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Friday, July 1, 2011

FABLE: Chapter Three

Part 3
"Now, Tom, tell me - how do you feel?"

Tom started to nod vigorously, and Hans laughed. "Its OK, I can hear you now. Inside the rubber over your lips there is a thin ribbon microphone; we have them in our own suits, so now you can talk and be heard. Right, now bend over. Karl has forgotten to put the flange for your arse into place. If he's not careful he's got another shock coming to him!"

As Tom bent, Hans returned to the locker. Karl used his rubber- covered fingers deftly to insert the flange into Tom's arse. Tom thought he took a little longer than was really necessary, and when Karl took advantage of Hans's momentary inattention to sneak a crafty feel of Tom's balls and dick, he knew he was right. Tom's dick was still throbbing, and although the sheath was in no way constricting, or even confining in the way that a tight pair of jeans would be, nonetheless, the effect of the sheath and the rubber suit generally was in itself wildly stimulating, especially to a sexually vigorous man who had not been allowed to get his rocks off for two whole weeks. When he felt Karl's caress he thought his dick was going to erupt. He felt at the very limit of his self-control, and pushed Karl's hand away, hoping that Hans would not see the movement in the mirror, but the latter was busy in the locker and did not notice the quick exchange. Tom dared not speak to Karl, but as he pushed his hand away, he managed a quick responsive squeeze, hoping the headstrong rubber guy would understand.

"OK, that's it," said Karl.

Tom eased himself upright again and tried to see himself in the mirror. Hans, returning from the locker with another bundle of rubber, saw Tom's attempts to see his rubber image for the first time, and moving out of the way, said, "Go on, take a good look." Tom walked up to the full-length mirror, and stared at the image. The suit had been made so skillfully that his features were still recognizable through the rubber hood. He was looking at a complete rubber Tom.

"Move about - flex all your muscles, Tom, and see how freely you can move," said Hans. Tom was amazed at the combination of complete coverage and freedom of movement. The feeling of the rubber was quite unlike anything he had ever experienced before. He took another long look in the mirror; he could just make out the tiny tubes that Hans had told him about. There was a vast intricate network of them, there must have been thousands. For the first time he noticed, in the lower back, a tiny rubber connector.

Hans explained, "Remember you only have the under suit on so far."

Indicating the rubber he still held, he went on, "Here is the proper suit; that connector joins with it, and will form part of the system into which you will eventually be plugged. The little pads you see in the suit are electronic sensors, and they will monitor all your vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart and respiration rate and your temperature. It really is a work of art, though it owes more to science than to art. Now, that's enough preening. I want you fully suited up. Let's move it, Karl."

Hans laid the bundle of rubber on the floor, unfolding it to reveal the main suit, heavier and stronger than the under suit, but, incredibly, just as elastic. The only other respect in which the heavier over suit differed from the under suit was that it was equipped with moulded rubber boots instead of feet. The three of them went through the whole procedure once more, until, at last, Tom was completely suited.

Hans made Tom move and stretch to make certain that the suit was comfortable and properly fitted. Satisfied finally that Tom was suited up perfectly, he said, "Just relax for a few minutes. Your suit is not yet air-conditioned, and I don't want you to get over-heated, so sit down."

Tom resumed his seat on the bench. He was beginning to feel really elated. His whole body had come alive in a totally unexpected way since he'd got into the suit. He was aware of every part of his body, yet there was no pressure, no constriction, whichever way he moved. The sensation was electrifying. He still felt a little apprehensive about what lay ahead, now that he was, quite literally, on the threshold of this rubber adventure; nevertheless, the feel of the suit gave him confidence, and he felt that dressed thus he could cope with anything. He had never felt so complete in all his life, and he just sat savoring the sheer pleasure of it all.

