Slick Pages

Thursday, August 14, 2014

It's Latex, Dammit!

How many times have you been out in your latex-y finest in public, only having to correct some curious individual in the uninitiated masses who comes up to you and says, "I love your PVC", or, even after having a chance to FEEL the material, say, "Wow, this leather is amazing!"

*sigh* It happens a lot, unfortunately.

I know for most laypeople, the distinctions hardly matter, as they're more often than not simply blown away by the fact you're wearing something unusual in a public forum, but that never stops me from correcting them, more from an desire to educate more than any other reason.

Usually I'm pretty calm in these situations, however, the latest celebrity situation of this is driving me a little crazy.

Sinead O'Connor's latest album is called I'm Not Bossy, I'm the Boss. I love the provocative album cover, HOWEVER, a vast majority of news outlets incorrectly state that she's wearing leather, when in fact she's wearing Westward Bound latex!

Though I know the bar is set pretty low for factual correctness in today's mainstream media.....c'mon people! It doesn't even resemble leather!!!!

I know, once again, that this detail is lost on the unwashed masses, but being the perfectionist, the latex promoter and rubber purist that I am, this kind of stuff drives me nuts! ;-)
Looking amazing, Sinead!

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