Slick Pages

Friday, November 27, 2015


As I've mentioned before, the Rubber Canuck blog celebrates 10 years of pervertedness on October 15, 2016. I'm planning a big rubber party for it, so expect your invitations in the mail soon! LOL

September also became the newest record month for number of blog posts at 51! Something I just noticed now?!?! What the hell was I talking about in September? No doubt a lot of posts of the scrumptious Latexskin model!

Another big milestone should be happening in a week or so, the MILLIONTH visitor to this paltry blog. My Sitemeter counter, though not displaying correctly, is the one that has always been on this blog since it's inceptions as Calgary Rubberman and Gummiphiliac, so I tend to use it as the baseline.

So here we are:
I suspect this should be hitting one million in the next five to seven days. Pretty remarkable, really. Even though my readership has ebbed and flowed over the years, I still really appreciate the 228 of you that check in every day! It really makes my day, really keeps me motivated to find interesting, funny, and beautiful things to post and things in my life to remark on, as this has in fact become the defacto record of my kinky sex life; without it there would be no way for me to recollect dates, locations, times, details, etc. I enjoy going back in time and checking out what I've done and how I've evolved in the past ten years! Funny that many things have happened, yet rubber is still front and center in my life. Maybe not as screaming loud and focused in the middle of the room, but now more subdued and integrated even a little bit into everything I do. I think I like it this way is sort of metaphorical for how life becomes focused on different things as we get older? I don't know, maybe I'm reading to much into it.

At any rate! Yay Rubber Canuck! Thanks to all of you...I hope you've found lots of material to fap to on this blog over the years and maybe even some sparks of inspiration or knowledge that you've found useful. I have no idea where everything goes from here, but it would be interesting to see if this damn thing goes another ten years without Google or the next iteration of Omnipotent Host deciding it no longer mees their Guidelines and is dismantled. At some point maybe I will move hosting somewhere Tumblr has certainly taken off too and most likely is the wave of the near future anyways! :D

1 comment:

  1. The first thing i do when i check in to the PC is check on this site for any news and any new pics or vids and news about you .
    I have always enjoyed the variety of subjects and I really do admire how long you have done this and how much it has grown over the years. Well done mate ,,,keep going .
