Slick Pages

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Sounds

At the last minute, I enrolled for the Get Kinky With HIM workshop on Sounding last evening. I'm glad I went! My friend JR was the workshop lead, he showed us safe and sane sounding play including all the important things like hygiene and equipment maintenance. He first sounded himself with my assistance (as I was asked to assist and can't say no LOL), then we switched and he sounded me in front of a workshop group of around 10. It was fun! I have to laugh a bit that I've stuffed my urethra with more stuff in the past week than in the past six months.

JR told me he has an electro sounding kit on order, soon to arrive in the next few weeks. I told him I had two electro urethral plugs that I have yet to use; now that I got one more 4mm to 2mm adaptor pin set for my electro boxes, I should be able to hook everything up in one fell swoop. We have planned to get together in the near future and try all this gear out. I'm excited to try electro sounding!

I'm really regretting that Mr. P and I won't be able to go to the Vancouver Men in Leather June Whistler Retreat. It's always a good time but we don't know when Mr. P's surgery is going to be scheduled so we are just keeping our schedules open and loose. This would definitely be a good forum in the near future to try out some sounding. We will for sure go to the September one.  I'll just have to get JR over for some rubber, electro and sounding :)

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