Slick Pages

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Latest

It's been a good few weeks. The boys have been in good spirits, I've been spending a lot of time with Mook AND Wardog has been feeling better and spending more time with him recently. He's been feeling left out and I basically told him we're still in rebuild the relationship cycles; all the opportunities we have this summer to spend time together will hopefully work out.

Since we got back from Los Angeles and Palm Springs on April 21,the weekends since, Mr. P and I have been out at Shadow Falls prepping the Eagle 5 and the site for Victoria Day long weekend. It's been a ton of work, and additionally we have been attempting to get the RV inspected and approved for roadworthiness in order for us to register and insure it in British Columbia (it was a gift from my dad, and has been running Manitoba plates since it entered BC). It has been a very stressful ordeal but I'm happy to say we're almost at the end of it. As per usual, throwing gobs of money at the problem eventually allows it to go's costing me a mint to simply get a pass on the inspection, register it in BC for insurability, and then simply take it back to Shadow Falls to sit on blocks again. Long story short, the inspection approvals should be coming through tomorrow and we should be able to pick up the RV from an inspection centre in Abbotsford to take back up to the campground.

Mook was up helping us out with yardwork and setting up some things last weekend. This weekend is supposed to be amazingly hot and so after getting some more setup done with Mook and Wardog on Saturday, we are hoping we will be able to relax in the heat and sun for a good chunk of Sunday before we have to come back into Vancouver.

I have had some really good sessions with the boys over the past few weeks; Mook, Wardog and I had a pretty epic play night last Thursday where we all ended up in each other at the same time at one point, Wardog was over for a good fist punch session on Tuesday this week; two weeks ago I had some fun with DS on Tuesday at his place where we got into each other's holes, and then on Wednesday I had another great session with DB where he managed to get elbow deep in me. That was a strange sensation; I was getting more the sense that he was stretching me open for taking doubles, when in fact he was simply distracting me with a clenched fist as he was plunging elbow-deep. He has tremendous technique, I'm glad to have met all of these men as they all have great attitudes and I appreciate their candor and conversation.

This weekend I'm also hoping to get to spend some time with the boys. Mook is still continuing his journey to take a fist; Wardog and I have him opening up to four fingers and almost the knuckle ring now - I'm not sure how long it's going to take to proceed further. I really need to pull out some toys to have him open himself up at home but it hasn't happened yet.

Mook has just found out he's landed upon a full-time line at his work which will now take him away from all free weekends this summer, unfortunately, while I've accepted a new team lead position at work that will require me in the Burnaby office five days a week. Maybe no more work-at-home days?! That would be very unfortunate.

Rubber.....I've had it on for a few session with Mook recently but nothing hard-core, and I'm kinda craving it. The last two of my suits requiring repairs are now ready so I'm hoping we can get rubbered up and get crazy one of these evenings very soon. I forwent the May Vancouver Rubbermen gear meet and there will not be one for June either, so probably October is the next time we will have a formal get together in the city. As for rubber at the campground, we will would be fun to have a similar Saturday night like that weekend last summer when I got six guys in rubber for the evening! Van-PAH is having a campout out there on the May 26-27 weekend so we'll see what happens there. I may take my rubber pup gear and join in the fun.

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