Slick Pages

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rubbout 21 Photo Shoot

I am relieved to say that Mr. P finally got out of the hospital. It's been a stressful exhausting week. He's still on day passes for the next couple of days since he needs to get antibiotics three times a day, but at least he's not stuck in a noisy hospital room and we got to sleep together last night for the first time since Friday.

In addition to hospital visits, I had another job interview yesterday...admittedly I was poorly prepared for it. Looking back on it now I think I did okay but it might have been the best plan to delay the interview a few days since I feel it could've gone better.

My rubber play buddy from NZ was in town this weekend but I wasn't able to get a play party planned out...Tuchus and I have been chatting for some time to finally get together again. I haven't played with him since Portland in March, we'll see if I can't reschedule something with him in the next week or so.

I was feeling pretty despondent on Monday night and was almost ready to postpone all my appointments for the week, but last night I was able to go over to S and S's condo for a Rubbout photo shoot, and this made me feel a LOT BETTER. S is an illustrator and we have hired him to create a couple of poster images to promote Rubbout 21. He had a very buff handsome ginger model over in some transparent blue latex and he is supposed to be the centerpiece of the new poster series. The theme as some of you know, is 'Rubber Invasion' for 2012. The model was dressed in some sci-fi holsters, guns and goggles, and looked awesome once I had him polished up. Next, S's husband S donned my white Libidex catsuit, hood, gloves and white gasmask. His image is supposed to be multiple background, like an army of invaders behind the 'captain'. S looked great in the suit once polished up and he filled it out beautifully.

S's plan was also to give me an opportunity for some professional photographs. I decided to finally get some pics done of the Hypershine bathing suit, while also promoting Rubbout weekend with the beach balls that were around a couple of years ago. We had fun with that, and I'm excited to see how the pics turned out. I'm more excited to see how S's illustrations turn out! The intent was to have at least a sketch together so we could do some Rubbout promotion at Pride in a couple of weeks, he says it'll be no exciting! I will post pics and posters here as they come available.

So yeah, busy looking for new work, covering my ass at the current job, and doing all that other shit. I'm tired but thankful everything is as it could all be a lot worse, right?

The Leather and Denim Cruisey-T is on Sunday, and Pride events start this weekend. The North America Outgames start on Monday and finish next weekend, smack in the middle of Vancouver Pride. It's going to be a fun exhausting week. I just wish the weather would give us even a bit of a taste of summer. It's creating a lot of bummed out people and low attendance at summer events. I can only hope the weather heats up as do all the Pride events!

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