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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Rubbout 2019: Illuminate Recap

Wow, what a party that was! I think by most reports, this was the best Rubbout yet! We were all really apprehensive about the decision to move to a conference format, however everyone seems to be elated by it, and the organizing committee is pretty excited about how things executed. Despite not having done this before, everything fell together pretty nicely, at least from the perspective of the attendees. We had our wrap-up meeting last night, the numbers are okay. We didn't make any money, however there are dozens of lessons learned and initiatives to undertake next year to maximize current revenue flows and generate some new ones. One of my big takeaways was that this year we were blending a bunch of traditional ways of doing things with a new format and new opportunities, and we need to reconsider a lot of what we do and whether it's still relevant in a convention format, and whether there are still more trimmings to do from the way we traditionally do things (that are expensive) in the digital age and where we have everyone under the same roof.

Here are some pics from the weekend. The new official stack of photos is available on the Rubbout Flickr account here.

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