Things were relatively calm on Friday night. After the contest, a large group of us went to the Cellblock across the street to have a few more brews. I headed to the hotel after that; I was super-paranoid about getting sick again this weekend after air travel and not enough rest, so I wanted to start the weekend off rested knowing that Saturday was going to be a long day and late night. There were a couple parties on Friday night at Jackhammer/Touche and Steamworks, but I decided to forego them all for sleep. It had been a very long day already.
Saturday I volunteered at the MIR registration desk for four hours and got to see everyone coming into and leaving the MIR Marketplace. It was another good opportunity to see everyone that I hadn't seen for a long time and meet a lot of new sexy guys. After that, I stuck around and went directly to the second part of the MIR contest (Heavens!! No costume change?!?!).
It was great to see 12 contestants this year, three Canadian, three European, six American, all of which were awesome representatives for their respective regions. I didn't want the responsibility the judges had this weekend, though I agreed with their decision to select Jason Lynch, Mr. New England Rubber as the new Mister International Rubber 2013. Jason will do a great job representing the gay rubber community in the coming year; he is intelligent, witty, photogenic and sexy!
It was great to see 12 contestants this year, three Canadian, three European, six American, all of which were awesome representatives for their respective regions. I didn't want the responsibility the judges had this weekend, though I agreed with their decision to select Jason Lynch, Mr. New England Rubber as the new Mister International Rubber 2013. Jason will do a great job representing the gay rubber community in the coming year; he is intelligent, witty, photogenic and sexy!
After the contest, I went back to the hotel to change and headed to the rubber dress-code party in Andersonville. The space (which I think it amazing) is very big and though there were more guys in the space than last year, it still seemed quite empty. I played with a friend's ass for awhile and we decided to leave and share a cab back down to Boystown together, but not until seeing a crew of friends show up from the Recon party at Jackhammer. I had been planning to go there next, but now that they were here, I decided just to go back to the Hotel instead of checking out the other party.....watching my immune system carefully. I found out from the guys that they went back to Jackhammer for a second time anyways! Oh well, there was still lots to happen on Sunday...
I fisted one of my hotelmates on Sunday morning/afternoon (completely amazing and talented ass, btw) after we geared up in rubber, and didn't get to the MIR Market until around 3:30pm. I visited with a few more guys, but missed the lube wrestling (and once again, a lot of play opportunity in the demo area) entirely. I bought a Polymorphe hood from Leatherworks, closed up the Market and went back to hotel to change for the evening at Sidetrack and Berlin.
Showtunes Sunday was fun with the rubber gang. Afterwards five of us went for food then M and I stopped by the hotel again en route to Madonnarama at Berlin. The expected crew was a bit fragmented by then, but I got together with another sexy Chicago rubberguy and took him back to the hotel (which was conveniently across the street from Berlin).
We fooled around in the morning (I topped, believe it or not!) until checkout. We dropped my luggage off at J's place then I walked him to his place in Buena Park. I walked back to J's, and the boys were already into the Mimosas and Bloody Marys. I knew I was getting into trouble at that point. A few of J's co-workers came over and we had a lot of laughs and drinks before heading to a pub and then to Drag Queen Bingo. By that time, most of the crew was done but J and I went back to his place, initially with the intent to fist, but we ended up staying up all night figuring out the solutions to all the problems of the world.
I went straight to O'Hare at 3:30 since my flight was at 6 and had a groggy trip to Calgary via Toronto. I went out to my cousin's place in Okotoks right away, then to my friends place in Calgary I was staying at where we ate and wined until midnight or so. I went to bed since I had multiple meetings with old bosses and co-workers on Wednesday. Christmas shopping and a dinner date with old friends wrapped up the early evening, when I met up with another cousin and we ended up closing bars, breaking into her house because the front door lock was busted, and spending the rest of the night solving the world's problems AGAIN!
I crashed at another friend's place early Thursday morning until noon or so, then got up, did a bit more shopping and proceeded to Red Deer to my brother's place for the beginning of Christmas weekend. It was storming pretty bad so I tried to get there before nightfall. The roads were terrible in places, and all of this only made me realize how good my decision to move to the west coast actually was! This was the first 'November Christmas' we've had in three years or so that has had measurable snow on the ground.
Friday I managed to get out for five or so hours in the afternoon and head over to T's place where we fisted and played in rubber for the afternoon. It was an awesome play date. Saturday I managed to get out several times during the day to get together with old friends and also a quick booty call.
Sunday was Christmas Day, spent with the family opening gifts and eating excessively, and Monday afternoon I was on my way back to Calgary to catch my flight back to Vancouver.
All this time, no illness!
I was so happy to get home and reflect on a trip fondly, happy of the amount that I had accomplished, the territory I had covered and all the wonderful people in my life that I got to reconnect with. It was a fantastic trip!!
I was so happy to get home and reflect on a trip fondly, happy of the amount that I had accomplished, the territory I had covered and all the wonderful people in my life that I got to reconnect with. It was a fantastic trip!!
As usual many more pics to come as I collect and organize them!
Greetings from Toronto. Glad to have finally met you at MIR (Showtunes) and really glad to hear that you made it and the following week without getting sick. There were a couple of cases of "Kennel Cough" amongst the contestants after the event. Love your blog.
Mr. Rubber Toronto 2013