I had a great play session with a young guy that I have been chatting with for a very long time online that was finally in Vancouver this weekend so we decided to hook up and see what happened.
He is very much a spandex afficionado, but had never tried latex before. He took to the new material like a fish to water! We had a lot of fun trying on different gear, he took a ride in the straightjacket and Spexter suit, the vacrack with the Spexter suit on, then I put him naked into the sleepsack where I tortured his tits and cock and balls for awhile. Afterwards he put on the black Invincible suit and toe socks, tried out some of the latex hoods. I put on the white suit, we did some breathcontrol, shared breathing and closed system tandem breathing in the afternoon which was very satisfying for both of us. To end the day I got to try on some of his spandex items and particularly loved the Adidas swimming fullsuit.
I hadn't been feeling that great this weekend and was regretting the decision to schedule a playdate before he came over, but I'm sure glad, in the end, that we did get together. He's very fun, good to go, imaginative, pervy and we share very similar kink interests. I hope he makes the trip down again soon! :)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
The final week before a WCR weekend is always insane and I always wonder why we do it year after year. Duh! It's the gear stoopid! And the boyz....and the fun...and the....well you get the idea!
A few updates:
1) We're including the Full Rubber Dinner in the price of the weekend package for 2010! (cue radio voice) That's a $30 value! It's our thanks for your support and amazing kinkiness you've brought to WCR over the years.
2) Yes, the rumors are true...there is no contest this year. We solicited nominations from the community and our assembled master minds of notoriety, ie the previous WCR titleholders and co-producer Alex, voted and selected our Mr WCR 2010. His identity will be revealed at the Friday night opening event. Don't miss it!
3) Host hotel - we didn't arrange for a host hotel this year since the feedback we received was that most guys preferred to make their own arrangements. However, the Comfort Inn we used last year at 2717 West Sunset Boulevard (213) 413-8222, is central to the action and offers a good rate.
WCR 2010 is September 3 - 6 in Los Angeles. Weekend packages are just $95 and include:
* Friday night VIP Meet and Greet plus the Gear Show and all night hosted bar
* Demos and classes
* Gear Up Dungeon Party - hosted bar, secure clothes check, fully equipped dungeon
* Rubber Perv Pool Party - BBQ plus beer and soft drinks
* Full Rubber Dinner
* Weekend collectible t-shirt and wrist band
You can also snag individual tix for several of the events. Get it all at wcr2010.eventbrite.com
Thanks to everyone who jumped in to volunteer. You will be abused! but only in the nicest possible way...or not.
We still need a few volunteers throughout the weekend and we've got a couple of shifts with your name on it. Not only is it fun, but if you volunteer for 6 hours over the weekend you get the weekend package FREE!
Our quality volunteers have gone on to such exciting Kink Kareers as Rubber Perv, Major Kinkster, Premium Piglet and Hazmat Inspector. You too have what it takes (and we'll pull down your pants to check it out if you hold still long enough!).
Sound like the ticket for you? The drop us a quick note to info@westcoastrubber.com and let us know you're interested and we'll hook you up.
A few updates:
1) We're including the Full Rubber Dinner in the price of the weekend package for 2010! (cue radio voice) That's a $30 value! It's our thanks for your support and amazing kinkiness you've brought to WCR over the years.
2) Yes, the rumors are true...there is no contest this year. We solicited nominations from the community and our assembled master minds of notoriety, ie the previous WCR titleholders and co-producer Alex, voted and selected our Mr WCR 2010. His identity will be revealed at the Friday night opening event. Don't miss it!
3) Host hotel - we didn't arrange for a host hotel this year since the feedback we received was that most guys preferred to make their own arrangements. However, the Comfort Inn we used last year at 2717 West Sunset Boulevard (213) 413-8222, is central to the action and offers a good rate.
WCR 2010 is September 3 - 6 in Los Angeles. Weekend packages are just $95 and include:
* Friday night VIP Meet and Greet plus the Gear Show and all night hosted bar
* Demos and classes
* Gear Up Dungeon Party - hosted bar, secure clothes check, fully equipped dungeon
* Rubber Perv Pool Party - BBQ plus beer and soft drinks
* Full Rubber Dinner
* Weekend collectible t-shirt and wrist band
You can also snag individual tix for several of the events. Get it all at wcr2010.eventbrite.com
Thanks to everyone who jumped in to volunteer. You will be abused! but only in the nicest possible way...or not.
