Thursday, December 28, 2006

More skintight rubber

Here are some more pics from the most recent photoshoot

Monday, December 25, 2006

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Zentai - silver

Recently, I've come to appreciate the fantastic sensations of lycra zentai suits. I currently own three - a silver one, a black one and a spiderman costume.

Breathplay sessions

My new purchase

I've decided to buy a full-body catsuit from Latexa in Germany. Attached hood, socks, gloves, sheath -- for a full enclosure experience! I've decided to go with transparent rubber. I just have such a thing for see-through rubber! Maybe it goes back to my fascination with condoms when I was younger. They were so shiny and thin and stretchy! I believe the rubber is 0.4mm, but I've discovered some other vendors that would probably make the same thing in 0.25mm rubber if I so desired.

Here is what the suit looks like in black...

Vac-bed sessions

Here are a couple of videos taken earlier this year. I don't recommend playing by yourself! Always have a partner to monitor you while in a rubber vac-bed.

I apologize for the bad lighting, and I will make some better-lit videos, but at least you can be comforted by the fact that I was finally vacuumed in place by the end of each session!

Men in Tights

Who were the damned fools responsible for the evolution of men's fashions that took (dashing young) men out of tights and put them into trousers? Carlos Lopez, in the role of Mercutio in American Ballet Theatre's production of "Romeo and Juliet", is poetic, playful, mercurial, and my new heartthrob.

Romeo, Romeo... wherefore art thou Romeo? Oh what a feast today of men in tights. And what a shame that ballet has little draw for American boys and men. A startling large percentage of the male leads came from foreign regions. Women of America should take note of this fabulous display of all that is beautiful in the human male.

Romeo (Jose Manuel Carreño), Mercutio, and Benvolio were powerfully engaging as young men full of spirit and fun. They exuded an erotic magnetism in exhibitions of raw athleticism, challenging each other in competitive displays of virtuousity. They were delightful, teasing, romantic, angry, desperate, lovesick, and tragically human. Oh yes – and the bods! Mmmmmm... to watch all those muscles ripple, flex, and tighten in those wonderfully revealing tights was a sight to behold.