Slick Pages

Friday, March 13, 2020

The Significance of Community

With all the cancellations going on, and the hand-wringing by organizers all over the world, this missive from Mr. International Rubber yesterday really resonated. I wanted to share it here, because it does express how our communities are supposed to be about love and safety. In addition to the fun and sex, it is all about so much more.

We'd like to express our gratitude and appreciation to our fellow volunteer organizers of rubber, fetish and kink events during this time of global uncertainty.

It seems with each passing hour additional events are being cancelled or postponed, from Milan to Manchester, from New York to Vancouver.

Many of these events are volunteer led. While they juggle their roles as community and event leaders, these volunteers are also juggling the economic, professional, personal and health impacts in their own lives as well as those of their family, friends and colleagues as well.

Times like these can be a true test of leadership. Thankfully our rubber, fetish and kink community has plenty of leaders who are willing to make the tough decisions, and shift their focus from the fun things, to the more pressing safety and security of our communities, institutions and events.

To all of the event organizers and volunteers out there across the globe...

Thank You.
We see you.
We hear you.
We value you,
We support you,

Yesterday, today, tomorrow and beyond.

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