We still need a few volunteers throughout the weekend and we've got a couple of shifts with your name on it. Not only is it fun, but if you volunteer for 6 hours over the weekend you get the weekend package FREE!
Our quality volunteers have gone on to such exciting Kink Kareers as Rubber Perv, Major Kinkster, Premium Piglet and Hazmat Inspector. You too have what it takes (and we'll pull down your pants to check it out if you hold still long enough!).
Sound like the ticket for you? The drop us a quick note to info@westcoastrubber.com and let us know you're interested and we'll hook you up.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Southeast Rubber Weekend
If you're in the Atlanta area this weekend, check out the Mr. Southeast Rubber weekend! It's being planned by Pup Nitro and Daddy Alan, good friends that are guaranteed to put on a good party.
Rubberskin Vacuumized
Another new one from Rubberskin. Man, this guy sure can capture the sensuality of latex in his productions! :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Last night we went to see the Cirque du Soleil performance that is currently in Vancouver, Kooza. It was the first time I've seen a CdS show, and it didn't disappoint. It was loaded with thrills, crazy feats of athleticism, colors, lights and comedy. I can see now why CdS is so popular! The best acts of the night were the Wheel of Death and the Highwire. Those guys are fearless! And they fill out their tights very nicely too.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
So, just adding to the merriment that has been 2010 for me, I was involved in a car-bike accident on Tuesday evening. I was riding back from my measurement session with the owners of Hypershine for my new rubber outfit, flying down busy Cornwall Avenue in Kits towards the Burrard Bridge when I was t-boned at Arbutus Ave by a car turning left as I was going through the intersection on a yellow light. I flew onto the hood of the Mazda and took out the windshield which thankfully took the brunt of the impact. The fork of my bike snapped in half and shards of carbon fibre are still stuck in the headset. I haven't done anything with it yet as I have an interview with ICBC Claims this afternoon. I sure hope there are no fractures in the frame, otherwise this is probably going to turn out very sad for me.
Physically the worst injury is my knee. I went in for x-rays yesterday morning because of the pain but there is nothing busted, apparently. It feels a lot better today now that the swelling is going down. I will be gimping around for the next week or so, but it seems I had a horseshoe up my butt again on Tuesday night. Had it been an SUV or truck that I met at that intersection rather than a small car, I might not be posting this entry today. Lucky lucky me....the ironic thing is that the bike I was on when I got hit is the replacement I've had because of the last time I got hit by a car back in 2003. That one was essentially a hit and run...
I was worried that this was totally going to screw up my travel plans over the next month, but now it doesn't appear that it is going to be as bad as I initially thought and freaked out about. I won't be able to squeeze into any rubber until the swelling and pain go away though. :(
Undaunted against the big machines, I will persevere. I love cycling so much!
Physically the worst injury is my knee. I went in for x-rays yesterday morning because of the pain but there is nothing busted, apparently. It feels a lot better today now that the swelling is going down. I will be gimping around for the next week or so, but it seems I had a horseshoe up my butt again on Tuesday night. Had it been an SUV or truck that I met at that intersection rather than a small car, I might not be posting this entry today. Lucky lucky me....the ironic thing is that the bike I was on when I got hit is the replacement I've had because of the last time I got hit by a car back in 2003. That one was essentially a hit and run...
I was worried that this was totally going to screw up my travel plans over the next month, but now it doesn't appear that it is going to be as bad as I initially thought and freaked out about. I won't be able to squeeze into any rubber until the swelling and pain go away though. :(
Undaunted against the big machines, I will persevere. I love cycling so much!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Any Which Way
Oh Jake, how you blow my mind....latex and lycra. I wish you could be a bigger spokesstud than you already are.
This is a fantastic song, btw....can't wait to see them here in Vancouver on September 16!
I need to add some new accessories to my rubber arsenal. It seems like so long since I've actually bought a hood or a mask. After seeing some of Macabail's hoods last night, I'm convinced this needs to be my next focus...after the rubber party weekends are over and I can account for how much less money I have....!
I like this Gate Mouth mask...the straps and metal add something industrial and subservient to the look.
...and of course this one, which I've been talking about getting for ages. So flexible in its uses, the cost would be completely worth it. It looks so incredibly horny.
