Slick Pages
Monday, November 19, 2018
VRM November Meet + Play
I am grateful for another great turnout of the rubber pervs to the November meet, which we held at Pumpjack on Saturday afternoon. Great fun was had by all; we managed to get five or six guys measured, made over $100 in the 'Save the Cube' fund, did my first official announcements as 'club president', prepped everyone for some additional fun at the December meet, and as I learned later, I was told there were at least five orgasms in the vac-tower and the vac-bed during the afternoon. I only witnessed one of them....the last one and apparently the most vigorous one LOL. I always find it entertaining to find out the equipment has been used so well when I'm busy doing other things!
I have such a great set of friends - they have been my biggest supporters, and now take on some of the responsibilities of running the equipment during the meets and giving me assistance with some of the other stuff going on....and then we go home afterwards and fuck in rubber! How better could it be?
Even at the end of the meet, as I was talking to one of the new and curious guys that showed up outside, when I got back into the meet area, the guys had everything disassembled and ready to pack up. Marvellous!
Here is a pic of the Saturday crew (can you believe I actually got the cats herded long enough for this?):
Also, this weekend coming up is the RUFF Burlesque show at the Penthouse. There are supposedly going to be performances by some of the RUFF guys and some additional professional performances. It is also going to be the unveiling of the 2019 RUFF calendar. You can see the calendar here.
I'll be honest, the calendar is pretty vanilla, and then there are the rubber guys! Our pics are definitely the most interesting ones!
We need to tremendously thank Michel and the team at MNEvents for the Rubbout bump, putting Rubbout 28 front-and-center in the middle of the calendar next year.
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