Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rubber Invasion

Ooh! Scary!  This is a great post-video put together by Mr. Rubbout, Mitch.  I find it quite entertaining :)  This is the possible beginning of another conceptual marketing plan we are putting together.

Did you get the theme? Rubbout 21 is April 5-8, 2012!

As for my lack of posting lately, meh...tired and stressed with work (what's with all these late Wednesday night production deployments?); I haven't really been feeling the rubber love lately.  Spring is horribly delayed here which is keeping most of us in extended hibernation.  Hopefully that will change soon.  I've been out for a few rides and runs the past couple weeks in between rainstorms.

I'm putting together a Rubbout press release with Mitch tonight for Recon, we have a planning meeting for a Fetish Cruisey-T around Pride weekend (probably in late July) on Thursday and a volunteer appreciation party on May 14.  Still busy!

Mr. P and I drank too much on the Easter long weekend so I'm vowing to lay low until mid-May, until the Rubbout party, and Las Vegas the following weekend.  Can't wait!  Until then, I will try to get back into blogging mode.

There is a Black Saturday at Pumpjack this weekend, despite being a temporary teetotaller, I plan to rubber up and go out and have some fun.

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