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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Lordy Lordy

Aww man I've been so busy, not much time to write a valid blog entry the past week or so.

Thursday I had a crash on my bike due to a flat tire on the way to work. I've been pretty gibbled all weekend and still sore today but it definitely wasn't my worst crash and in all likelihood won't be my last. Ah, bike commuting, what else can I say? Mr. P came and picked me up at work as I was bleeding all over the place and not really in the mind to work. I spent most of the day sleeping and laying in bed.

Friday I was not feeling as badly as I anticipated, so I worked most of the day before I went to a meeting with Angus of Gay Van Travel Marketing. We have had a long relationship through Rubbout and it was good to touch base with him in regards to Rubbout promotions, the challenges of promoting events locally and globally, and strengthening our relationship with him.  It was a good conversation. Afterwards I had a couple drinks with the leader producer of the Elemental party and went through a lot of things, it is always a pleasure to talk with him.

I stayed in and got up early Saturday to get some long-overdue 'to-dos' scratched off my list. I got my playlists loaded for summer camping and got a couple VHS tapes of family memories digitized as per my mom's wishes. I took Mr. P to the meat draw in the afternoon before taking the van to pick up slings for the Rough Trade party starting at 8pm at Steamworks. I had to get RC to help me haul stuff around as my left arm was pretty banged up still, and it ended up I didn't get to the club to start things off until 8:20 or so and the action probably didn't start until around 9pm.

It was a good turnout - about 20 guys. The location for setting slings up wasn't optimal - I had wanted to erect three slings in the upstairs playroom but it was too dark in there, so dark that we couldn't even see to set things up. So we decided to put the three slings I had in close proximity to each other in the gym. It seemed to work okay though for some it was too bright and too open....there were a lot of vanilla guys in towels hovering around checking things out while some of the guys had hands up their asses. I have already talked to the manager about moving things into the playroom next time and the requirement for more lighting, at least to set things up initially.

So, the next Rough Trade is slated to coincide with the Rubbout Black Yellow Red party on Sunday, April 3. After the Rubbout brunch on Sunday, we head to Steamworks at 5pm for some piss play, lube wrestling and then sling fisting until the late hours of the night. If you're still alive and horny, come join us!

So, the night generally went well. The feedback was generally positive and guys told me they were happy that I was putting this together. A lot of questions about the regularity of the event. I managed to grab the Xtreme Room upstairs for the night. We tore down the Rough Trade stuff around 11:30pm and then Wardog and I enjoyed the private room until 4am or so. The club was pretty busy but no one seemed particularly interested in joining us for an extended fisting session so we were content to enjoy each other's company, fists and holes, culminating in a fisty-nine and orgasms before crashing for a half hour or so, then cleaning up and heading home.

Wardog had to work at noon. I got him up and out the door before working on the music collection again for a couple hours, then meeting friends at Fountainhead to watch the Oscars. My cousin was playing his debut game in the NHL on Sunday too so I asked the FH manager to put the game on the single TV in the bar that wasn't playing the Academy Awards LOL

I worked at home yesterday, lots of shitshow stuff going on; meanwhile Wardog had asked whether he and another guy we've played with before could come over and play during the afternoon. They got over around 11:30am and I got them set up though I couldn't really get away from work to play with them until around 3pm. They fucked around in the sling and Mr. P joined them for a bit before I got my turn around 4 as Wardog worked my hole again, then I had a turn on our buddy and gave him a hard punching....he's a big stretch pig so really enjoyed the session.

We cleaned up, I had a meeting with the Pumpjack manager at 7pm to review all the upcoming events, and then Mr. P, Wardog and I went to pub trivia.

Today I'm at work at the Burnaby office. Tonight is the "Kink with HIM" education session on fisting, so Wardog and I are planning to prep and be there for the session at 7. I had already asked the 8x6 managers whether we could use the space to play afterwards and they were fine with that so we're going to see if we can get into some more fisting and fucking tonight.

Tomorrow after work I'm meeting with NorthWind, the original creator of Rubbout to go through his archive of files, posters, pictures, etc. and see if we want to integrate any of it into the Brunch program or the media displays going on throughout the weekend.

Thursday is the BIG Rubbout meeting - all the minds in one room, reviewing the entire execution of the weekend and getting Rob and Mitch up-to-speed after their extended absence. It's going to be a big meeting, and coincidentally VML's Pig Pen party takes place at 8x6 the same night so I'll be heading to that immediately after the meeting. VML asked me to do some kind of demo there - I'm not sure if that's going to happen - like really, they have enough guys in their group that could be carrying on some demos, but if I have my stuff and the time to throw someone in the sleepsack, I'll do it. I may only want to fuck and have a couple beers after the marathon meeting I'm expecting.

Friday I am planning on getting chores around the house done - bathroom, laundry - this has been neglected for a week. Saturday morning I plan to go out with EBCC for the first ride of the year, then the Van-PAH/Vancouver Rubbermen event at Pumpjack in the afternoon 2-5pm, where we'll be meeting with the Xtra! photographer and reporter to get content for the feature article on Rubbout for The early evening is supposed to be an EBCC social event, and then hopefully out with friends for the remainder of the evening.

The following week is prepping and decorating Pumpjack for the Rubbout kickoff on Friday March 11 on Thursday, and running the event on Friday. Once the kickoff is done, we have three weeks to get everything in place for March 31!

I still have lots of work to do with sponsors and getting things such as VIPs and billeting settled. We have yet to get equipment collected for the play parties, gear swap, demos, coordinating the shipping of sponsor swag, getting layouts done for weekend program, getting all promo campaigns aligned and completed. So much to do....

In the meantime, check out these new ads from Invincible and the promo boards that Latexskin either wants to ship to us or have us build here....I'm currently sourcing some costs for this stuff too.

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