Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Sterling Archer

Okay, so it might be something to admit to a therapist, but for a illustration, Sterling Archer is pretty hot. Someone posted this storyboard of Archer in scuba gear. Radical Axis is the company that illustrates Archer.
Archer undercover as 'gay'

Marooned in the desert in white tights?!?!
Naked fight to the death

Vision of Perfection

'Horny Rubberman', by Dimitrii Dmitriev/Rubber Boy
Update: Today, Dimitrii provided some storyboards of the work towards the finished product above! They highlight certain things; I'm a big fan! LOL

Mook Time

Some perspectives of me in various positions a la Mook: some one-on-one sessions, the holiday parties, a few from the January Rubber meet post-party, and last week during the fist session with DB.
Ready for SPANK 11
A quick hop in the SJ at the January VRM meet. I got DB's dick in me at this meet as well!
First try on N33dfulthing's rosebud pumper
Prepped and Rubberskin hooded...

Monday, January 29, 2018

InkedKenny in the Advocate

InkedKenny's photos (some of which are part of his current exhibit "Men Seen Through the Lens of InkedKenny" at the Leather Archives and Museum in Chicago) are featured in a photo spread in the Advocate here:

VRM Februbbery Meet

It's that time of the month again, another fun Vancouver Rubbermen meet! 2-5pm at Pumpjack Pub on Saturday, February 3, 2018.

Rubberstud of the Week #511

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Hard Life

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Two pigs doing what I love best - rubber FF!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Vancouver Fetish Weekend 2018

Vancouver Fetish Weekend 2018 - Official Promo Video from Restricted Entertainment on Vimeo.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Dom Knows Best

Fischerspooner - TopBrazil

Mr. Rubber UK 2018

The Mr. Rubber UK contest is back!

We are pleased to announce the return of Mr Rubber UK. This event has been top secret for some time now, so naturally, most of you knew this was coming! The contest has been organised to coincide with the popular Manchester Rubbermen Weekend #MRM9 but is the effort of a group of people from across the UK. We would like to see the event be held in different cities in the future.
For now, please think about whether you see yourself as the next Mr Rubber UK, and watch this space. You can follow us on twitter @MrRubber_UK or on the closed group MrRubberUK on here (

Website and application form will be out soon.

The Mr Rubber UK Team.

Rubberstud of the Week #510

Friday, January 19, 2018

Gasmask Quartet

Photos by @osm2741

Am I wrong but do these four sexy gasmasks make the wearers look like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Haha! Gorgeous gear!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Pig Productions


Well, that was an unexpected, sudden and fun photoshoot with InkedKenny last night! I'm looking forward to seeing some of the results of this one in his exhibit at the Leather Archives and Museum starting tomorrow.

MEN as seen through the lens of inkedKenny exhibiting at the Leather Archives & Museum opening January 26th, 2018 - June 07th, 2018
InkedKenny's photography is fantastic; dark, sexy, stylish and with an artistic sophistication which appears prodigiously to transcend this relative newcomers tenure behind the lens. By looking within himself, he found his passion and discovered a new way to look at (and artistically present) the world; through the lens of a camera. With his natural talent and a sharp intrinsic eye, inkedKenny learned by doing and found a new calling in the process. His journey shows how your world can be when you open your eyes to the possibilities around you.
...some rubber love coming at you at the MEN as seen through the lens of inkedKenny retrospective exhibit at the Leather Archives & Museum in Chicago, 1st of 2 opening receptions coming up January 26th, 2018!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Bad Omen

All my codpieces are currently damaged 😑


Looks like MAL fun to me...


Monday, January 15, 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018

Groovecowboy in Rubber

I'm so glad the boys posted vids of their play! I'm so turned on my GrooveCowboy's breathing in moaning in the StudioGum Anatomical hood and sleepsack....

