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Friday, July 15, 2011

FABLE: Chapter Five

Part 5
Tom lay secure in his rubber cocoon, aware now that all fluid had drained from his bowel, and for the present at least, there was no sign of refilling. His breathing was back to normal and his consciousness at that moment was dominated by the intense pressure being exerted by his mask. Aware of an apparent lull in the proceedings, he had a sharp but brief sense of anticipation, and almost immediately he felt a slight constricting sensation in all his major blood vessels, rather like a non-smoker would experience if he inhaled on a cigarette. There was a distinct ringing in his ears. He felt intoxicated.

Despite Richard's advice, he felt the onset of panic. He felt really 'high', and knew that he would be utterly useless if called upon to perform any task. Momentarily he almost regretted his situation, and then as suddenly as they had appeared, his symptoms subsided, and he realised that he was once more breathing pure oxygen. Quickly he worked out Richard's strategy, and before he had time to really think about it he felt once more the same tensing in his limbs and his ears rang again.

This time, without panic, he drew deeply on the gas, secure in the knowledge that its effects wore off almost instantly. He felt as if he were descending into a deep black rubber void. There was chaos and confusion all about him, all was black; there was nothing in his consciousness but blackness. The sensation of falling gradually gave way to one of floating. Erotic images began a procession through his mind. He felt totally liberated from all the usual tensions and stresses normally associated with modern life; he was really happy, joyful even. All sense of time had gone, each succeeding erotic image was more exciting than the last.

Another sensation began to insinuate itself. For a few moments he could not work out just what it was that was happening because the gas allows the patient to feel only sensation, but not pain. For example, if Richard pierced Tom's skin with a needle, Tom would be aware of the needle breaking through his skin, but it would not hurt him. The water had begun to flow back into Tom, and it was not until he began to feel a sense of fullness that he realised what was happening. The disorienting effects of the gas made the process of refilling seem to Tom an interminable one. He felt fuller and fuller until he felt he must burst, and the weight and pressure of all the rubber on him only increased the sensation of fullness.

Tom had reached the point where he could now no longer tell for certain if the water was still flowing into him or not. He had not long to wait to find out; the gas had stopped and he regained, with surprising swiftness, total awareness of all his physical sensations, the chief of which at that moment was his very distended fluid-filled abdomen. He felt the mask biting into his face; it was now quite painful. His arse had never felt so full. He could no longer flex his anal muscles, but that did nothing to detract from the wild sensation of anal pleasure he was experiencing.

Another blast of Amyl made him soar again with physical delight, and while thus soaring he felt his now semi flaccid dick gently caressed by a rubber-gloved hand.
The well-lubricated catheter slid through the length of his dick easily, but when the tip reached the sphincter, further progress into Tom's bladder was impeded because of the internal distortions caused by the volume of fluid in Tom's bowel. Karl had been well trained by Richard in the art of catheterization, and with a few deft maneuvers, the tip of the fairly large gauge Foley catheter was into the bladder. The pressure of the enema caused urine to spurt from the outer end of the catheter. Karl allowed the entire contents of Tom's bladder to drain into a steel kidney dish, and then he closed off the valve of the catheter just before the final few drops of Tom's piss could drain away, thus preventing any air from entering the thin rubber tube arching provocatively from the eye of Tom's now rigid dick. Karl turned his attention once more to the enema which he allowed to drain away yet again.

The easing of the pressure inside him gave Tom a brief respite, though he was still aware of the tightness of his mask from which it seemed he was to have no relief. The catheter in his dick felt really good, and now that all the fluid pressure had eased, he could once again flex his anal muscles against the huge nozzle in his ass. He felt good. Then when he came to inhale his next breath, there was no oxygen. His hungry, empty lungs pulled and pulled. He felt the mask so tight on his face that his efforts to pull more oxygen from the vacuum that now existed in the mask could tighten it no further. Then suddenly - oxygen! But only a trickle. Richard had once more taken control of Tom's breathing. The oxygen flowed into Tom slowly until his lungs were expanded to their fullest extent. There was a pause, and then just as slowly the machine emptied his lungs, really sucking the last vestiges of oxygen from him. Another pause and the cycle recommenced. It was several minutes before Tom became accustomed to breathing in slow- motion. The machine was also forcing him to inhale and exhale to the limits of his capacity.

