Slick Pages

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Next Two

So, being without any new gear at Rubbout 2019 and all the events this year, and the fact that a lot of my gear has been permanently retired this much end-of-life going on for the stuff I bought in the late Noughts and early 2010s; I am not inspired to start putting a new Wish List together. Here are definitely the next two things I want, the Studiogum Anatomical mask and a new black/red stripe shoulder entry catsuit with codpiece. Simple, timeless, horny as fuck.

I should note that Mook won the $200 gift certificate for Thickwall Cylinders at Rubbout so he and I are going to figure out a purchase that will be best for him (but also good for me ;) hee hee

Further down the road, I'd like to get a couple more suits - one in red with black stripes similar to the one above, and maybe a short-sleeve red one like this:
And of course, I always aspire to have at least one transparent clear latex suit on hand! I don't have one right now, it's killing me that I don't haha

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