Slick Pages

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ultimate Bondage Suit

Blackstyle is featuring a new super-hot looking High-end Bondage suit.  It looks amazing! HOT!
High-end bondage suit

The ultimate fantasy for every bondage-lover:

This suit is the perfect combination of functionality and bondage aesthetics. Lots of belts and D-rings offer unlimited ways of fixation.

A heavy bondage suit with cod piece. Black, made of 1,50 mm thick latex.

The suit has the following quality features:

- All belts are made out of two layers of Four D latex with textile reinforcement.
- All metal parts are reinforced with latex from the inside.
- All zips have a zip-guard strip.
- Cross seams, as the arm pits or the crotch are reinforced with an additional layer of latex.

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