting up our guests from the UK, I set up a play session with one of our new friends at his hotel. I got him geared up in my Latexa fullsuit while I donned the Spexter suit. We played until 5:30am or so, got a bit of sleep then fucked again this morning before I headed home. The other chap from Mancs wanted to go out in rubber again tonight...I think I might join him; I mean, why the hell not?

Man, I love getting hot guys in this position!

Dark and blurry...

Man, I love getting hot guys in this position!

Dark and blurry...
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009

A few weeks ago, Billy Crudup was on The Daily Show talking about his role in "The Watchmen". They got talking about the psyche of superheroes since the characters in "The Watchmen" are rather unconventional in the traditional sense of what a superhero is. He called superheroes a group of "psychopaths, sycophants, and fetishists".
I wanted to expand on that idea since it intrigued me. After Googling, I was surprised to discover that there is actually quite a bit of literature written on the subject of superhero psychology (moreso on the social psychology of people that creates the necessity for superhero imagery). I will do more research, hopefully I can generate an entry on the subject!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Changes in my life....
...or so the song goes. I'm busy getting some stuff together for a potential move to Vancouver this summer. I had planned to spend one last summer here before moving to the Wet Coast, however the work situation has changed somewhat and I've found out it might even be possible to move in May at the earliest. It would certainly help the situation if I could move out there while still having a job and paycheck. I will soon know whether this is possible or not.
It sort of throws a wrench into a lot of the summer plans (racing season, flights already booked out of Calgary, etc.) but nothing that isn't changeable (with a few extra $$$, of course).
This is one of those rare opportunities in one's life when I can throw caution to the wind and make BIG changes. I'm freshly single, basically debt-free, ready to shed all the accoutrements of my life in Alberta, and resolved to get out of Cowtown and go somewhere different. It's going to be tough moving further away from family and friends and the life I've built here over the past 14 years, however I think that's an indication that a change in scenery is long overdue. All my friends in Vancouver are already welcoming me with open arms!
This may make the trip in April for Rubbout also an apartment-hunting trip as well. I will certainly know a lot more in the next couple of weeks whether this is going to be possible or not.
It sort of throws a wrench into a lot of the summer plans (racing season, flights already booked out of Calgary, etc.) but nothing that isn't changeable (with a few extra $$$, of course).
This is one of those rare opportunities in one's life when I can throw caution to the wind and make BIG changes. I'm freshly single, basically debt-free, ready to shed all the accoutrements of my life in Alberta, and resolved to get out of Cowtown and go somewhere different. It's going to be tough moving further away from family and friends and the life I've built here over the past 14 years, however I think that's an indication that a change in scenery is long overdue. All my friends in Vancouver are already welcoming me with open arms!
This may make the trip in April for Rubbout also an apartment-hunting trip as well. I will certainly know a lot more in the next couple of weeks whether this is going to be possible or not.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Will as superhero
Will Young is a beautiful boy! In his latest video for "Let It Go", he's wearing a silver spandex catsuit through most of the scenes; I'm not really sure what the fallible superhero role is supposed to signify and why he's getting thrown to the curb. Maybe I'll have to watch the video a few more times to figure it out. But really, who cares? It's Will - and he's looking fine under that skintight costume!

Thursday, March 12, 2009
The countdown's begun...

...to another couple of weeks watching Olympic bodies compete against each other in skintight clothing. Marvellous! Yay for luging! Yay for aerodynamics!
It's hard to believe Vancouver 2010's less than a year away. The Canadian Mint released the first of the Olympic quarters this week. They are releasing a series of 15 quarters and two loonies and the first sport featured is speedskating. I think the male caricature on the front side of the coin is pretty hot! Umm, for a quarter?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
For you big ballooners....

It's always refreshing to find a latex manufacturer in your own back yard. Upon checking more of Kink Engineering's products, I discovered they also to a custom balloon! Wow!
From the Kink Engineering site:
Based on our research with latex bondage balloons (and their failure to stay in one piece for more than one play session... BANG!) we have developed a new line of Kink Engineering Products!
Like a balloon they have a stretchable neck, and an air tight sack, but in this case, the sack is fitted to 20% less than YOUR body dimensions. Thus giving you a tight, form fitting, vacuum sealed sleep sack, that is built to last!
Standard black, only $155 CAD!!!
For those of us that got out of balloon bondage because of our size, length or lack of commitment to buying large numbers of not-so-cheap thin walled balloons, this may be the product you're looking for! I think I'm going to get one; I'll let you know how it works out.
Monday, March 9, 2009
When geek and pervert collide

