Holy shit! Have you been to the Simon O. website recently? Their product line has practically doubled in the past six months, and their new model.....mmmmrrrroooaarrrr...fuck is he ever hot. And he seems to really like the rubber.....fantasy man, come take me away....
WOW Reid,now THAT guy IS hot!
It'd be funny if he hated wearing latex in real life and had to take the job 'cos he was low on funds.;))
That wouldn't be funny. It'd be very very sad. An ultimate fantasy crushed beyond all recognition...
Dont take it so seriously Reid,its only a fantasy?
Reality would be if you had that guys telephone number and you went back to his for fun.;)
I only kid, D, of course. Like I'd ever be able to get a guy that looks like that! LOL
If I looked like that ,you might!lol.
You wouldn't have a chance to get away from me! You'd suddenly find yourself in a permanent sub/houseboy position, only allowed out of the house (And out of rubber) to go to the gym...LOL
actually .....why bother someone else,I'd do myself.lol.
Anytime, D.
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