Originally written 2009-04-12Vancouver!!!
Gawd, here I am in the airport, once again, waiting for a jet and spilling my observations online while they're still fresh. And this time I have a very fresh buzz from the Pumpjack Beer Bash -- more on that later.
Rubbout 19 was an astounding success. The organizers figured by today that it was undoubtedly the best rubber weekend Vancouver has ever had. On top of EVERYTHING, I found an apartment and some furniture, and was basically embraced by a community in Vancouver that I am completely excited to join and participate in. If Mitch would only
give me the go-ahead to become the Marketing guy for Rubbout 20, I'll make sure we double those numbers next year! LOL
I must say that by today I was completely exhausted but I am impressed by the fortitude demonstrated by the Vancouver guys to keep the party continuing after four days of rubber, play, socializing and sex. The events started on Thursday with the Carnival Party at the Pumpjack. I picked up Rubberbuck at the airport in the mid-afternoon and we basically had to start getting ready for the evening's events since they started so early. It was an early evening in order to catch the after-work crowd since this weekend was a long one. Rubberbuck and I decided we were going to do a 'Patsy and Edina' tonight and see what happened (ie, lots of Stoli). There were draws for prizes and a lot of crowd favours that made the evening an interesting one. The Vancouver rubbermen had thrown up the Rubbout gallows in the back room and this was available for photo ops, which was slow to start but ended up being frequented quite a bit by the end of the night. Rubberbuck, ChicagoPissBoy and I retired to the hotel fairly early - around midnight - and fooled around for awhile in the wee hours of the morning. This was based on the fact that we ended up at the bar around 5pm so I figure we did a pretty good shift there before calling it a night. Due to the vodka, the next morning didn't feel any better. Not that that changed the agenda or anything....
Friday morning and early after I spent finalizing my apartment lease (YES - I found a fantastic one!) and walking around the West End with Rubberbuck. We went back to the hotel, rested, fooled around, went out for dinner with another of my Vancouver friends and then got ready for the VML Party at Numbers at 8pm. We got there around 8:30 and the place was already quite busy. I found out later that the parties that are planned by Vancouver Men in Leather in conjunction with the rubberguys and other fetish crowds end up being the best attended when they occur. The bar ended up being quite full by 10:30 or so. There were guys dressed in everything from leather and rubber jockstraps to complete skintight rubber enclosure and drysuits. There was a 'Best Rubber Contest' which I won! I won a choice between a WCR weekend package or a massage package and I chose the latter (sorry WCR, I can't commit yet). I wore my tried-and-true pewter latex military get up which seemed to appeal to a lot of the guys that were there by the audience response.
After the Numbers party, everyone moved to the Pumpjack again for the Dark Light Party. I ran back to the hotel to chance into some more practical playwear (I bought a Polymorphe crotchless wrestling suit at Vancouver Priape in the afternoon). ChicagoPissBoy and I spent an inordinate amount of time in the back room and eventually made our way to M2M for some 'alone' time since the hotel was already occupied. M2M had a waiting list for rooms so we spent some time in the shower room before heading back to the hotel.
Saturday we got up went for brunch. CnCast, ChicagoPissBoy, myself and two of my friends from Calgary who were in Vancouver for the weekend spent the afternoon walking the Davie-Denman-Robson-Granville route before we went to Delilah's for dinner. Immediately after CnCast, ChicagoPissBoy and myself went back to the hotel to change for the M2M parties.
The 8pm party in the hospitality lounge had a few guys get into the vac-bed and get fondled. It was a fun intimate time. The majority of guys headed over to M2M around 11pm and spent the remainder of the night there. CnCast and I donned our rubber and masks and spent a few hours in the slime pit before heading back to the hotel and having some fun ourselves.
Sunday morning I finalized some furniture purchases for the new place and then CnCast and I spent the rest of the morning and afternoon at the Pumpjack Rubbout brunch and the Beer Bust in the afternoon. The Elenas ball came out for a demo in the early afternoon before the day crew for the Beer Bust arrived around 3-4pm. CnCast and I went back to the hotel for a quick meal, a quick change out of rubber and got our bags. We headed to the airport around 5:30 and caught our flights home.
It was a whirlwind weekend. There are lots of photos surfacing, thankfully since I didn't take my camera out much. I was too busy meeting all the new Vancouver guys that I hope to get to know better over the summer! Everyone was so friendly and accommodating. I can't wait to get out to Vancouver permanently!
This report's a little short, but the weekend was far too busy for a lot of reflection. Pictures will inevitably follow!