After seeing the ultimate rubberman suit from Blackstore, I'd love to emulate that look; of course one needs a spare $1500 or so lying around in order to do that. I'm insane enough, and irresponsible enough with my money I might just do it! LOL
I like this Gate Mouth mask...the straps and metal add something industrial and subservient to the look.
...and of course this one, which I've been talking about getting for ages. So flexible in its uses, the cost would be completely worth it. It looks so incredibly horny.
After seeing the ultimate rubberman suit from Blackstore, I'd love to emulate that look; of course one needs a spare $1500 or so lying around in order to do that. I'm insane enough, and irresponsible enough with my money I might just do it! LOL
Don't Fucking Tell Me What To Do...

'(insert whatever)
There's so much going on. This is the regrettable part of Canadian summer. After a long winter of nothing to do, suddenly you're faced with many options everyday, and always feeling like you're missing out because you have to opt out on so many things; there's that much going on. Okay, maybe it's not a Canadian summer thing and more a general living thing, but there's definitely a difference in activity/event levels between July and January up here.
Because I'm trying to do so many things, the blog gets a little boring because I am posting so little original material. But that will definitely change again in the fall, as it always does.
As much as the 30C weather has been ace the past few weeks, it has certainly limited the rubberplay, as I can attest to last night when I had the opportunity to hang out with Gummibike, Rouki, and Macabail. Mac's apartment was SO hot we could do nothing but just sit on the couch like blobs of melted what-have-you and watch TV! LOL We did end up wrapping Gummibike in palletwrap for a short duration so Macabail and Rouki could get their comeuppance for events that unfolded on Friday evening...
I was glad to take the opportunity to get to know these guys better. They're very intelligent, very cute, very fun, and very kinky! :)
Unfortunately I didn't play with them on Friday, but I was prepping for the annual feat of endurance bike ride up to Mount Baker on Saturday. It was 33C and after 160km I felt thoroughly and completely ass-kicked. It was a good ride with a good crew and I can't wait until next weekend to do some more distance.
It looks like it might be the last weekend for awhile for riding. Next weekend I'm heading to a play party weekend in Washington (incidentally Macabail and I will be travelling down there on the same train)....sure looking forward to meeting new kinksters and getting to know some of the guys I've met before better. I really feel strongly about forging ties between the Vancouver-Seattle-Portland contingent of guys....there's strength in numbers and it wouldn't take much additional effort for us to communicate better and support each other's events. I envision someday having a huge fetish/rubber weekend event that people from all over the world would fly to attend, something that could be circulated between the three cities, giving each local organizing committee a couple of years of breather space in between organizing their big event. Wouldn't that be totally cool? I can dream...
After getting back from that weekend on the 29th, I'm off to Los Angeles on September 1st for the West Coast Rubber weekend. I was originally planning on heading up to San Luis Obispo to visit a good friend on Wed/Thurs/Fri, but now it looks like I can't book these days as vacation days so might have to work remotely on those days. I'm not too happy about it. That really sucks but shouldn't be too bad.
The reason for this being that I took extra vacation days while I wasn't charging to any projects in April to go back to my hometown and hang out with my family after the tragedy that struck my cousin and her family. I was sort of under pressure to use vacation days to keep my billable hour ratios higher, but now I'm regretting the decision to use the days then even though I'm not regretting going home for that period of time. I wish this all could've worked out differently, obviously, but the shit that's happened this year has all been out of my control.
It looks like I will use a vacation day on the Tuesday after the long weekend, and save one more for the Monday after Folsom on Sept 27th.
As for what I'm going to do for vacation days in order to attend MIR and Xmas in Alberta, stay tuned...I don't quite have that one figured out yet....the best option might be just to find a new job, it would be a great change on many, many levels. I can't really complain about my current situation though. Working from home is a good albeit lonely gig, especially when I can wear latex to the office.
WCR - More Bang for the Buck
From Loren:
The final two weeks before a WCR weekend always kick our asses as we pull together all of the details that make the weekend happen. That's even more true this year with the new venues and events to coordinate. But on the other hand we get to spend hours thinking about nothing but rubber stuff. Yay!
A few updates:
1) We're including the Full Rubber Dinner in the price of the weekend package for 2010! (cue radio voice) That's a $30 value! It's our thanks for your support and amazing kinkiness you've brought to WCR over the years.
