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Wednesday, July 22, 2015


NEWSFLASH: Check "RUBBER CANUCK", @Rubbout or Rubbout on Facebook on Friday for some big news on Rubbout 25!

It's been a busy week....everything comes to a head this Friday. We had a rehearsal on Sunday for our Military Interrogation performance for the Vancouver Fetish Weekend Uniform Fetish Ball on Friday night. We had the five guys playing the main characters there, and I think we had everything covered; we are doing a dress rehearsal Friday evening just before we head to the Imperial for the performance at 11. At soon as we're done, we jump into cabs and head to the Hot & Sticky Party at 8x6 to catch the tail end of the fun!

Last weekend was fun. I worked late Friday evening, then, horny, went on Recon and started talking to PiercedGuyNYC who invited me over to fist top him and JayPigVan. I was in a toppy mood so this worked for me. I got over there close to 1am, worked over their holes until probably around 5, when Jay went home. PGNYC took a turn on my ass; we ended up talking for a couple hours until 8:30 in the morning or so, when I got a text from Mr. P to get my ass home and give him a morning BJ.

Anyways, very talented holes, we've already made plans to get together again. PGNYC only lives a half-block away so I'm hoping for many more opportunities to play in the future.

Last night, Wardog came over for a regular Tuesday night romp. His butt is still not healed from his, er, problems, so I fucked him for an hour or so, then he aggressively went to work on my hole for another hour or so more. Nice quick session, we really enjoy the time we get and it has been a long time (Shadow Falls!) since our last tryst.

What's this weekend going to bring? PGNYC wants to get together on Saturday though there is lots of other shit going on. I guess we'll have to see what the days bring.

Only nine days until vacation! Yeah! Unfortunately I'm missing Vancouver Pride this year to head back to Manitoba with Mr. P for a family reunion. We've never had one before and there are some family members I haven't seen in decades so I am quite looking forward to this. It is also Mr. P and my FIFTH anniversary on August 8, so I am going to treat him to a nice night out and hotel suite in Winnipeg on Saturday night before we fly back to Vancouver on Sunday.

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