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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Red Wave

Well, whether it was newsworthy or not in your area of the world, Canada had a federal election yesterday. In what is being termed a "stunning" upset, the Liberal Party of Canada has ended up with a majority government over the incumbent Conservative Party of Canada. The other parties didn't fare so well but I think that is mostly due to the strategic voting everyone across the country did. It wasn't so much that the other parties' platforms are off or wrong; it's simply that Canadians pretty much universally were done with the despotic ruler of our country the past nine years, Stephen Harper. I won't go into details here (there is more than enough written about his leadership style and strategy on the Intertubes), but most Canadians are very relieved to see him go this morning.

Not to be missed, the Liberal Party color is RED and the new Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, is young and a looker. He is only six days older than me and running a country now!  He is the second-youngest Prime Minister in Canadian history

He campaigned on promises of hope and change (sound familiar?), I don't doubt he'll try to push ahead some of his promises but alas, like any politician, he's not going to be able to do everything he wants and he's going to have to break some promises. I don't expect a lot of change, but I sure am happy that Canadians voted for more than just economic platitudes. We have a lot to do to fix our international reputation's damage incurred over the past decade; does having a hot young leader count for anything?

Looking at the sweep across the country and the host of new Members of Parliament that were elected, Generation X is certainly moving in to take over control of matters. I really sensed a passing of the guard from the Boomers to the Xers in this election. Our time is now!

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