Mr. International Rubber 2009
Report by Speedoguru 2008-11-10 in flight from Chicago to Calgary

Ugh...why does anyone think it's a good idea to have late-night bars that server liquor until 4a.m.? It just destroys the irresponsible of us even more. Yeesh.
I'm still a hurting unit today...the party went late into the morning and with it being the second sleep-deprived day, I felt near death this morning when getting ready to fly back to Calgary. I left a disaster in my wake -- J-lube globules on bath towels (never mind gobs of come), talc powder all over the rug in my room, and a pile of juice bottles by the door. I hope my name doesn't have a big red flag beside it in the Villa Toscana reservation system!!!
Well, where do I begin? I think I just had the best weekend I've had in a very, very long time. I will sum up my weekend in one word -
community. The Chicago Rubbermen were the most accommodating, friendly, inclusive group of fetish guys I've met, and they are all extremely hot and kinky to boot! Everyone I met who is not from Chicago, thanks for the great time and the great conversation and play! We definitely were in good hands with our fantastic hosts.
I got into Chicago on Thursday night on a tiny cramped CRJ700 from Calgary. It was after 10pm when I got to the Bed and Breakfast since I took the train into the city from O'Hare, which takes well over an hour once you transfer lines to get up to Boystown where the parties and accommodation were. It was late enough and I was tired enough that all I had energy for was to grab a bite to eat and head to bed. Especially after lugging 45 lbs. of gear around with me all day. Friday was going to be the start of an endurance-fest so I didn't mind taking it easy on Thursday night.
Friday morning was cool, crisp and sunny. I got up, went for a run from Addison to Loyola University campus and back. In the early afternoon, cold winds and clouds came over the city and that was the end of the nice weather for the remainder of the weekend.
I went to Cellblock in the afternoon to pick up my weekend ticket package for all the rubber events and also to check out all the goods that were on sale from the vendor market, which included TRS Rubber from Texas, Latexworks from Ontario, and the Recon Store, which was a host of the event weekend as well. There was lots to buy but I kept my money in my wallet (for Friday only!) and then went back to the B&B to rest until things started at 7pm back at the Cellblock.
There was a Greet the Meat party in the Cellblock backroom that went until 10pm or so. I dressed up in my Polymorphe sailor pants and Syren shirt and hat - with a latex thong on underneath in the hope that I would be able to participate in some of the demos going on later in the evening - which I didn't get a chance to do; there were a lot more horny rubberguys in line more eager than I was to get immobilized, apparently! I had the opportunity to re-connect with some old friends and meet many, many new ones. There were many guys there that I have had a long-time chat relationship with - or at least recognized their online profiles - that I was able to FINALLY meet in person.
Everyone moved up to the front of the bar again shortly after 10pm for the MIR Contestant introductions which was then followed by KinkRubber and Ruff's rubber bondage demos, which went until 1am or so. I was pretty juiced up by 1:30 and decided to head back to the B&B to get some shut-eye and before I made an idiot of myself!

Saturday morning I wasn't feeling very great but I did manage to sleep in a bit. I got up, went for food, then dressed up in my Invincible hot shorts, blue polo shirt and boots and headed to the KitKat Dinner Club for the Rubber Buddies brunch. After some good food and conversation, we all went back to Cellblock to take gear to the Chicago Rubbermen Gear Swap which was running from noon until 5pm.
It was very cold that day and everyone thought I was nuts to be wearing shorts, but I managed to not freeze running back and forth from the B&B or outside for a quick smoke break. I spent the afternoon hanging around the Cellblock and visiting with guys as they came and went from the gear swap and the vendor market. I had to wait until the end of the gear swap in order to collect monies on items sold. I did buy a few small things at the market on Saturday including a rubber cockring and Instigator magazines as well as a 2009 Invincible calendar from the Chicago Rubbermen. Out of the seven items I brought for sale, three sold and I donated the remaining stuff to the Chicago Rubbermen in the hope that they would eventually be able to sell the gear or give it so some needy newbie rubberboi that might need some help starting out his collection. I left Cellblock around 4:30pm with $50 more than what I brought in (although unfortunately I had pretty much drank the difference away even before I left the bar that afternoon). Time to sign up for the AA meetings...
Enough time to grab some food and get a couple hours of disco nap in. I had to start getting ready for the evening before 8pm since I had so much rubber to don!