Hans broke into his thoughts, "You look good, Tom, and I know you feel good. Before we go in to the Doctor, I have something to say. First, reassurance that you are in expert and experienced hands, and secondly, I want to explain one or two things that may have puzzled while we have been preparing you. You will have noticed that I wear a padlock and that it is open, and that Karl's is locked. Our suits are identical to yours, and having just been dressed, you won't need telling that none of us would be able to undress without assistance. The padlocks are therefore worn merely as symbols of our status as rubber submissives. The fact that mine hangs open and loose, while Karl's is locked is a further symbol of our ranking in the Doctor's eyes. Mine is open as a gesture from the Doctor that he accepts my obedience to him without question. Karl has yet to achieve that status, although the fact that he wears the padlock, the only item of his gear, by the way, that is his personal property, and was a gift to him from the Doctor, indicates that he has attained some standing with the Doctor as a rubber submissive. He wears it with some pride. It remains to be seen if you will be given one."

Hans paused, and Karl broke in, "I'll help you get yours, Tom." His voice was low and earnest; he barely breathed the words. Tom wondered if Karl had hoped Hans would not have heard, but he knew, because he could hear them both breathing, there was no chance of even the slightest sound being missed by Hans, who snapped, "Hold your tongue. Karl. You have all you can do to help yourself, so shut up."

Once more Tom could feel the tension between the two, and despite his own mixed feelings of apprehension and excitement about the immediate future, he felt protective towards Karl, and he began thinking of himself and Karl as becoming in some way united by their common position of submissiveness to Hans. Karl remained silent, and Hans continued, "The eyepieces in our masks differ, as you can see. Once again this is, if you will, a badge of rank; it also serves as a means of identification. The Doctor and I both have black eyepieces, while Karl has mirrored glass. At certain stages you will wear a similar mask which will be equipped with plain glass - the badge of a novice. Stand now, Tom. The Doctor will be ready for us, and it would be unwise to keep him waiting."

As he got to his feet, Tom realised that his legs were trembling. There was a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach, and he felt suddenly quite weak. He attributed it to not having eaten, but deep in his heart he admitted to himself that not only was his weakness due to a lack of food and drink, but also to fear that was slowly stealing over him because of what may await him. Physically, his suit made him feel magnificent and indomitable; mentally, Hans terrified him. He knew Hans was a submissive, but he told himself that even so, as dominant in terms of himself and Karl, he was a determined and forceful personality. He sensed that Hans's loyalty to Richard was absolute. He was disturbed by his own feelings for Karl, and a little angered and defensive about Hans's attitude to Karl.

With these conflicting emotions raging within him, Tom walked to the centre of the room and faced the double doors at the far end. The other two took position on either side of Tom, and together the three rubbermen advanced to the doors. Karl gave Tom's elbow a reassuring squeeze; Tom responded, dropping his hand and briefly gripping the front of Karl's thigh. Hans and Karl each pushed one of the doors which parted easily and silently - they passed through.
Through the double doors at last, Tom stopped dead in his tracks. Hans and Karl had gone a pace ahead before they realised Tom had stopped. As if to support him, each man took one of his arms, understandably, they had mistaken his hesitation for fear. In fact, Tom had stopped in wonder, the scene before him could have come from any of a dozen fantasies he had conjured in his imagination over the years. He just could not believe this was real.

The room was a fully equipped operating room. Before him, Tom could see the table with the big light overhead. He had expected a well equipped rubber-room, but nothing as elaborate and complex as this room. The big light over the table was unlit, but it dominated the room. Quickly he looked about him; the room was full of equipment, all of which appeared to be authentic hospital gear. Much of the room was occupied by electronic gadgetry. Away on the far side of the spacious room were two very complicated looking chairs, similar to dentist's chairs. The walls were lined with cabinets; there were several trolleys, all laden with equipment, but concealed by rubber sheeting. Everything in the room was either of rubber or stainless steel. With the main light unlit, the room was illuminated by cleverly positioned lights which created a slightly menacing, and yet to someone with Tom's tastes, an undeniably thrilling atmosphere. The rubber reflected highlights and the steel glittered its potent message of seductive malice. The apprehensions of a few minutes ago dropped away from him. His rubber instincts told him that this was going to be a rubber experience well worth all the tedium Richard had put him through during the past few weeks. He forgot about the conflicting emotions that had raged within him about Karl.

