Rubber Men San Francisco
Se7en is a super hot boy who works in the latex department at Mr S Leather. He just recently restarted Rubber Men San Francisco (RMSF) and I wanted him to tell us all about it!
What is your vision for what this group will be? Can you give us an overview? Do you have a mission statement?
My vision for RMSF is for it to become the center of the rubber community. Every rubber enthusiast I talk to says the same thing, “how is there not a stronger rubber scene in San Francisco, of all places!” We are going to change that. Our mission is to provide a safe space for male-identified rubberists to socialize and explore rubber.
How long have you been into rubber and how does your interest in it manifest in your life?
I am actually really new to rubber. But my passion for it brought me to SF in search of the lifestyle I could not find in (*shudder*) Florida. That search also led me to Mister S Leather, where I serendipitously landed myself a position designing and making latex fetish gear.
How many members does this new incarnation of RMSF have so far?
Four. Just kidding. The Google Group is ever growing, now almost 30 I believe. That is probably the best indication of our ‘size’ since those people have joined within the past few months. The listserv, which consists of over 500 addresses, is undoubtedly full of inactive members. Our hope is that the transition to the Google Group will help to weed out some of those useless addresses.
What challenges have you faced in restarting the group?
The toughest challenge has actually been getting people to join in the development process. My co-[insert authoritative title here] Rick Holte and I are very interested in the collaborative process. We believe the group must be built BY the members. We wish to foster a sense of ownership in every member. Of course we know that this will take time, but keeping that in mind has probably been the biggest challenge for both of us.
How is this version of RMSF different than previous versions of the group?
Probably the biggest difference is the structure. Perviously RMSF was not run collaboratively. The previous [insert authoritative title here], Terry, jokingly admits to running the group as a dictator, so I think it will take time for the community to notice the change. Also, over the past few years, the group’s activities have consisted only of a Dore Alley (Up Your Alley) party and a Folsom party. Our goal now is to have events year-round. We are also hoping to come up with some fun, hot ideas that take us out of the bar scene. As much fun as the bars can be, some of the members, including myself, are sober, so we would like to expand the possibilities and add some variety. Any ideas?
How is the group structured?
Like I mentioned earlier, the group is mostly myself and Rick making the ‘hard decisions’ and sort of keeping the group informed and organized, followed by the members who really have as much say in the group’s structure and function as either of us. We would like to group to resemble a close family, built on cooperation – and who share a hardcore passion for latex and kink… just like any normal family. ;)
If someone is interested in becoming a member, how do they join?
I am glad you asked! Any interested parties can join the Google Group and/or visit us on Facebook
Technically RMSF does have a website: – however, it is badly in need of some updating. For now the group primarily relies on the Google Group and the FB page. Membership is free and open to any interested parties (so long as they show mutual respect and contribute positively to the function of the group – meaning: just don’t be an asshole).
Are there any guidelines for membership (gender, orientation, etc?)
The group is intended for male-identified individuals who have a latex fetish/fascination and typically enjoy sex with other male-identified individuals (at least some of the time) — so post-modern, I know. But calling it a gay men’s group would not be accurate anymore (I personally identify as queer), so we leave the identifying up to the individuals and simply open our arms to anyone interested in seeing what it’s all about. A very important issue for me, in reshaping this group, has been that it be trans-friendly. This needs to be a space for all of our queer brothers to feel safe and welcome. Any members with objections to our policy of inclusion are frankly not welcome. The days of checking under someone’s pants at the door are over, thankfully. While we do maintain that we are a group for male-identified individuals, I do look forward to the possibility in the future of joining up with other rubber groups (if you’re out there, let me know!) and possibly co-hosting parties with differently gendered individuals. (Can you tell that I studied queer theory and gender identity in college?) We also encourage everyone from first-timers to lifelong rubberists to join us. For instance, at our Dore Alley party this Saturday (7-30) at The Powerhouse, we will have a booth for guests to can try on different latex pieces to see what they feel like. So even if you have never worn latex, or ESPECIALLY if you’ve never worn latex, you should come on Saturday and check us out. We look forward to meeting you.
Huge thanks to Se7en!!!
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Rubbermen of San Francisco Interview
The new president of RMSF, Se7en, was e-interviewed by his friend Leland (Girls of Leather and the Leather Alliance) about RMSF for her website, The interview is below :)
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