Slick Pages

Thursday, February 23, 2012


With less than 24 hours before I get the hell out of here and head to hot, sunny climes for a week, it was possibly prescient that there was a lot of skintight goodness in my Facebook feed this morning.

Zach Bell, a former teammate of mine has resurged in the World Cup track cycling standings recently with a 3rd place finish in the Men's Omnium at the London World Cup last week. Zach is a great guy and I'm glad that he is being rewarded and (finally) recognized for all of his hard work over the years.

With the successes the Canadian women's and men's teams had at the World Cup, there is now a lot of buzz about Canada's prospects in track cycling at the Olympics this summer. Through all the years that I raced on the track, I always claimed that track cycling was a PERFECT sport for Canada to excel in since it was season- and climate-exempt for the most long as you had the commitment to grow a program at a world class all-season facility. The facility question has been ongoing in Canada for years now, and it looks like Canada may finally get a world cup velodrome in Southern Ontario, but a lot of the success in the current Canadian team has come from Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec for the most part. B.C. has the only indoor velodrome in Canada to date, but Alberta and Quebec have some impressive outdoor facilities and obviously very effective, popular programs. Maybe my predictions are about to come true?!?!?

Todd Storey, the previous Mr. Florida Rubber 2011 before last weekend, is also an avid freediver. He linked out this interesting video on freediving, with all the skintight neoprene goodness that comes with it. Exhilarating, dangerous, holy crap it's gotta take a lot of resolve and training to do it competitively.

There are lots of skintight visuals to enjoy, which are the shape of things to come this summer as we come up to another Olympics, which is always a pervert's buffet as far as buff men in skintight outfits are concerned.

So, we're off to Palm Springs tomorrow morning for West Coast Rubber. I'm really looking forward to seeing the peeps from L.A., San Francisco, Seattle and Chicago. I'm bringing Mr. P, and my friend J with me, neither whom is particularly gummiphilic however I've sold them on all the sex they can potentially get if they come and cloister themselves in a men's resort in Palm Springs on a weekend when a bunch of perverts are going to be around. Naturally, they thought it was a great idea and are coming to check it out!

Also Bill and Mitch, who between the two of them have co-produced Rubbout for its entirety are coming as well, so there will be three generations of Rubbout producers at the party as well! It's going to be interesting, everyone's getting very excited.

Next Tuesday, I'm off to the Rio Grande Valley in southeast Texas to stay with my parents for five days. I haven't been down there to their winter place since 2008 so it'll be good to hang with them and their friends for a few days. A lot of their life-long friends also winter down there so some of these people I've known for my entire life and it is always a treat to spend time with them, especially now that they are all getting older and dogged with health problems, etc.

Anyways, I'm going to have to race-pack tonight and just hope that I'm bringing the right gear with me. I'm hoping Mr. P will bring the rubber back to Vancouver with him next week while I travel with a carry-on bag down to Texas. I'll be writing and updating via smartphone and Wi-fi as I can, hopefully with pics from Palm Springs as they appear! Ciao for now!

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