Slick Pages

Monday, August 31, 2015

Fist Pulse

It was an interesting weekend. We had the big gay wedding to attend on Saturday but Friday ended up being a lot of fun, additionally even yesterday ended up being an opportunity for a perv-out.

Ironfist came over Friday night to play with Mr P and I. It was his first time dressing up in full rubber and he took to it like a fish to water. We took turns fisting and fucking in the sling, he got dickmatized by Mr. P's cock while I used an inflatable plug on him and then fucked him from behind while he was sucking dick. I managed to get into the sling one last time before he left where he applied this great gentle fisting technique on me that I've dubbed "the fist pulse". I love this technique, it is so erotic, I'm going to add it to my arsenal. Contact me for details LOL

Basically it's just two or three quick pumps just inside the relaxed and gaping sphincter, then a break of a few seconds, repeat, sort of drove me crazy and craving so much more; it was funny that our 'absolute last time to quit' alarm went off at 4:30am just as I was talking about naming my rock band "Fist Pulse" and deciding whether my ass was a male or female based solely on its general attitude/bitchiness. It was here where we called it a night.

I'm a bit sad because Ironfist's life is going through some tumult and big changes right now; it has been so good having him live so close by and we get along so well...I guess nothing good is meant to last. I hope that we can stay in touch and still get together after things settle down for him in a few months.

So, we got up Saturday, I did laundry to clean all the fucking towels, and we were off to Granville Island for #ABigGayWedding. Granville Island was a nightmare as it was a summer Saturday for one, but also we had a big wind and rainstorm in Vancouver overnight and early Saturday morning that blew down trees and blew shit everywhere. Traffic was backed up all over the city due to so many lights being out, trees being down, and blocks and blocks of power grid out of electricity throughout the city. As it turns out, here it is Monday morning and there are still grids without power, even in the downtown core...I can't even fathom living in the middle of a metropolis and being without electricity for close to 48 hours. Lord help us all when The Big One hits here...

Anyways, the wedding was great, we did a bit of screwing around in the afternoon, and the big party/reception started at 8pm. It was definitely the most fun reception party I've ever been to and totally expressed the personalities of the grooms. So well done and so happy for the boys!

We got home late, crashed...I got up Sunday morning and decided I was going to play around in my Latexskin for the afternoon. I did about five or six hours of rubber perversion then Mr P and I went out to meet friends for Sunday beer bust beers. I got home around 10:30 last night, but Mr. P, for the second Sunday in a row brought a guy home to play with (the same one as last Sunday, incidentally). They woke me up this time; I wasn't feeling well and though asked to participate just watched them go at it for awhile then I tried to go back to sleep again.

Needless to say, I'm a bit tired today and will need to rest up. I have a fist session planned with Wardog tomorrow night, the VML Harness and Jock play party on Thursday evening, then off to Shadow Falls for the Labour Day weekend on Friday! It's gonna be a busy week!

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