While Tom was adjusting to a new and very unusual breathing pattern, Karl had equipped himself with a large syringe containing distilled water heated to blood heat. The contents of the syringe equaled the capacity of Tom's bladder. Karl fitted the mouth of the catheter to the spigot of the syringe, and opening the valve on the catheter, he began very slowly to fill Tom's bladder with the water. He carried out the procedure with care.

Karl was not a man given to great depths of thought; to him the world was a playground. To a man with his sunny disposition, profound emotion was something that affected others - until the advent into his life of Tom. He had been attracted to Tom the moment he set eyes on him, and because he had himself undergone the same experience now being endured by Tom, he felt a bond becoming established between them. Karl was devoted to, and had the greatest respect for Richard, who he knew respected his own capabilities as a technician in advanced rubber scenes. He suspected, correctly, that Richard was fond of him. He knew, of course, of the relationship that existed between Richard and Hans, and although Richard was careful not to make Karl feel like an outsider, Hans exercised no such scruples.

Despite being unable to think it out clearly, Karl knew instinctively that although his rubber life was fulfilled to a point that most rubber guys can only fantasize about, emotionally there was a gap to be filled. While he worked he gazed at Tom's rubber-encased form, and he hoped with all his heart that the gap in his life might now be filled. He could feel Tom's rampant dick throbbing in his hand as he gently depressed the plunger on the big syringe. He became aware of his own dick, also erect and straining within its rubber second skin. He licked his rubber lips inside his snugly fitting gasmask, and involuntarily flexed his body muscles against his double outer rubber skin. It was, he told himself yet again, wonderful to be a rubberman, and now that Tom was here he hoped that it would be even better.

Tom was still trying to accustom himself to the very slow breathing cycle that Richard had imposed when he became aware that his bladder was being filled. He felt that it was never going to stop, and that his bladder would give way under the strain, so great was the tension on it once the filling process was nearing completion. He had never felt so desperate for a piss before, and yet there was a delicious tingling sensation which accompanied the feeling of intolerable fullness. Tom guessed the filling of his bladder was complete when he felt Karl release his dick and allow it to stand free; he could feel the catheter along the entire length of his dick. He could also feel the water being pumped into his bowel yet again. This time he felt a twinge of apprehension. He had already experienced the intense fullness in his gut caused by the whole enema, and he was able to anticipate what it would feel like now that his bladder was also full.

Tom was conscious that he was becoming a little tired; lying there and adjusting mentally and physically to the constantly changing sensations he was experiencing was, he realised with mild surprise, quite hard work. Now the internal pressure was building, and he felt very uncomfortable. Matters were made no easier by the continuing intense pressure his mask was exerting, nor by the extremely slow breathing cycle the machine was forcing upon him.

The sudden tensing in his blood vessels alerted him to the fact that he was once again breathing gas. This time, because of the slow breathing, his descent from full consciousness into the twilit semi- conscious, trippy state induced by the gas took longer, and was tantalizingly gradual. Richard, by clever manipulation of the gas flow was able to drag it out still further. The gas brought Tom immediate relief from his abdominal discomfort, although he remained aware of the sense of being very full; indeed the gas seemed to intensify that fullness. Although the flow of water into Tom remained constant, the effect of the gas was to make it seem as though there was an ebbing and flowing of the water. Tom was aware of floating gently downward toward a black vortex; he felt himself spinning slowly downward, and all the time filling and filling until he believed that explosion must be imminent. It was at this point that Tom realised that he was fighting to remain conscious.

