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Friday, September 30, 2011

FABLE: Chapter Sixteen

Part 16
Richard reduced the level of Entanox Tom was getting, and held him at a level where he was just barely aware of the effect. The strapping-in procedure had been lengthy, and now he wanted Tom to have the opportunity to settle down before beginning the program of procedures he had planned for the next few hours. He left Karl on a full dose of the gas; he knew how much the big muscleman enjoyed it. He checked the monitors before him, and was reassured to find that Tom was in a very relaxed condition. He glanced over to Tom, who sprouted so many tubes and wires from his rubber gear, no one looking at him would have believed that it was possible, at the press of just one button, to free him from his bonds in a matter of seconds in the event of his becoming in any way seriously distressed. Richard glanced over to Hans, sitting beside him at the console. They both enjoyed this part of the proceedings, watching the reactions of the subjects as the program got under way. Karl always reacted well, even Hans, despite his deep-seated reservations about the bodybuilder, got a thrill out of seeing Karl put through the coming routine. Both men were eager to see how Tom would shape up. He would be the center of their attention, and he would be the one to be tested to his limit.

A testing time lay ahead for Karl too, but the test for him would be one of loyalty and emotion. Richard speculated on the outcome; would Karl's loyalty to himself prevail over his love for Tom or, as he hoped, would Karl be able to strike a balance between the two. Although Karl knew what lay ahead, the test was to be a true one, Richard had not pressured him either way although much was at stake for him also. Tom meanwhile was blissfully unaware of the pivotal role in which he had been cast.
The heavily oxygen-diluted gas gave Tom a sensation of floating lightness; he was aware of the grip in which the mask held his face. There was just the right 'feel' to it, and the slight pulsing kept him continually aware of the erotic pressure the mask was exerting upon him. He still had the two black rubber breathing bladders in view. He held his breath momentarily so that he could see his own bladder become briefly stilled. Karl's was rising and falling regularly; the big rubber guy was in his element on the Entanox. Unlike Tom, he had had his feeding tube fully inserted ; apart from the tube, and the fact that he was on a stronger mix of gas, his situation was identical to Tom's, and Richard decided that he was ready to begin the program in earnest, and that the moment had come to stop the gas for both men in the chairs.
The scene before Tom's eyes moved gradually away from the bladders, and once again he found himself gazing at himself. He heard Karl moan softly, and at the same moment he became aware of movement in his ass. At first the movement was barely perceptible; the sensation was one of gentle internal massage. He found himself moaning with the exquisite pleasure that was building up within him as the movements slowly and gradually increased in intensity. The segmented head of the dildo had opened out like the petals of some tantalizing erotic flower, and it had begun to rotate back and forth just half a turn, causing the rounded edges of the rubber segments to massage his prostate lightly. He writhed in rubber ecstasy, and could see himself writhing within his bonds. The image before his eyes drew away, and now he could see himself and Karl, who was also writhing with the same intense anal pleasure he himself was experiencing.

The prostate massage had made Tom's dick swell within the moulded black rubber sheath, and his dick seemed to fill it totally; he felt perilously close to orgasm, and powerless to hold himself back from it. His rubber cock ring ceased pulsing and gripped the base of his dick tightly, and as this change occurred, the image in his black rubber goggles drew down to show his own and Karl's cock sheaths. Tom's cock sheath suddenly gripped his dick and then relaxed, at the same moment he became aware of a restriction on his breathing, and although in no sense did he have to fight for oxygen, he did have to consciously exert himself to inhale enough to fill his lungs. Remembering Richard's caution never to fight what he was experiencing, but to go along with it, he settled into a slow but deep pattern of breathing, taking his cue from the sensation on his dick, for he realised that his own breathing was stimulating Karl's dick in the same way that Karl's breathing was working upon his.
Once again the image before Tom changed; now he knew he was looking at Karl, and correctly he deduced that Karl was probably looking at him. To test his idea, he attempted a wave with one hand. Karl responded immediately, and he knew he was right. Being able to see Karl, and to know that Karl could see him added a new dimension to the sensations he was experiencing on his dick as Karl breathed. Tom decided to inhale, then try to hold his breath, reasoning that this would result in Karl's dick being held firmly in the grip of the rubber vacuum his lungs would have created. As soon as Tom began holding his breath, Karl immediately did the same, and now a contest ensued between the two rubbermen as to who could hold the other's dick in a rubber vice-like grip longer. Karl had no trouble in winning, and as both men resumed their regular breathing pattern, Tom heard Karl gurgle with amusement. The masks on both men were still gripping their rubber faces tightly, and Tom remembered that he was breathing now solely through the rubber nasal tubes. The thought excited him anew, and he flexed the muscles in his nasal passages against the intruding tubes, enjoying the sensation of this element of the totality of rubber.

