Slick Pages

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Trending: Meggings

Hmm...I owned an Undergear pair of these in 1988....
Wow, I've seen a lot of talk about Meggings on Google and Facebook today. Is it true? How long is the craze going to last? There is more and more talk about it....I figure it will probably last about as long as spandex shorts did in 1990; approximately 6 months?!?!?

As much as I like the idea of seeing men walking around the shopping districts in tights again, I don't think we'll see a repeat of the fluoro color spandex craze of the late 80s when you even saw men in the mall food courts in spandex shorts.

I'm relieved there is apparently a distinction between meggings and tights. As with the fashionistas, my definition would be the difference of whether they are being worn as fashion or for utility...form vs. function.

At any rate, whenever it ends (if it even starts) I'll be happy to see it go back to the gym, running path, and dance studio, and never to be seen again on spindley hipster legs.  I don't think the general American public will be able to tolerate it for more than a few seconds. :)

Their evolutionary predecessors in this case, skinny jeans, are hella retarded. You needed to be borderline anorexic to be able to pull them up above your knees. And who the hell thought skintight denim was a good idea, AGAIN?!?!? There's a reason they faded off to history in 1983.

The visuals are nice at any rate.  At least there's a Tumblr blog dedicated to it...
I'm not sure the knitted meggings will catch on.
Maybe San Tropez, not Des Moines....

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