I think it's only fair that I hi-jack an entry from Ruff's blog, since we have so many similar interests and I don't think either of us minds sharing as long as we get the word out to all the faithful pervs!
I love this idea. Toronto-based Ego Assassin did the graphics for Kink Engineering's vacbed, and voila! A rubber circuit board!
Kink Engineering has also teamed up with the graphic artists at Ego Assassin to apply other custom designs to their vacbeds. Interesting stuff!
Big piercings
I always thought that having a nose ring through the breathing holes of a rubber mask was very hot, but this takes the cake:
MRC Update
I noticed Doug just updated the Mr. Rubber Calgary blog tonight....
I'm still not definitively sure what is going on with the Mr. Rubber Calgary competition. It was going to be April 4th; we were going to have the demo night on the 3rd with different sponsors than Priape (who sponsor the rubber competitions nationally). Priape decided to take over sponsoring the entire weekend so we stopped soliciting different sponsors, then they decided to move the competition to June while I was in California. This essentially left the April 3/4 weekend open for anything (and us to do something rubbery sans sponsors). After talking to the bar owner and Priape manager last weekend, I said that I would do a vac-rack demo at the bar on April 3rd. I was under the impression that Doug was going to come with his Elenas inflatable ball to also demo on Friday, but now it sounds that he isn't going to come to Calgary at all...I mean, why should he?
Add to that the fact that I just found out this weekend that Chris Lake (my FAVE DJ du jour) is spinning for the first time in Calgary on April 3rd, and suddenly I have some adjustments and decisions to make. The Eagle already has ads up for a Mr. Rubber Calgary competition on April 4th (presumably printed before the latest decisions were made), but if I can't even get a demo going on Saturday, there may be nothing rubbery going on at all that weekend. More discussion is needed....
I'm still not definitively sure what is going on with the Mr. Rubber Calgary competition. It was going to be April 4th; we were going to have the demo night on the 3rd with different sponsors than Priape (who sponsor the rubber competitions nationally). Priape decided to take over sponsoring the entire weekend so we stopped soliciting different sponsors, then they decided to move the competition to June while I was in California. This essentially left the April 3/4 weekend open for anything (and us to do something rubbery sans sponsors). After talking to the bar owner and Priape manager last weekend, I said that I would do a vac-rack demo at the bar on April 3rd. I was under the impression that Doug was going to come with his Elenas inflatable ball to also demo on Friday, but now it sounds that he isn't going to come to Calgary at all...I mean, why should he?
Add to that the fact that I just found out this weekend that Chris Lake (my FAVE DJ du jour) is spinning for the first time in Calgary on April 3rd, and suddenly I have some adjustments and decisions to make. The Eagle already has ads up for a Mr. Rubber Calgary competition on April 4th (presumably printed before the latest decisions were made), but if I can't even get a demo going on Saturday, there may be nothing rubbery going on at all that weekend. More discussion is needed....
Neverending Brrrrrr
Guh...we're huddling out of the cold as another big blast of winter hits Western Canada. I was up in Edmonton on the weekend visiting friends when the entire province got hit with a snowstorm on Saturday. This made a hungover drive back to Calgary on Sunday practically nightmarish, with blowing snow, temperatures around -20C, and traffic crawling at 60kph due to no traction on the highway.
Everyone is completely fatigued of our predicament....it's March already, for gawd's sake! The winter has been hellish continent-wide.
Ironically, the -28C temperatures of today are forecast to be above +10C by the weekend. Ah, 'tis the magic of being in the North America continental climate zone. Which is why I seriously intend for this to be my last winter in this situation...seriously!
This has dampened any hopes for rubber play or any kind of play over the past week. I gingerly got into the STR suit when I got home yesterday (it's still ripped above the rear zipper) along with the Eurocatsuits transparent mask and posture collar. Maybe when things warm up a bit so will the spirits?!?! Things will hopefully be looking up for the gear/fetish night at the Eagle on the 20th.
Everyone is completely fatigued of our predicament....it's March already, for gawd's sake! The winter has been hellish continent-wide.
Ironically, the -28C temperatures of today are forecast to be above +10C by the weekend. Ah, 'tis the magic of being in the North America continental climate zone. Which is why I seriously intend for this to be my last winter in this situation...seriously!
This has dampened any hopes for rubber play or any kind of play over the past week. I gingerly got into the STR suit when I got home yesterday (it's still ripped above the rear zipper) along with the Eurocatsuits transparent mask and posture collar. Maybe when things warm up a bit so will the spirits?!?! Things will hopefully be looking up for the gear/fetish night at the Eagle on the 20th.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Jackass in the Stockroom
Johnny Knoxville and entourage visited JT's Stockroom last fall. Here is the video of their adventures...(from JackassWorld.com). A professional daredevil known for his wild neck-risking stunts and pranks, Knoxville is actually a little nervous when faced with some of our more unusual specialty gear. Check out both these hilarious videos, hosted by dapper opera-singing impresario Mr. Merlin, director of upscale LA dungeon the Broken Door. The first clip is an actual tour of the Stockroom premises; the next is a “show and tell” session Mr. Merlin stages in the JackassWorld offices.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
