Slick Pages

Monday, September 9, 2013

Another Weekend

Rubb Nuck Jr. and his roommate came over to Vancouver this weekend to check out the Van-PAH puppy mosh on Saturday afternoon and hang out with us. They stayed with Mr. P and I due to the fact all hotel rooms in the city were booked out for the Gran Fondo and whatever else was going on this weekend.

We had a brief night out on Friday at Pumpjack before coming back to the apartment and playing in the sling until some ungodly hour of the morning.  Saturday afternoon was the puppy mosh at Pumpjack. It was decently attended and fun. I had a blast puppying out with the pack; interestingly enough RN Jr. wants to search his inner puppy next time and reverse handler/pup roles. I think that will be interesting!

We left Pumpjack to head to the Main Street Legion for a Saturday afternoon meat draw, something Mr. P and I do from time to time. We met the gang there, RN Jr. won $100 on pull tab tickets, and four people at our table won packages of meat: ribs, pork chops and marinated chicken breast. Yum! Who says pub drinking doesn't pay off?

We were supposed to go to a wedding reception of some friends of ours Saturday evening but spent the early evening entertaining and cooking ribs instead. We went out for awhile later in the evening, lineups were bad everywhere so we ended up at Numbers. After a few hours we came home, Mr. P and the roommate went to bed, RN Jr. and I decided we wanted to check out the 8x6 club. It's a great space, though the location and lack of advertising and marketing is making it a bit poorly attended, I think. There are supposed to be a bunch of P-CAN parties coming up in that venue in the next few months, and I would love to host a rubber social there sometime in October or November. So I guess we will see what happens and whether attendance picks up or not.

When we got there, there were only three other guys downstairs, we didn't do much with them before they all got off and left. I spent about an hour eating RN Jr's ass before we went home, decided we were still too awake to go to bed, so we went and sat on the beach for a couple hours.

Sunday we got up, cleaned the 'gay flophouse' and caught the ferry back to Victoria. I am working here until Wednesday.

Next weekend is the VML Whistler Retreat. Mr. P and I are going; RN Jr. wants to come now too (he met some interesting characters at the pup mosh, so to speak, that he is interested in getting to know better), so we are busy getting that arranged. Should be fun! I haven't been to Whistler since the Retreat last September.

We are planning a relatively quiet week this week, though hopefully there will be a bit pic-worthy activity somewhere in there :)

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