The Wet Rubber part of the MIR competition took place at 9pm back at the Cellblock. I wore my black STR catsuit, hood and tinted lens Russian gasmask, gloves and boots and double sheath pants underneath. I also wore this outfit to the play party but didn't keep the mask on long as it was nearly impossible to see anything in the dimly lit corridors. The eight contestants strutted themselves under the shower and put on some pretty erotic displays for the crowd while Eddie (Sister Erotica Psychotica's alter ego) read out their fantasy. I have the video and will eventually get it posted, although I fear the bar was so dark that it didn't turn out very well....
...all digital cameras safely stored at the B&B, it was on to the play party.
The play party started at 11pm at the Steamworks Spa. Some of the guys were going to the Hole at the Jackhammer as they hadn't bought weekend packages and didn't want to pay $45 for entry into the Strict Rubber Dress Code party going on at Steamworks. Despite that, there were quite a few guys there and some very kinky scenes going on, but some of the guys were saying that it wasn't as good as it could be, presumably because many that should have been there weren't. As always Rubberwilli was acting as 'hall monitor', making sure everyone was having a good time!
Time flew by. I got to see and participate in some pretty hot scenes. Being the naive Prairie boy that I am, it was definitely an experience to see all the bondage, electro and fisting scenes that were going on up close!
3a.m. rolled around far too quickly and I headed back to the B&B for a shower, made some phones calls, sent some texts and got to sleep around 4:30.

Sunday I woke up around 11am, quickly ate and started getting ready for the MIR Competition which started at Circuit Nightclub at 2pm. I wore my pearlsheen blue STR sleeveless catsuit to the event and kept it on for the rest of the evening (well, almost for the entire remainder of the evening! ;-D)
Sister Erotica Psychotica of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Los Angeles Sistory was a fantastic MC for the event and kept everything running smoothly. Everything on stage was eventually covered in all the goop from the Mystery Bag Round but she managed to keep her heels down and charm the crowd. It was great to see the Sisters again, and I formally got to meet Sisters Summer Clearance, Porna Forna-Kayshun and SAL-E over the course of the day. They were fantastic...they even let me huddle into their fur coats when we were slipping out for smokes during the freezy afternoon. Oh yeah, and they like to drink too.
If Phil the contestant wrangler and Will hadn't kept the contestants in check, the weekend would not have gone as smoothly as it did.
The presentation round had each of the contestants come on stage and have them introduced by Sister Erotica Psychotica to the audience. The second round was the Question round. The guys were all asked who their biggest inspiration was and what they would do to promote rubber fetishism as titleholder. The third round was the Mystery Bag round. Latxboy was the guinea pig who had to endure everything from clothespins and rubber duckies to strawberry jam spread and cheese spray! Let's just say he'll be smelling like strawberries for some time to come...
...and the hilarious "Blame Canada" moment initiated by Sister Erotica Psychotica was pretty memorable for me too.
After the Mystery Bag round, the audience was able to put in their ballot for Audience Choice, and then the final three were announced. The competition went on until almost 6pm.
In the end Rocco from Chicago Rubbermen won the 2009 title, Stephane from Montreal second, and Eric from Paris third!
Note: please check this entry for update on final results.
Everyone went back to Cellblock afterwards for buffet and celebration, a few more drinks, then most people went their own way with many also leaving for home on Sunday night, or simply being responsible!?!?!
A large group headed over to Sidetrack Club for their Sunday Night Showtune musical revue. The bar was packed; apparently this is a very popular venue to go to on Sundays since the classics start sometime in the mid-afternoon. This ended up being a fantastically fun impromptu (yet apparently traditional) event and by the late evening the rubber contingent had taken over the center of the main room and were putting on quite a show for the patrons who weren't expecting a perverted contingent of rubberists to take over an entire section of the bar. I think the funniest part of the evening was seeing Tim, who had bought my elbow length rubber gloves Saturday at the gear swap, using them for something 'unconventional'...using them as 'opera gloves' for flourishing during a 'Dreamgirls' video! Hilarious!