Quite suddenly his attention was riveted on one item of equipment standing slightly to one side and a little away from the head of the table. It was an anesthetic machine, with its cylinders, flow meters and gauges. The large black rubber bladder hung inert among the loops of corrugated rubber tubing, some of which lay over the top of the machine, and nestling tantalizingly among the tubes was a big black rubber face mask. A frisson of excitement swept through him; his heart raced, and his dick throbbed. He knew without doubt that he was in the domain of a wealthy and knowledgeable rubber fanatic for whom it would seem there were no limits, and nothing was too extreme. In this respect, Tom's instinct was true enough.

Thrilled and elated, he straightened himself, and unconsciously flexed his whole body inside the rubber. This, he told himself, is the business. He knew it was what he was made for.

Tom felt the grip on his arms tighten, and the two men, who now behaved more like captors, gently but firmly led him towards the table. They reached it in three paces, and with swift joint action, the two rubbermen had lifted Tom off his feet and laid him on the table.

"Bit of a shock, is it?” said Hans.
"Like a dream come true - Bloody fantastic!"

Tom tried to look about him as he lay on the table, but it was difficult to see much. There was no sign of Richard.

"Lie still. I am going to plug you into the system. Your suit will be air-conditioned then. The sensors will be activated, and the mikes and earplugs will operate from a central power source instead of from batteries."

Hans took the slim rubber tube protruding from the small of Tom's back and connected it to a long tube that led away to a bank of electronic equipment a few feet from the table. He pressed a few keys on a panel, and instantly Tom felt a slight change in the 'feel' of his suit. It had begun to feel a little clammy, but now the suit began to feel again like it had when he first got into it. He also noticed that the cock-rings had become active; a slight, barely perceptible pulse every few seconds as the rings contracted and then relaxed again.

"Notice any difference?" Asked Hans. Tom nodded. "We have to connect our own suits and breathing gear into the central system, and then I'll run a quick check of all our equipment."

Hans busied himself at the console for a few minutes, and Tom felt the network of tubes in his suit suddenly swell then shrink again, several times in rapid succession. After that he could feel increased activity in the cock rings, followed by a tingling sensation in the rings which increased to a degree that made him gasp, and then involuntarily cry out in pain. "OK, I'm just making sure everything in your suit is functioning, so stop your bawling."

Karl had come to the side of the table with a piece of very heavy rubber. He laid it along Tom's chest and abdomen. At intervals along the edge were short straps, an inch or so in length. Each strap was fitted with a large heavy-duty D-ring. One end of the rubber pad reached almost to Tom's throat, the other end to just above his dick. The rubber pad was about four inches wide, and passed between Tom's nipples, which could be seen clearly erect in the suit. Hans positioned himself on the opposite side of the table. Working in unison, the two rubbermen threaded thick rubber straps, one end of which was secured to the underside of the table, through the D-rings, pulled them tight enough to be just taut, securing each strap to a clamp beneath the table. There were five straps on each side, with two more at each end. Working from top to bottom they adjusted and increased the tension on each strap so that Tom could feel moderate pressure on his body from the pad, now secured with equal tension on each strap. For the time being the four end straps were left loose.