Rubber Worm Object in Sleepsack and Studio Gum Hood powered by XTube

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Jeffrey Scott Feature

Meet the gay designer of men’s tights who wants to let your bulge breathe
Chicago-based Jeffrey Scott talks about leaving the corporate world to pursue his passion

11 January 2018
David Hudson
Gaystar New Business
Among aficionados of men’s tights, there’s one designer to name-drop these days: Jeffrey Scott.

Known simply as the ‘TightsGuy’ online, Scott is building a brand as a bespoke designer of stretchy tights, leggings and singlets for men. Designer Jeffrey Scott.

Scott, 43, was born and raised in Bartlett, Illinois, in the suburbs of Chicago. He and his fiancé are still based there. The two men have known each other almost their whole lives (‘we were best friends in 2nd Grade!’). His love of tights goes back to his youth.

‘I was a fan of spandex shorts in the early 80’s when they were in fashion,’ Scott tells GSN.

‘As a young kid I loved how the stretched fabric felt on my legs. Spandex has been a part of my life since. As I grew through puberty I learned to enjoy it as a fetish. In my 30s I began sewing my own for personal use, in and out of the bedroom.’

Scott went into the corporate world… but his love of tights never went away. Eventually, he felt moved to launch his own fashion line.

‘I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems. I worked as a Project Manager for corporate software implementations for more than 10 years before starting Jeffrey Scott LLC.’

‘Even my grandmother has a favorite pair, but is jealous I only make tights for men’

He started selling online in 2014. In 2016, he left the corporate world to dedicate himself full-time to his business. I can’t help but wonder: how did family and friends react to his change of career?

‘I am very close with family. Most of my best friends are also cousins of mine. They have known that I liked spandex since the 80s.

‘When I began wearing tights regularly for family functions, they didn’t think twice of it. My father was the one that suggested I start a business to see where it took me. My business is regular conversation at family parties and holidays. It is the same to them as if I manufactured shoes.

‘Our family culture is to use our imagination, love each other and celebrate everything that makes us individuals. Even my grandmother has a favorite pair, but is jealous I only make tights for men. Many of them follow me on social media. They are proud to see my business grow. I couldn’t be luckier.’

Scott says that making tights specifically for men is what sets his clothing apart from much of what else is on the market.

‘I designed my tights to fit men. After many, many years of studying leggings brands I realized the men’s tights were just re-sized, re-colored women’s patterns.

‘They are either square patterns that are quick to manufacture, or are re-skinned women’s tights with high waists, flat fronts, short legs, and saggy crotches.

‘I designed my tights to have a drawstring, low-rise front, high-rise back, waistband elastic, and room for your bulge to breathe.

‘One of the main reasons to wear tights is to control moisture to eliminate chafing between your legs. Cyclists have known this for decades. If the fabric isn’t touching you where you sweat, then it will not wick away moisture. Moisture helps breed bacteria.

‘The tights need to fit a man’s body correctly if it is going to be practical, especially between the legs. Well fitting and functional leggings start with the cut of the fabric and the design.’


He admits that he also finds tights to be a turn-on.

‘I certainly enjoy them in the bedroom, and they make me feel good. There isn’t any reason men can’t enjoy them out of the bedroom too!’

As his name has grown, so have the requests for custom-made items.

‘I get asked all the time,’ he says. ‘While I can’t accommodate because of my current production schedule, I use the queries as a guide to keep my brand changing with the customer’s needs. That is where the Mesh and the singlets ideas came from.’

Scott says the majority of his customers wear his tights to the gym and nightclubbing. Others wear them in everyday life.

‘I am surprised how many guys just want to be comfortable at home and while out on errands. Guys in their 30s and 40s have been taught to be more conservative when out in public. They tend to carry demons on their shoulders telling them they can’t wear leggings in public. Our attitudes and fashion are changing. Men are losing their hang-ups around wearing tights and leggings.

However, as his growing business success testifies, men’s tights are growing in popularity.