Richard was gradually increasing the proportion of Nitrous Oxide within Tom's breathing mixture, so that Tom was beginning to breathe true anesthetic now in place of mere analgesic. The totality of gaseous anesthesia engulfed Tom in its final blackness, and he slept without awareness.

Richard brought Karl back into circuit, 'he's right under now, and he's taken everything well. His heart and BP are normal for the circumstances, so we can retain the fluids in him for half an hour, after which you can drain him and we'll give him a rest. He can have a drink, and while he regains his strength you and Hans can provide him with a little entertainment while he watches me feed you two.'

Richard was busying himself with the anesthetic machine while talking to Karl. First he returned the rhythm of Tom's breathing to normal, and once he was satisfied that Tom had settled into the pace, he gradually returned his breathing to manual.

Hans had moved over to one of the large dentist-type chairs and was laying out a series of long red rubber tubes on a trolley alongside the two chairs, which faced each other. Karl, after carefully securing the phallic nozzle in Tom's ass, and his catheter as a precaution against involuntary expulsion by Tom under anesthesia, meanwhile was preparing a special glucose and high-nutrient drink for Tom, which was formulated for rapid absorption into the blood, requiring little or no digestion and leaving a minimum of residue. Richard was making adjustments to the anesthetic machine to lighten the anesthesia for Tom.

Awareness began to return to Tom. His first impression was of the overwhelming fullness in his gut, closely followed by the realization that his mask was still crushingly tight. He also took in the fact that his breathing was back to normal. Because he was still breathing a small percentage of gas, full consciousness did not return, and Tom lay in a silent black half-world of rubber and water. He could not be absolutely sure, because in the condition in which he was being kept, nothing could be defined for certain, but he thought that very faintly sounds were drifting down to him. It was probably just his own breathing he thought, it was so difficult to concentrate, and why should he make the effort, when his arse and his mask, despite the discomfort, really did feel so good. And it was really just great to lay here and get high and intoxicated on all the rubber and the gas, and not to have to worry about anything. But, wait, there is a noise, someone moaned gently and there is someone breathing, and now he could swear he heard a second person breathing. He strained to hear, but it was so faint, and it was so difficult to concentrate and think. Not to worry, thought Tom, I'll just lay here and enjoy all this gear on me.

But the sounds grew louder, the breathing became faster, more intense, deeper. A voice whispered softly, 'more, please, more.', and there was a long contented outlet of air, while the other carried on breathing frantically as if approaching a sexual climax. The two breathed on, sometimes moaning with some pleasure unknown to Tom, but guessed at, at other times becoming excited and agitated. In fact what Tom was hearing was a tape made by Richard during an earlier session involving others. It would become louder in Tom's ears, the sounds of the breathing and excitement would gradually intensify; Richard would use these sounds as a partial distraction for Tom from what was to come next.

For Tom it seemed as though he had spent many hours in that half-conscious state of suspended animation, in fact it was exactly thirty minutes as Richard had decreed. Karl had noted the time carefully and warned Richard that the time had come for draining Tom. Richard responded, 'OK, I'm going to bring him right out of anesthesia now, just hold him there until he's back and you can start draining, but do the bladder first.' Karl nodded as Richard once more turned his attention to the machine. He put Tom back onto Oxygen, but left the level of sound in his ears as it was, tantalizingly low so that Tom continued to concentrate hard on what, as full consciousness returned to him, he now knew for certain that he was hearing. Richard waited for a minute to be certain that Tom had regained full consciousness, and brought him back into his own circuit. He could hear Tom breathing, while Tom could still hear the recorded sounds, he now also heard Richard's low voice, 'How do you feel now, Tom?' Tom drew breath to reply, discovering with some surprise that it was an effort to breathe and speak while so full.

He gasped out one word, 'Great!'