The table was fitted with stainless steel stirrups; Tom's legs were lifted and placed in them. The stirrups could be raised or lowered and moved laterally by hydraulics. Hans pressed a pedal on the floor, and slowly the stirrups lifted Tom's legs up and apart. Kicking another pedal, Hans caused the lower end of the table to drop away, so that he could stand at the end, between Tom's legs, and gain convenient access to his arse. The stirrups were padded with rubber and, Hans having positioned them at a height and angle comfortable for Tom, the two rubbermen secured his legs into the stirrups with thick rubber straps. Karl secured the two straps at the lower end of the rubber pad to the table through Tom's groin, carefully ensuring that the tension was equal to that on the side-straps. The lower half of Tom's body was now completely immobile, while his arse and dick were easily accessible from the end of the table.
Meanwhile Hans had come to the head of the table, which was constructed of three closely integrated flaps, each of which could be raised or lowered singly, or when required all three could move as one unit. He took Tom's head between his rubber covered hands and carefully positioned it on the centre flap. He operated a lever and the two outer flaps folded away beneath the table. He secured the two straps on the pad over Tom's shoulders to the table, adjusting the tension with some precision.
Tom was now in a very submissive position, immobile except for his arms and head; but not for long. The two rubbermen resumed their places on each side of the table from beneath which each man pulled out an arm-support, placed at 45 degrees to the table. Tom's arms were quickly secured to these with more heavy rubber strapping. Hans returned to the head of the table, while Karl went off to one of the cabinets at the edge of the room. Hans picked up a rubber head-harness made of thin rubber strips, and cunningly designed so that once Hans had secured it, Tom's head was held immobile, yet no part of the harness covered his face.

Tom was now totally immobilized. He could move no part of his body, yet he was conscious of no undue pressure on any part of him. He had never been held so securely in such physical comfort. The whole procedure had been carried out in silence. Tom could hear the other two breathing in their masks, and his gaze followed them as they moved about; he was still unable to take his eyes from the pulsating black rubber bladders on their backs. He was now really enjoying the attentions of the two rubber guys, and his pleasure and excitement increased as each part of his body was secured to the table. Where, he wondered, was Richard?

Hans spoke, "We have you completely at our mercy now, Tom, and I can promise you there will be none, so prepare yourself. From now on its rubber all the way, as much as you can handle." He moved to one side of the table, "There will be pain," and emphasizing the point, leaned over Tom and tweaked his nipples sharply.

Despite the two layers of rubber, they were remarkably receptive to sensation. The unexpected pain made Tom gasp, and Hans chuckled maliciously. His voice was no longer friendly or encouraging; yet again Tom could detect the underlying tones of hardness. Once more he reminded himself that submissive though he might be, Hans still presented a formidable rubber presence. Tom shrugged mentally, philosophizing to himself that he was now powerless anyway, so why worry.

Hans was speaking again, "You have a few minutes to lay there and consider your position; if you have any regrets about it, hard luck. We are here to finish what you started." He left Tom.

Tom knew of course that he was not alone. For a brief second, however, he felt totally isolated. In one sense he was; inside his suit he was shut away from the outside world, and in this room, reality as understood by the conventional world had no place. He felt his spirits rising again; he acknowledged that he would have things no different.

He tested his limbs and body and could move nothing; again he marveled that there was no pressure or constriction anywhere on his body. He lay there in complete comfortable confinement. The action of the cock rings reminded him again of his rampant rubber dick which was dominating his consciousness. However, from the moment his legs had been placed in the stirrups, he had been becoming increasingly aware of his arse, and he longed for something big to penetrate it.

He could only look upward. The harness held his head as immobile as his body, and he looked up at the great light overhead. He wondered how much it weighed and thought, irrationally, about the damage it would inflict if it fell on him; there would be no escape. A slight movement in the reflective surfaces of the light caught his attention; thinking his eyes were playing tricks in the subdued lighting, he closed them briefly. The instant he reopened them he felt his head clasped gently in two hands. He looked up to see a tall gas masked figure standing over him. Richard had arrived.

Tom heard Richard's low musical voice in his ears. The sense of intimacy created by the ear plugs accentuated the naturally persuasive tones of the voice, to the point where Tom felt the hypnotic effect of it once again. Richard's rubber covered hands caressed Tom's rubber helmeted head, and he knew instinctively that he was, quite literally, in the hands of The Master.

"I see the boys have done a good job in preparing you. You look good, and I hope you are ready for some real rubber action. How do you feel - are you comfortable?"
"I feel great, but what do I call you?"

