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Monday, June 16, 2014

Fisting Lubes

Lately my playmates and I have discovered the joys and economical benefits of using Xanthan Gum as a fisting lube; we are pretty happy with its consistency and lifespan. I originally got put on Xanthan Gum by a fisting buddy in Seattle; those guys like to add different things to add froth or more structure to the slippery stuff, however because we are always in rubber when using it, the less ingredients harmful to rubber the better. Though it still does dry out and does not preserve, you can make so much from such small amounts of gum powder, having to throw a bit out now and then doesn't seem such a big deal.

It sure is easier to clean up than anything else we've used, and as far as I've researched has no bad effects on the human body, particularly when coming in from the ass rather than the mouth, though I gather there aren't too many research papers written on the long-term effects of using it as a fisting lube. Because it's used all over the food industry I will assume it is safe to fill a rectum up with it!

It dries rather quickly like any water-based lube. It dries into funny flakes of brownness, but everything washes and wipes up very easily; much easier than J-lube.

We have been using 1 tablespoon of powder to 1.5 cups of water (2 tablespoons for 3 cups) and this consistency seems to be pretty decent.

Here's another recipe from Red Hanky Handball:
In response to the Fist Powder, I recently started making my own, from Fist Powder's basic ingredient, Xanthan Gum. Here's my mix, posted previously on asspig forum: My AMAZING batch of xanthan gum lube: 16oz hot water into a Kitchen Aid mixing bowl, 1oz (by weight) Xanthan Gum. Mixed at medium speed for 2-3 minutes. 16 drops of clove oil (for pleasing scent and mild desensitizer) and then 2 teaspoons of *Maltodextrin (thickener). Left the mixer running for 5 more minutes. End results was a consistency of "Slime", that goopy toy stuff from the 70's. Very easy to inject with a large syringe or cooking baster. Add a little water during play and the slippery factor increases a LOT. Be careful in the shower or bath. For around $10 I got enough Xanthan Gum at Whole Foods Market to make nearly 10 batches of lube. How can you go wrong?
Some guys like to use desensitizers for fisting too, though we've never had to use...we're not deadset on getting wider or deeper, just having a fisting top work a hole over for hours seems to satisfy the group I play with. Maybe at some point in the future it will become a competitive sport, and then we might look at modifying our lube ingredients somewhat. I have tried the desensitizers with a harder-core player than me and could certainly take bigger toys deeper.

Anyways, I'm curious to hear some guys' experiences with xanthan gum. Yes or no?

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