Slick Pages

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Total Intubation

User Ropenbag posted this hood on his Tumblr the other day....the hard-core breathplayers came out in force to find out more about it, however the details are still elusive. I have done serious nasal intubation a few times before, and the totality of face-filling of this hood is amazing. I can only imagine what it would feel like to have nasal cavities and mouth completely filled with what looks to be silicone and secured in place with latex. I would really like to find out more....the tubing and mouthpiece both look to be silicone; I would imagine this hood wouldn't be too hard to develop with the right moulds. Any thoughts?


  1. Its a StudioGum hood, its on their homepage, called the Anatomical Latex Mask.

    When you click the link you can see the nose tubes and gag, the length of the nose tubes is a custom order.


  2. This hood isn't elusive to find. Its the Anatomical Latex Mask from Studio Gum

  3. No silicone, 100% rubber....

  4. OMFG that's even better! What do you think? 1mm, 2mm, or 3mm gauge?
