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Friday, December 7, 2012

Fetish in Public

Steve's experience is something that could so easily happen to any of us fetishists that occasionally take our kinks to the streets.

From everything that I've read about Steve's interaction with the authorities, it looks like this whole situation has gone about as good as it could have. It is commendable that Steve stood his ground and approached the situation rationally and calmly, and just as commendable that the OPP and RCMP representatives almost seem appreciative that this situation occurred so that it can be applied as an example of an applicable situation for their sensitivity training courses, which means that future occurrences of a situation like this have a higher likelihood of positive outcomes as well. One can only imagine how things could have gone in a wrong direction so easily here with a bit of miscommunication.

Kudos to Steve...I don't think we could have had a better representative of our community in this situation!

Mister Rubber rubs police the wrong way
LEGAL NEWS / Steve Stewart is detained for wearing fetish gear
Bradley Turcotte / Xtra! Ottawa / Wednesday, December 05, 2012

The reigning Mister Rubber Ottawa says his rights were violated when police recently detained him at Remic Rapids because he was wearing rubber gear.

Steve Stewart frequently dons his latex gear, including a full gas mask, and ventures around his Tunney’s Pasture neighbourhood. But on Nov 22, Stewart was followed by a plainclothes, off-duty officer who then called police.

“I took off my mask, then . . . [a uniformed officer who arrived at the scene] started going off on me, saying Halloween was over,” Stewart says.

He says the off-duty officer who made the call said he did so because Stewart was a danger to himself and was scaring women and children. Stewart says that at the time, he was in the Ottawa River up to his ankles, listening to music and enjoying the mild weather, and there were no women or children present.

The uniformed officer took down Stewart’s personal information, Stewart says, and told him that his outfit was “not normal and frightens people.”

Stewart says the officer told him police frequently deal with perverts and sexual assaults at Remic Rapids.

“I told him I understood that I looked out of the ordinary and they were just doing their job,” Stewart says, “but I was, in fact, keeping to myself and that I frequented the area dressed like this on a regular basis and got more positive attention than negative.”

Stewart says the officer replied by saying, “No you don’t” and used words like “normal and abnormal.”

“I told him he was being condescending and asked to speak with the other officer who had shown up,” Stewart says.

By this time, he says, four police cars and five officers had arrived at the scene.

Steve Stewart, the reigning Mister Rubber Ottawa, says he understands police have a job to do but feels his rights were violated.(Bradley Turcotte) Stewart says the second officer he spoke with was understanding and listened to his explanation that he is part of the local fetish community and is the reigning Mister Rubber. The second officer told Stewart he was not engaging in illegal activity but suggested Stewart not wear his gas mask in public.

“I feel like my rights were not looked after,” Stewart says. “There are two sides to every story, and they made a point to get theirs across: that they were looking out for the safety of the people. However, it wasn’t just anyone that called in; it was the off-duty officer that called in and then the four of them were ganging up on me. What about my rights to go out wearing what I want?”

In the future, he says, he will refrain from wearing a full mask in public and will stay close to his home.

“I’m not going to push it. But I don’t want to feel defeated or be finger-wagged, saying I’m some pervert or criminal when they have, in fact, told me I’m not doing anything illegal,” he says. “If I’m told it’s illegal and I’m not allowed to, then I won’t.”

Michael Tattersall, Leather Pride's producer, says Stewart’s case is an example of authorities fearing the unusual.

“In our culture, people are made to feel bad about expressing their true selves,” Tattersall says. “In general . . . [police officers] do not like things that are not black and white; shades of grey scare them.”

Meanwhile, Denis Schryburt, co-chair of the Ottawa police GLBT liaison committee, says that although he had not heard of the incident, he plans to connect with Stewart, as well as Inspector Joan McKenna, the committee co-chair, to discuss the incident.

Constable Henri Lanctot, with the media relations section of the Ottawa police service, says that although wearing a gas mask is not a criminal offence, officers must interview a masked person.

“It is peculiar, for sure,” Lanctot says. “Unless the person is involved in some type of training exercise, we have to . . . find out why they are wearing a gas mask. They may have a medical condition and there may be something in the air. We have to look at all the information and interview that person.”

Lanctot says police cannot locate any record of a call to Remic Rapids on the date of Stewart’s detainment.

Stewart says he feels no animosity toward police for doing their jobs; however, he hopes no one else in the fetish community will have to endure a similar situation.

“I’m not trying to make a big stink and get anyone in trouble,” he says. “I don’t think anyone should have to feel ashamed. I just want to see fairness and respect for my freedom to express myself.”

In October, Stewart was stopped by police for wearing rubber gear and says he sent Constable Walter Duhme, of the diversity and race relations section of the Ottawa police, an email detailing both incidents but did not receive a response.

Follow-up by Steve of his meeting with OPP, RCMP and GLBT Liaison representatives:

News flash! rubbery update lol

So my meeting this afternoon with the went pretty well. I met up with the Sergeant I've been in contact with through email who is the head of Diversity and Race relations with the OPP. Along with us was one of the officers who was actually at the incident who has the same role for the RCMP and is coincidentally is a member of the LGBT police liaison. He had only showed up after I dealt with the initial RCMP officer who is the one that gave me trouble and said it was actually random that he happened to be in the area at the time before responding to the call.

Apparently after the off-duty officer called in to report "a suspicious person in a rubber suit wearing a silence of the lambs mask was seen in the river", and that it is a bit more common than we think that people actually try to commit suicide by drowning themselves in the river. That being paired with the fact that I was in full rubber with the gasmask is what did I guess. Makes me question if it would have been any different had I just been sitting on a bench or not even near the river. As to why there was so many officers and cruisers, I'm told it was just a case of extra backup showing up beyond the initial 2 that were there...Off-duty guy called for backup, RCMP showed up and then the OPP showed up.

They were both very welcoming and happy to hear my side of things, apologetic for the initial treatment I received, commended me for being so cooperative/honest as well as contacting them directly myself. They explained all the common procedures that go along with responding to a call,and that there is nothing illegal about me wearing a gasmask/mask in public and especially not my rubber gear. Unfortunately I do take the obvious risk of being questioned and I.d.ed by cops , but at least I know its in fact not illegal and they now know where I am coming from.

I have actually been invited to come to the next LGBT police liaison committee meeting next month and share my experience with everyone there. I will also have the opportunity to bring forward and address what happened with the initial RCMP officer who made the negative remarks to me.

All in all I'd say its a pretty good outcome. I'm glad I've been able to bring awareness to this incident and my community, hopefully any similar occurrences in the future will be dealt with better and a few minds have been opened up :)

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