After many many drinks and conversations, rubber massages and a urine cleanup by the staff in the middle of the floor (damn those Frenchmen!), a group of about 20 or so headed to Berlin, an after-hours bar that serves until 4am for an 80s retro overload. I met a few cute non-rubber local guys that came to the bar with us (Hi Andy and Chris!), and we made a quick pitstop at Chris' house en route to Berlin. We regrouped with the other rubberguys at Berlin a half-hour or so later. We made another big scene there in more than one way. Andy was really into me and wanted to stay and party with us but I told him he'd better behave himself and go home with Chris. I didn't want to be causing any grief or drama for anyone on a night that was going so swimmingly up to that point. They left near 4am and I shut the place down with a few other endurance pigs. It must've been 6am or later when I finally got to sleep; I don't really remember. Nor do I remember when the tear appeared in my STR suit during the evening, but luckily it is a small rip near the back zip that will be relatively easy to fix. You knew a night couldn't have gone that well without some collateral damage.
Anyways, this 14-hour single-day drinking binge accumulated on top of three days of alcohol in a row made getting up and getting off this morning very difficult, but I am on my flight home now, anticipating some sleep and hard fucking with my boyfriend. Thank god I have tomorrow off to catch up on sleep, clean an entire pile of latex clothing, and work a fundraising casino for my bike team in the evening.
Thanks everyone for such a great weekend. I feel that I made so many new friends that I hope will blossom into great friendships. All the guys and gals I finally met from Chicago (Rubberwilli, Versrubber, Ruff, Kinkrubber, Rubberperv69, ChicagoGear, Timmay628, Brnlahaze, Aktivkerl, CougarBoy, Rubbercuffs, Tony; how many am I missing??? me out), Houston (Aqualaboy), L.A. (Rubberbuck, TallTex), San Diego (EagerLeatherPuppy, 1LeatherLatexGuy), Atlanta (HotlantaRubberGuys), San Francisco, Seattle (Hobbit), Portland (YJ), Vancouver (Mitch - see you in April!), Toronto, Lawrence (N2everything), Lafayette (Boyn2rubber), Detroit (Rose and the boys), Marquette (Northernrubberboy), Columbus (Todd), Washington (JocknSpeedo, NCapsul8), New York (Gummibike, Lucien), Montreal (Tatuboi, Latxboy, Mr. Rubber Montreal), North Carolina (Bodisama and his partner) the sexy dirty boys from Paris (Fotoxy, Deceiver), London (Rubbaboy), Manchester (Shavepup), Florida (Rubberkai) and EVERYONE ELSE -- I'll never forget you or the fun that went on this weekend, and I can only anticipate that next year's rubber weekend will be even crazier!
Until next year!
Addendum 2008-11-11:
The pics are photoshopped and ready to load. Most of the Sunday night ones are messy but oh SO FUNNY! I decided I didn't want to incriminate people more that what's already happened (except for Rocco), so if you want any pics in their original size and resolution, let me know.
...And sorry Rocco - those pics of you on Sunday night were too funny NOT to post! You're lucky I won't post the
really messy ones of everyone...
A bunch of the guys were really encouraging me to make the trip to Washington for Mid-Atlantic Leather/Rubber Weekend in January. As much as that sounds like an incredible time, I don't think the schedule or the budget are going to allow for it. I typically go down to Texas for a week in January to hang out with my Snowbird parents, we're considering MAYBE going to the Winter Warmup in Palm Springs in February, definitely Rubbout in Vancouver in April, maybe IML this year?, then who knows after that. I have a bunch of family stuff going on this year, like my parents' 40th wedding anniversary and my 20th anniversary high school reunion that I had hoped to attend. I really wanted to go to Copenhagen for Outgames in July but the cost and time required is going to be prohibitive. But for sure, I will be back in Chicago in November. I also plan to get to Toronto for a TORN party and Montreal for Pride or a rubber party next year as well. So you can see, there's a lot more going on that I have time or money for!
Reflecting on the weekend, I can certainly say I learned a lot - about me, about the rubber scene. I have a clearer idea of how I want my fetishism to evolve talking to the people and seeing the things I saw this weekend.
Ultimately, I think my passion as an event organizer got a big boost this weekend. I had been disenchanted about organizing Mr. Rubber Calgary 2009 and getting any rubbermen to finally get out in Calgary and enjoy their kinks in the open. After seeing what Rubberwilli and the other organizers are capable of and having a good conversation about this topic with Rubberwilli, Ruff and others, I've realized that all it takes is some persistence and genuine work. Eventually I would like nothing better than to see a visible rubber community form and grow in Calgary. I think if we could join forces with organizers in Edmonton, Vancouver and Seattle we could see the start of a vibrant fetish community in these cities. Maybe even a critical mass - a rubber blowout, if you will?