Slick Pages

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sharing Air

From john6823 on The Breathcontrol Network
Sharing air

During an easy hour's rebreathing in a GP-5 mask and 5L bag, my fantasies included considerations on sharing air. The most basic arrangement would be to connect two rebreather gas masks with a hose, but this would not last long at all.

Another arrangement would be to connect two regular gas masks to a single canister, perhaps by a " T " connector, and if two gas masks can share a canister, then two rebreather gas masks could share a big 6L rebreather bag at 100% rebreathing or some lower percentage to make the experience last.

Another set-up would involve a perfectly straight gas mask ( with two intake ports ) and canister, hose-connected to another mask modified so that all the air, in and out, goes through the hose which is secured to the first mask, with the result that two people are really sharing the same mask and the air in it. If, at the hose connection a " T " connector were introduced and a rebreather bag attached, that would be yet another playtime accessory.

Pull on a canister attached gas mask with a 6L bag sealed to the exhaust port. Attached to this collector bag is a hose to a partner's mask, with the consequence that the partner can breathe nothing but your used air.

For the next exercise, at least one all-rubber dry suit modified with two gas mask hose fittings is necessary. Also required, are two gas mask rebreathers and hoses. The user ( preferably catsuited ) pulls on the drysuit and a rebreather gas mask and connects it to the drysuit, and a partner, similarly outfitted also connects his hose to his buddy's drysuit, now a super rebreather bag for two. It might be possible for both players in identical outfits to cross-connect the breathing hoses so that each exhausts his air into his own suit and draws " fresh " air from his playmate's suit.

These are the fantasies of one intoxicated with his own air, but perhaps others have realized these experiences.
What are some of your experiences on sharing air? The most advanced multiple player experience I have is two guys sharing air to their gas masks with a t-connector with either an intake at that point for poppers or a rebreather bag. I would like to expand on this, and I really like john6823's idea of using environmental or dry suits and connecting the air supply between suits and masks.

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