Slick Pages

Saturday, December 1, 2012

World AIDS Day

People in our own communities are still getting HIV and still dying from HIV-associated complications. Don't be lulled into complacency over the dangers of HIV and the importance of finding a cure. It is still a horrible and incurable disease. With the efforts of all of those before us over the past three decades, we might be the generation of gay men that witness a cure.

We are so close to a world with no HIV and no AIDS, the advancements towards a vaccine or cure is truly remarkable. At a time when we are this close, this please goes out to everyone who reads this blog:

Please practice safe sex every time. Know your status. Be aware of risks and aware of the impact of your choices on yourself and those around you. The value of a good fuck is great, but the value of human life and stepping up to take responsibility for ensuring AIDS will one day will be a dark memory in our community is so much more important.

Today I remember all those that we have lost. I am cherishing the memories shared with many friends that left us too soon.

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