2) Yes, the rumors are true...there is no contest this year. We solicited nominations from the community and our assembled master minds of notoriety, ie the previous WCR titleholders and co-producer Alex, voted and selected our Mr WCR 2010. His identity will be revealed at the Friday night opening event. Don't miss it!
3) Host hotel - we didn't arrange for a host hotel this year since the feedback we received was that most guys preferred to make their own arrangements. However, the Comfort Inn we used last year at 2717 West Sunset Boulevard (213) 413-8222, is central to the action and offers a good rate.
WCR 2010 is September 3 - 6 in Los Angeles. Weekend packages are just $95 and include:
* Friday night VIP Meet and Greet plus the Gear Show and all night hosted bar
* Demos and classes
* Gear Up Dungeon Party - hosted bar, secure clothes check, fully equipped dungeon
* Rubber Perv Pool Party - BBQ plus beer and soft drinks
* Full Rubber Dinner
* Weekend collectible t-shirt and wrist band
You can also snag individual tix for several of the events. Get is all at wcr2010.eventbrite.com
The final two weeks before a WCR weekend always kick our asses as we pull together all of the details that make the weekend happen. That's even more true this year with the new venues and events to coordinate. But on the other hand we get to spend hours thinking about nothing but rubber stuff. Yay!
A few updates:
1) We're including the Full Rubber Dinner in the price of the weekend package for 2010! (cue radio voice) That's a $30 value! It's our thanks for your support and amazing kinkiness you've brought to WCR over the years.
2) Yes, the rumors are true...there is no contest this year. We solicited nominations from the community and our assembled master minds of notoriety, ie the previous WCR titleholders and co-producer Alex, voted and selected our Mr WCR 2010. His identity will be revealed at the Friday night opening event. Don't miss it!
3) Host hotel - we didn't arrange for a host hotel this year since the feedback we received was that most guys preferred to make their own arrangements. However, the Comfort Inn we used last year at 2717 West Sunset Boulevard (213) 413-8222, is central to the action and offers a good rate.
WCR 2010 is September 3 - 6 in Los Angeles. Weekend packages are just $95 and include:
* Friday night VIP Meet and Greet plus the Gear Show and all night hosted bar
* Demos and classes
* Gear Up Dungeon Party - hosted bar, secure clothes check, fully equipped dungeon
* Rubber Perv Pool Party - BBQ plus beer and soft drinks
* Full Rubber Dinner
* Weekend collectible t-shirt and wrist band
You can also snag individual tix for several of the events. Get is all at wcr2010.eventbrite.com
Monday, August 16, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Black Excellence
I really admire the composition of Haddi's photos in this set. The positioning of the subjects and the scenarios portrayed is very sexy. The lighting on the polished black latex is exactly how I like to have my lighting set up....oh yeah, and the gear is pretty ace too.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Spandex for Hot Summer Days
Figuring that, well, wearing latex in this heat is a bit of a challenge and a soppy mess to cleanup, here are some sweet tight bodies in form-hugging spandex to fill in the gaps between spring and fall. Ah Adidas, Under Armour, Sports Suits of Australia, Speedo...summer wouldn't be the same without you.
The Skins Poster Kid
Jockarse is a sexy guy originally from Scotland living in London, and really, REALLY fills out his Skins tights and Adidas Techfit stuff very nicely. Thanks to Jiffy Jim for posting these originally....well, a BIG thanks to Jockarse for taking them and sharing them initially! He's a very pretty boy! :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Vancouver Pride 2010

This was my first time participating in Vancouver Pride since I moved here. Last year even though I was already living here, I ended up in Montreal since we had already planned the trip from Calgary before I even moved to Vancouver. Therefore, this event held special significance for me, and the festivities did not disappoint! It was such a fun weekend, I have problems(!) recalling everything I did as it seemed we were just moving from one event to the next all weekend.
My friend from Chicago spent a week staying with me and this added to the fun. Some of the highlights of the weekend included the Telus Davie Street Pride Party on Friday evening leading to the Vancouver Men In Leather Tom of Finland Party at Numbers, the Frontrunners Pride Run in Stanley Park on Saturday morning, decorating the Cirque de So Gay float on Saturday afternoon, a BBQ and bar night on Saturday, dancing for hours on the float in the parade on Sunday morning followed by the Trouble T-Dance at J-Lounge in the afternoon, and the Classic Cruisey-T cruise on Monday. Fun fun fun!
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