International Fetish Day
It's not just about whips and leather
International Fetish Day is something we can all celebrate – almost everyone has a fetish, after all
Symon Hill guardian.co.uk, Friday 16 January 2009 11.36 GMT
Some politicians can be so clueless that they attract sympathy rather than contempt. This was the case when Labour MP Ronnie Campbell cheerfully gave his backing to National Fetish Day last year.
When a journalist asked Campbell if he had any fetishes himself, he replied "I must have a thousand but, hand on heart, I couldn't tell which is the most important one; probably the horses."
When the surprised reporter clarified the definition of fetish, Campbell cried "Oh my God almighty! My God! Is that what a fetish is?" He said he thought it meant "Worry – like worrying about backing the wrong horse."
So the MP for Blyth Valley doesn't have a sexual interest in horses, just a poor grasp of English – and, apparently, a fear of fetishes (now he knows what they are). Today, he can make good his error by joining the rest of us to celebrate the first International Fetish Day.
I say "the rest of us" because pretty much all of us have fetishes. Fetishes are not confined to people with large collections of whips and accounts at their local leather emporium.
There are undoubtedly far more people who enjoy the occasional light spank from their partner than people who are so keen that they purchase sets of hand-crafted spanking equipment. But both have fetishes. Really, there are only two groups who can claim not to have fetishes. The first consists of those who are completely asexual. The second is made up of people who live and think as stereotypical Victorians, saying "Well, it's 9:36, my dear: time for our weekly intercourse." Anyone who lives like that is likely to be suppressing all manner of feelings.
In the millennia of human existence, consenting adults in loving relationships have found an infinite number of ways to express their sexuality. Today people use the word "sexuality" to make a distinction between being gay and straight. Sexuality is far wider and broader and deeper than this. As the Christian feminist writer Jo Ind puts it, sexuality is "whatever turns you on".
I am not of course saying that all fetishes or forms of sexual expression are OK (I hope that people posting critical comments will at least read this far). People with certain sexual urges – such as paedophilia – clearly need therapy, and if they act on them, criminal justice. I'll be clear: sexual activity must be consensual, between adults (without animals) and not involve bullying or manipulation. I am talking about adults giving meaningful, informed consent, with respect and compassion for the other person or people involved.
Despite the relative sexual freedom of Britain today, prejudice lives on. Last year saw a flurry of media interest in a Yorkshire couple who were banned from buses for wearing fetish clothing. More alarming are occasional tabloid attempts to make scare stories out of consensual adult fetishes. In November, the Sun simulated horror when "uncovering" the fact that people with an interest in sadomasochism had hired a village hall for what was essentially a day conference with an evening party.
No wonder so many people find it hard to accept their own fetishes. "For years I repressed my sexuality," says Tina, a 32-year-old London woman, who worried that her desire to be sexually submissive undermined her commitment to feminism. She now believes that "it was a feminist act to overcome that repression". She says it is about choice: "When submitting, I temporarily give my personal power over to someone else – who returns it afterwards. In a sane world this would be considered an act of intimacy and sharing, not violation".
Tina is only one example of the diversity of people who are comfortable with their fetishes. I spoke with a Church of England vicar who practises BDSM (bondage, domination and sadomasochism). "God is love and where there is love, there is God" he insists. "God teaches us through metaphor and cosmic role-play".
People with certain fetishes now face the prospect of becoming victims of the government's sustained assault on civil liberties. In a knee-jerk piece of headline-grabbing, ministers have introduced a law on "extreme pornography" which comes into force this month. Rather than targeting the exploitative, abusive and bullying elements of the pornography industry, the law is aimed at sadomasochistic images regardless of the context. So low is the barrier that if taken literally it could lead to a couple who take a photo of their consensual (and legal) sexual activity being arrested for possession of that photo.
Despite all this there is sometimes a surprising degree of acceptance. When I asked people with fetishes of their experience of friends' reactions, there were as many positive as negative. One said that all his colleagues knew he practised sadomasochism. Another said that her friends don't "get it", but they respect her choices and are "thrilled to see me happy and content".
So, if you've never been comfortable with your fetishes, perhaps today is the right day to change. It is a good day to rejoice in your healthy sexuality – as well as being ready to deal with any unhealthy aspects.
As everyone has a fetish, this is a day that we can all celebrate. Of course, you might not be ready to discuss leather at lunch or candle wax around the water cooler. If you want a more subtle way to mark International Fetish Day, you could always buy a dictionary and send it to Ronnie Campbell MP at the House of Commons.
Well, we missed it this year; for some reason this wasn't well communicated!?!? The third Friday of the year is International Fetish Day: a day belonging to everyone with a fetish. In 2010, we should all don our best gear, restraints, latex, and leather and hit the streets in celebration.
