Thursday, November 10, 2011

My week of Insanity

This week always taxes my resources..MIR weekend in Chicago and family Christmas in Alberta back-to-back, year after year.

I went to Chicago not feeling well, but with lots of nights with bad sleep when I could get it, I ended up with full-blown flu symptoms by Monday. Miserable.

Two flights in 15 hours on Wednesday, I am feeling pretty gross as I sit in the motorcoach travelling to my brother's place in Red Deer. I just want to sleep for three days and have a food pig-out....oh wait, that's what I'm heading to!

Rubbout milestones have been missed, blog posting has been delayed. Merde.

I'm the meantime, check out Tynan's MIR weekend review at The Fox Den and his live updates on

Here's hoping the recuperation starts now.

I'll be back momentarily, rubbersluts.

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