"The boys call me 'Doctor', you will do the same. Now, Tom, we are going to start off very gently. By the way, the boys are busy now, they have their work to do, so I have taken them out of our circuit. They can talk to each other, but can't hear what we are saying, so for the moment it's just the two of us."

Richard released Tom's head and, while he spoke, drew a low rubber-covered stool to the head of the table, and then brought the anesthetic machine to within a couple of feet. He lifted the mask from the coils of black corrugated rubber tubes and held it for a moment, cupped almost lovingly in his hand while he opened a valve and made quick checks of the gauges and flow meters. He seated himself on the stool, holding the mask above Tom's face.

When he saw the mask above him, Tom felt a sudden thrill, 'Here we go', he thought.
"The boys and I breathe oxygen when we are in rubber. It makes you feel great - you'll love it." He placed the mask lightly on Tom's face, taking care that it was properly seated, and then applied more pressure. Tom smelt the rubber, and in his excitement began pulling in great gulps of the oxygen greedily. Almost at once he felt the 'lifting' effect. His whole rubber body was alive with sensation; his dick and arse were driving him to distraction with their craving for satisfaction. The big black rubber mask on his face felt great and he was wild with rubber sexual arousal and anticipation.

"Steady with your breathing. Just breathe normally. If you continue to gulp as you are doing you will hyper-ventilate, so just take things as they come. Now close your mouth and breathe slowly and deeply through your nose." Tom did as Richard said; he could hear his own heart pounding in his ears.

"That's better, just keep breathing like that. This equipment we have here is very sophisticated. It can breathe for you, but for the moment you are breathing on demand, which means that the machine gives you what you ask it to, so just carry on as you are while I strap the mask on. I am going to put a blindfold on as well so that you can concentrate totally on enjoying all the sensations, so just relax and keep breathing slowly and deeply."

Richard secured the mask to Tom's face with a Clausen's harness, a triangular piece of heavy rubber which already lay beneath Tom's head. A thick rubber strap extended from each point of the triangle, one on each side of the head, the other over the top from behind. The straps had holes punched at half-inch intervals. On the front of the mask were three steel lugs, and Richard hooked the straps to the mask, taking care that the tension on each strap was equal. He adjusted the mask so that it was just moderately tight.

Tom was enjoying the sensation of Richard fitting the mask. He loved masks of all kinds, regarding them as an essential part of any rubber activity, and there was a special thrill for him to be masked by another while helpless himself. He wanted the mask to be strapped on really tight, but recognizing the sureness of Richard's experienced touch, and mindful of his own role in the proceedings, he remained silent. The blackness enhanced everything he could feel.

Richard rose and walked round the side of the table. He reflected with some satisfaction that Tom looked magnificent lying there in full rubber bondage with the great rubber mask strapped to his face and the two black corrugated rubber hoses rising up from the front of it to long graceful and provocative curves back to the machine. The sound of Tom's now regular breathing was quite audible, but because he was breathing for himself on demand, the big black rubber bladder on the machine remained lifeless.

For a few minutes Richard stood gazing at Tom. He told himself the lad showed great promise so far, and he was eager to see how he would react as the weekend progressed. He cast an appraising eye over the bondage which, despite the fact that Hans and Karl had done the work, he nevertheless regarded as his own creation. Satisfied with what he saw, he looked over to where his two acolytes were preparing some professional colonic irrigation equipment. Karl was erecting a steel stand at the foot of the table from which was slung an enormous black rubber bag. Empty now, the bag would soon hold five gallons of warm soapy water. Several feet of plain black rubber tubing, one inch in diameter, led from the bottom of the bag to a three-way junction where it joined two similar tubes. One of these had already been connected to a drain in the floor; the third tube, now held by Hans, culminated in a large phallic-shaped nozzle. It was in fact a variation of the Bardex enema, whereby the head of the phallus could be inflated after it had been inserted, so that the whole phallus was locked in position and could not be dislodged by any amount of muscular contraction. The special union which connected the nozzle to the main tube had hanging from it a short slender tube on the end of which was a black rubber inflating bulb. Each of the hoses had a steel on/off valve located midway along its length.