International Fetish Day is something we can all celebrate – almost everyone has a fetish, after all
Symon Hill guardian.co.uk, Friday 16 January 2009 11.36 GMT
Some politicians can be so clueless that they attract sympathy rather than contempt. This was the case when Labour MP Ronnie Campbell cheerfully gave his backing to National Fetish Day last year.
When a journalist asked Campbell if he had any fetishes himself, he replied "I must have a thousand but, hand on heart, I couldn't tell which is the most important one; probably the horses."
When the surprised reporter clarified the definition of fetish, Campbell cried "Oh my God almighty! My God! Is that what a fetish is?" He said he thought it meant "Worry – like worrying about backing the wrong horse."
So the MP for Blyth Valley doesn't have a sexual interest in horses, just a poor grasp of English – and, apparently, a fear of fetishes (now he knows what they are). Today, he can make good his error by joining the rest of us to celebrate the first International Fetish Day.
I say "the rest of us" because pretty much all of us have fetishes. Fetishes are not confined to people with large collections of whips and accounts at their local leather emporium.
There are undoubtedly far more people who enjoy the occasional light spank from their partner than people who are so keen that they purchase sets of hand-crafted spanking equipment. But both have fetishes. Really, there are only two groups who can claim not to have fetishes. The first consists of those who are completely asexual. The second is made up of people who live and think as stereotypical Victorians, saying "Well, it's 9:36, my dear: time for our weekly intercourse." Anyone who lives like that is likely to be suppressing all manner of feelings.
In the millennia of human existence, consenting adults in loving relationships have found an infinite number of ways to express their sexuality. Today people use the word "sexuality" to make a distinction between being gay and straight. Sexuality is far wider and broader and deeper than this. As the Christian feminist writer Jo Ind puts it, sexuality is "whatever turns you on".
I am not of course saying that all fetishes or forms of sexual expression are OK (I hope that people posting critical comments will at least read this far). People with certain sexual urges – such as paedophilia – clearly need therapy, and if they act on them, criminal justice. I'll be clear: sexual activity must be consensual, between adults (without animals) and not involve bullying or manipulation. I am talking about adults giving meaningful, informed consent, with respect and compassion for the other person or people involved.
Despite the relative sexual freedom of Britain today, prejudice lives on. Last year saw a flurry of media interest in a Yorkshire couple who were banned from buses for wearing fetish clothing. More alarming are occasional tabloid attempts to make scare stories out of consensual adult fetishes. In November, the Sun simulated horror when "uncovering" the fact that people with an interest in sadomasochism had hired a village hall for what was essentially a day conference with an evening party.
No wonder so many people find it hard to accept their own fetishes. "For years I repressed my sexuality," says Tina, a 32-year-old London woman, who worried that her desire to be sexually submissive undermined her commitment to feminism. She now believes that "it was a feminist act to overcome that repression". She says it is about choice: "When submitting, I temporarily give my personal power over to someone else – who returns it afterwards. In a sane world this would be considered an act of intimacy and sharing, not violation".
Tina is only one example of the diversity of people who are comfortable with their fetishes. I spoke with a Church of England vicar who practises BDSM (bondage, domination and sadomasochism). "God is love and where there is love, there is God" he insists. "God teaches us through metaphor and cosmic role-play".
People with certain fetishes now face the prospect of becoming victims of the government's sustained assault on civil liberties. In a knee-jerk piece of headline-grabbing, ministers have introduced a law on "extreme pornography" which comes into force this month. Rather than targeting the exploitative, abusive and bullying elements of the pornography industry, the law is aimed at sadomasochistic images regardless of the context. So low is the barrier that if taken literally it could lead to a couple who take a photo of their consensual (and legal) sexual activity being arrested for possession of that photo.
Despite all this there is sometimes a surprising degree of acceptance. When I asked people with fetishes of their experience of friends' reactions, there were as many positive as negative. One said that all his colleagues knew he practised sadomasochism. Another said that her friends don't "get it", but they respect her choices and are "thrilled to see me happy and content".
So, if you've never been comfortable with your fetishes, perhaps today is the right day to change. It is a good day to rejoice in your healthy sexuality – as well as being ready to deal with any unhealthy aspects.
As everyone has a fetish, this is a day that we can all celebrate. Of course, you might not be ready to discuss leather at lunch or candle wax around the water cooler. If you want a more subtle way to mark International Fetish Day, you could always buy a dictionary and send it to Ronnie Campbell MP at the House of Commons.
Well, we missed it this year; for some reason this wasn't well communicated!?!? The third Friday of the year is International Fetish Day: a day belonging to everyone with a fetish. In 2010, we should all don our best gear, restraints, latex, and leather and hit the streets in celebration.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
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