Slick Pages

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

My Week Off

As I've learned the hard way, I really need some decompression time after Rubbout is over. This was the first time I took the entire week after Rubbout off as vacation. This year I had good reason as Mr. P and I had a sexy visitor from London stay with us for the week. KinkArch arrived on Tuesday March 29 and stayed until last Sunday April 10. We had a great time together - in addition to working together on many Rubbout things, we also got out for some hard partying sessions throughout the week, had a couple of rubber play sessions, and got him out to see touristy things. we went to Queen Elizabeth Park on Tuesday to see the flower gardens and Bloedel Conservatory, Capilano Suspension Bridge and Grouse Mountain for dinner on Thursday, and Whistler on Friday. We went out after Pub Trivia on Monday, Drag Bingo on Wednesday, VML Gear Night on Friday, Meat Draw on Saturday and the first VML brunch of the year on Sunday. Saturday night we also had the opportunity to play with Almazmol and another guest at the condo...for which I ended up being the centerpiece (so fortunately!) Heh heh

I think I've made a new great long-term friend in KinkArch - I hope we can maintain physical contact in addition to the virtual. My financial situation is not good at the moment, and there are large expenses to come such as car insurance, final payments on the van, new equipment for the RV and pad rental, getting someone to the Prairies to bring the RV back to British Columbia, and potentially flying home myself this summer for a family wedding. All of this before considering London Fetish Week or Folsom Europe this summer or fall. God I hope something works out in my financial favor.

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