Hans lubricated the whole of the nozzle generously and laid it on the table beneath Tom's arse. Karl meanwhile had completed erecting the stand and now brought water in large jugs which, while Hans held the huge bag steady, he poured. Karl had to return several times to the sink before the bag was finally filled.

Richard stood watching them work. He took some pride in these two rubber creatures he had created. Just as Tom had done earlier, he enjoyed the sight of the black rubber bladders on their backs rising and falling as they breathed. Karl's was really heaving with the effort of carrying the jugs of water. Richard smiled to himself in his mask. Karl had certainly taken some taming, he recalled as his gaze followed the younger rubberman's movements about the room. He had been fascinated by the curious paradox of submissiveness in such a headstrong guy; yes, he told himself, there was never a dull moment with Karl. Hans, by contrast, was totally predictable. The great hulking rubberman was spaniel-like in his devotion to Richard, and although submissive by nature, nonetheless had the capacity to dominate, particularly if in so doing he was executing a command of Richard's upon a third party. Once again Richard grinned in his mask as he thought how well Hans could handle Karl, who though equally devoted to Richard, did not fear him as he feared Hans. Despite the fact that the two worked well together on projects such as this, Richard was well aware that there was tension between the two rubber guys, and he had often been hugely diverted by the way in which they reacted to each other. 'Cat and mouse', he thought, then mentally correcting himself, 'no, more like cat and a puppy.'

The great bag now bulged, and Karl, having rid himself of the jugs now brought to Hans a small black rubber butt-plug, which the latter lubricated and began slowly to insert into Tom.

Unaware, in his black, rubber world, of all the activity around him, Tom had drifted into a rubber fantasy, 'Oh,' he wished, 'if only this mask were on real tight, if only one of these bastards would do something with my dick and my arse.' He knew he was in a situation that all submissive rubber guys would give their eye-teeth for, yet it was so frustrating to be so hyped-up and yet - nothing! He was groaning inwardly when he was startled by a hand on the inside of one of his thighs, then he felt the tip of the butt-plug, 'at last!' He felt the plug slide in and then twist. He hoped he was being opened up for something bigger. He drew more heavily on the oxygen, moving his facial muscles against the light, almost imperceptible pressure of the mask. He could feel the muscles of his arse working with the plug, as it was drawn in and out and twisted first one way and then the other.

For five minutes Hans manipulated the plug inside Tom, and satisfied that he was open and receptive, he withdrew it and handed it to Karl who got rid of it and returned to the foot of the table alongside the enema stand. Hans took up the phallic nozzle and nodded to Karl to open the valve in the main feeder tube slightly, so that the tube was fully primed with water, thus preventing air being pumped into Tom ahead of the enema itself, which would cause severe cramps. The hole in the head of the nozzle was narrower than the bore of the tube, only a quarter of an inch, ensuring that Tom would receive a steady flow of water at pressure, but avoiding a sudden influx, which would also give him internal cramp. As soon as water flowed from the nozzle, Hans signaled Karl to close the valve and, with one hand parting the lips of Tom's arse, pressed the head into the newly opened twitching hole.

Exerting firm, controlled pressure, he paused and looked to the head of the table where Richard had resumed his place on the stool and, nodding to Hans as he flicked a switch on the anesthetic machine, the big rubber guy pushed the phallus slowly and relentlessly to its hilt, noting with approval the way Tom used his anal muscles to co-operate in accepting the great nozzle. It went in smoothly. He looked up and saw that Tom's chest was heaving slightly. Out of circuit with Tom he could hear nothing; he glanced at Richard who gave no further sign, so assuming that all was well with Tom, he seized the bulb and began inflating the head. He continued until he felt the bulb begin to resist and he knew the head was locking itself into place; a few more pumps on the bulb secured it finally. He stood up and nodded to Karl who opened the valve from the bag partially, and the water flowed down through the tube into Tom.

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