Karl, who was, unlike Tom, fully intubated, and who during his time under Richard's rubber guidance, had learned to overcome the reflex action of his throat muscles, and had achieved conscious control over them, swallowed repeatedly against the tubes in his throat, in effect caressing the tubes with the muscles. For him, this area of his body had become a highly erogenous zone, and the rubber invasion of this area of his body, a sensation unknown , and probably also repugnant to, most rubbermen, was symbolic of the totality of his rubber needs. He fantasized about sharing this wonderful feeling with Tom, who he knew had yet to acquire his own skills in dealing with this unusual aspect of rubber. How wonderful, he thought, it would have been to have shared the double mask with Tom while both were fully intubated, their sensual rubber lips locked together, but impeded slightly by the invading feeding tubes, around which each would entwine their tongues, feeling and tasting the rubber, as they felt and tasted each other. The mere thought of such a prospect sent a thrill of added excitement through him. He knew, of course, that Tom was nowhere near ready for such an experience yet.

As Karl's thoughts dwelt upon Tom, and future rubber events in his own, and he hoped, Tom's life, his rubber excitement gave way once again to the anxiety that had lain leaden in his stomach since the moment, while he was being prepared for the chair, and while Tom still slept, that Richard had told him of his own hopes concerning himself and Tom. Unaccustomed as he was to responsibility, or to the need to give profound thought to any matter, the situation in which he now found himself consequent upon what Richard had told him had at first been an alarming one, and within Karl it wrought a fundamental change. During these hours in the chair he had thought deeply and carefully about his relationship to Richard, and the attendant brittleness in his dealings with Hans, and now the added dimension of his emotional involvement with Tom. A stranger to dilemma, Karl had, on learning of what Richard had imparted, felt alone and vulnerable in a way he had not experienced since his early days at home in Hamburg.

It was the rare experience of recalling those comparatively lonely and bleak times that had stiffened an hitherto untried resolve within Karl, and quite suddenly he found himself able to think with uncharacteristic clarity upon this complex problem. The fact that he was undergoing a maturing process went unrealized by Karl, what did not escape him however, was the fact that for the first time since he had joined Richard's household, a situation had developed over which Richard was not overtly exercising control, at least for the time being.

Karl's reasoning told him that the final outcome for himself, for Tom and for Richard would be determined by Tom's reaction to Richard's final test, and to a large extent, to how he himself handled the situation. In that moment he made his decision; the feeling of resolve and determination within him was so strong that he involuntarily straightened himself up in the chair, subconsciously reinforcing his decision, and realizing that whatever the final outcome, there would be no escape from some degree of emotional pain. He would face it, he told himself, like a man, then mentally correcting himself, he almost mouthed the words, 'like a rubberman.' For years now he had gloried in his manliness, his superb physique, and his ability to enjoy the most extreme of rubber procedures, and he knew in that instant that as a rubberman he was supreme. The rubber metamorphosis of Karl was complete, his decision made, and his resolve firm, he turned his attention to the enjoyment of his immediate situation.

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