Slick Pages

Friday, November 3, 2017

Mr. P and I just got back from Las Vegas on Wednesday. The primary reason for the trip was for his brother's wedding. We stayed downtown which was a different experience than the Strip for sure. We enjoyed ourselves, though I'm pretty convinced now that Vegas is just not the place for me. I'd rather spend my hard-earned time and money somewhere else that doesn't so blatantly try to take it away from you. We did have some fun with a very handsome, friendly, well-endowed service boy on Sunday night which was a ton of fun. Otherwise, we didn't do much of anything gay or kinky, but I did have the pleasure to talk and meet with some of the Las Vegas rubbermen. They are considering trying to start up a group there; I wish them all the luck and will provide them some insight whenever they need it. It was a pleasure to meet you guys!

On the radar: the November Vancouver Rubbermen meet is this Saturday. I'm looking forward to it, though there are a couple of hiccups in my plans...the bladder for the Vac-Tower is still out getting repaired by Jen so there won't be a tower at the meet. I'm considering taking the vac-bed instead and just doing short sessions for whomever wants to try it. The other issue is that Van-PAH are having their AGM at the same time and I've been asked not to run the vacuum during the meeting so we will only be able to run before and after. Unfortunately, it appears the vac equipment is going to have a short duration of usage.....I hope the guys will still come out and socialize, and of course the straightjacket and sleepsack will be there! Also, after the event, I'm trying to broker a get-together with a few ffriends at my place, so there might be a great rubber afternoon AND evening coming very very soon!

The following weekend, Mr. P and I are off to Calgary and Red Deer for the annual family Christmas get-together. It's a very short trip as I'm out of vacation bank and also (damn you, Vegas!) out of money. After that, it will be home for a long indefinite time as I still want to build my bank up for a three week tour of the European continent next September centred around Folsom Europe in Berlin. I'm not sure if I'll be able to last that long without a break though!!

Regrettably, I won't be attending MIR21 this weekend in Chicago. It physically hurts that I won't be there. I wish all my shiny brothers the best time there, and I will try my best to get there for MIR22 (my lucky number)!

Pics to follow....

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