Slick Pages

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Thoughts from Alex Rubbaman, Sly Hand's partner

It is with immense sadness that I have to tell you that our amazing, talented, kind, inspirational Si Hands died yesterday, 19 June, aged 33.

I, his family, and friends are distraught that we have lost such a shining star.

I know I am a better person for having had Si in my life and I am sure others feel the same. His huge sense of adventure, awe at the world around us, a desire to see people and places, and a genuinely caring attitude will stand out amongst many other inspiring qualities. From youth work, to being a role model at summer camp, to building a vibrant community Si always tried to make a difference to the world he lived in. We are so proud of him.

Si and I were about to embark on a new chapter in our lives, buy a flat, build a home and plan a whole raft of new adventures. My heart is broken at the thought of not having him next to me to share the rest my life with. I will miss every single thing about him.

He will live on in our hearts and in our memories. Please keep his friends and family in your thoughts.

As we make plans over the next few weeks I will keep you posted about arrangements, including the funeral.

I am so sorry for having to do this through Facebook but he knew so many people in so many countries I couldn't possible contact everyone directly. I hope you understand.

Let us remember him as the fun loving, care free, joyous person he was and live a little more like that.



1 comment:

  1. Incredibly sad to hear this news.
    Im shocked, so young and extremely talented man.
    It has to be the hardest thing to speak about to us from his partner .
    My sympathies for your dreadful loss.
