Slick Pages

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Hottest Ginger

...on two blades! I've gushed over Jon Montgomery before; he's back in the news again as Sochi 2014 approaches and he apparently didn't make the cut to the Canadian skeleton team this year. Too bad, he's very nice to look at ass-up in spandex on a skeleton sled and gave us one of our most memorable Canadian moments from our best Olympics ever as a nation when he won gold and drank from a pitcher of beer passed to him in Whistler town square heading to his medal ceremony.

In addition, he also hosts the Canadian version of The Amazing Race. I haven't had an opportunity to see much of the show but I'm sure he's as handsome as ever, judging from the press junket shots of him.


He's so hot; I dream that he's hung like a ginger horse too!


Now, segueing onto the topic of Sochi...what the Russian politicians are doing, so much like politicians all over the world is pander to their base. Putin's base is not a well-educated or progressive base, but it's all about money and power....I guess it always was...but it just seems so much more pronounced now that corporations have taken over the world. I figure back in the day it was always the most powerful institution, be it the Church, the Military, etc. that controls the policy decreed by the presiding political body, but the propoganda they spew 'that it's always in the best interest of the citizenry' is ridiculous. Desperation to hold on to power by throwing the citizens you've vowed to represent under the bus....very admirable.

But I digress....

I really wish the noise and dissent about Sochi would get louder since I think the IOC is about as corrupt and entitled a political body as they come and they deserve a big reality check. I can't stand to see the images of Russian GBLT people being assaulted, jailed, killed simply for trying to lives their lives as honestly as they can.  However, the emotional side of me loves the Olympics...I know most of you could not give a shit about Winter Olympics, but they are a big fucking deal in Canada. I grew up playing hockey, curling, x-c and downhill skiing, speedskating...they are all part of the Canadian experience. We really do all freak out a bit when the Winter Olympics come; that we hosted them the last time was something this country embraces as part of our collective history. And I do - REALLY DO - love watching young fit buff men do their thing in skintight aerodynamic outfits....I mean, who doesn't...oh, did you not know that about me yet?!?! ;)

The rational side of my brain should prevail. Screw you Putin, screw you Zhuravlev, screw you Kremlin, screw you anti-gay law, screw you IOC. You all suck and I hope you pay for your attempts to trample human rights. And I hope a heat wave blasts the Black Sea and the Winter Olympics are a disaster, beautiful men in spandex or not!

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