‘The kids today don’t have the same demons to conquer as my generation does. That makes it very promising for the fashion movement. As my guys become more visible the trend is catching on.

‘We all know the gay clubs will continue to generate fetish sales for years to come. My main goal is to represent it as an acceptable fashion so men can be as comfortable as women have been for decades. We deserve it too!’
More info:

I love Jeffrey's stuff! Everyone I've talked to who has some of his tights are very happy with them. The designs are stellar. I really hope that guys will look at leggings as something men can wear without question. Men have amazing glutes and quads and these should be celebrated, not hidden. It looks like gay men are leading the charge on this fashion shift (as always); more and more companies are coming on-board with the trend, targeting male styling specifically. I have a few pairs of leggings from another company (among many, many others over the years!) with male support pouch in them and I couldn't be happier! :)

WtSW Mummification


Wednesday, January 10, 2018



Rubbermen of London Meet

New Year Journey

Well, 2018 has been a pretty phenomenal year so far. The holiday season wrapping up 2017 was full of fun and friends plus a lot of play on the side!

Mook has been spending a lot of time with Mr. P and I. He spent most of his time at our place over the holidays. Wardog was in and out a few times but the four of us practically cloistered ourselves in the condo for the three days from Christmas to the 27th.

I worked Dec 27-29, which I really regret now. The way the holidays and stats fell this year, it didn't really feel like I got a break more than two back-to-back long weekends. Next year I will not do the same.

We went to the Spank 13 party at Vancouver Art & Leisure on Saturday. This was the first time I rubbered up Mook entirely enough that he was majorly covered. We had a fun albeit short night and he really appreciated being able to go out with me in rubber and work through some of his anxiety. And he looked sexy as fuck to boot!

Instead of going out for my 46th birthday and New Year's Eve on Sunday, Mr. P and I decided to host an orgy. Mook, Wardog and DS were all enthusiastic participants; we did ask a few other guys to come, or pop over after their respective parties, but no one else came. We had a great time nonetheless. Lots of fucking, fisting, and a bit of time on the double-ended dildo.

More sex on New Year's Day, but it was mostly a day for recovery.

January 6th was the first Vancouver Rubbermen meet of 2018. The turnout was spectacular! Lots of great energy and this even culminated in a bit of sex going on in the back area of Pumpjack at 6pm. I had asked N33dfulthings to join us for the day in rubber, he happily obliged. Unfortunately, Cjai92 and Almazmol, who I had kind of had in mind when planning a rubber night on the 6th after the meet weren't able to attend. So it was the three of us (myself, Mook and N33dfulthings) Mr. P and another guest, our friend . It ended up being an amazing night, culminating in N33dfulthings and myself playing hard in each other's guts for quite a long session. The guys left quite early around 11pm (We had been going in rubber since 1pm, after all!), which gave Mook and I ample opportunity to play around in each other's guts for even longer into the night.

On Sunday January 7, Mook and I had decided I was going to give him an immersive rubber experience. After I got home from curling mid-afternoon, we rubbered up head-to-toe. I was a bit apprehensive that he wouldn't find it that comfortable or natural, however he ended up loving the entire experience. I got butt plugged and put in the sleepsack under the rim chair to eat his ass for awhile. Then once out, I put him in full rubber gear, including full hood and then hooded gasmask and finished him off in the sling. He loved the entire experience and wants to do it again soon! I'm hoping to rubber up again on Friday night....he wants to play with a rubber puppy ;)
Sexy sexy fucker
This Saturday is the VML monthly social at Pumpjack. I fully anticipate we will rubber up again and get dirty with the boys at the club again before coming home and fucking our brains out.

I'm always looking forward to the weekends, but Mook's awakenings are stirring my excitement even more! :D

Vancouver Rubbermen January Meet + Play

Some of my and D's pics from the first meet of 2018 on January 6. The terrific turnout at the event warmed my cockles!