'I think you must be rather tired, and somewhat full by now, Tom', Richard suggested to him. Tom admitted that he was just a little fatigued, and yes, he did feel as if he would burst. He was loath to admit just how knackered he really felt for fear of an adverse reaction from Richard. Richard knew that Tom had eaten nothing, and had been without a drink for many hours and that consequently his blood sugar was at a very low level, which was now making it difficult for Tom to sustain the degree of stress to which his body was being subjected without feeling very low. 'Yes, you will be feeling the strain by now, but so far you have done very well. The boys are going to relieve the pressures for you soon, then I have a little treat in store for you, but before that you have another hurdle to overcome, so gather your strength again, and when I come back into circuit you are to do exactly as I tell you when I tell you.' Tom replied that he would, wondering just what was coming next.

Hans had now completed his preparations over at the chairs and approached Karl from whom he took the prepared food supplement. He had with him one of the long red rubber tubes, which he laid over a nearby trolley, then placed the slightly thickened food drink in a steel container located among the nearby bank of electronic equipment. He made one or two adjustments and went over to Richard at the head of the table.

Together they began folding the heavy rubber sheet down Tom's body and then when it was manageable, lifted it from Tom, who realised afresh just how heavy it was. The two rubbermen began releasing the straps securing the rubber pad over Tom's body, then removed it altogether. Tom felt the blessed relief of pressure on his abdomen only momentarily, for as the fluids within him adjusted to the lack of pressure from without he felt as if he was swelling up, and again feared he would burst. Hans and Richard returned to the head of the table, and Richard told Karl he could proceed with the draining. Very gradually Karl opened the valve on the catheter. The pressure within Tom was so great that despite this precaution, the sterile fluid from Tom's bladder shot out with great force as Karl directed it into a steel bucket. As Tom's bladder emptied, Karl opened the valve further, and within two minutes the stream of warm clear fluid diminished then ceased. Tom was grateful for the partial release of pressure, and really enjoyed the sensation of the expelled fluid leaving his body, although that was nothing compared to the sense of relief he felt when Karl almost immediately opened the enema valve to slowly drain Tom completely. The draining took several minutes; Karl knew he had to do this slowly, or Tom's natural muscular reaction would be to force the liquid out too rapidly and maybe cause him to injure an internal muscle against the great bulk of the huge phallic nozzle locked in his bowel. As the pressure lessened within him, Tom experienced renewed awareness of the big phallus; it still felt good to him, and almost involuntarily he flexed his muscles against it once more. Despite his weariness his dick was once more rampant and throbbing, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the other three.

The draining completed, Karl now deflated the head of the phallus, holding it in place manually to prevent Tom's muscular contractions from expelling it. Slowly, using both hands, Karl allowed the phallus to emerge from Tom's body. Tom suffered withdrawal symptoms in more than a strictly literal sense. As soon as the phallus was clear of his body he felt an uncontrollable need for something to be in his ass. It was like a dreadful hunger. He knew there was no solid matter left within him and yet he felt an overpowering urge to defecate. This was only slightly ameliorated by Karl's efforts to dry the area and clean away any old lubricant remaining there.

Finally, Karl deflated and slowly withdrew Tom's catheter, and began clearing away the enema equipment which he took away to the side of the room, where he also had other preparations to make.

Richard's voice came back into Tom's ears over the recorded sounds still playing very quietly. 'I expect you feel better now we've got rid of all that water.' 'I need fucking', said Tom, whose anal region was now driving him to distraction after accommodating the giant phallus for several hours. Realizing his error too late, the rebuke from Richard surprised him by its mildness. 'I am here to make those decisions for you.' he said with icy quietness, 'and you may be sure I shall do that when appropriate.' Silence, apart from the breathing sounds. Tom cursed himself, and resolved not to speak again without thinking.

As he lapsed into rueful silence he was startled by the sudden removal of his rubber blindfold. Richard had been careful to subdue the lighting so that Tom would feel no discomfort after being deprived of light for so long. Tom looked up to see Richard's gas masked face above him. He blinked and accustomed himself to the light within seconds, realizing the Hans was nearby also. Richard slackened, and then removed the mask, allowing Tom to move his facial muscles freely for the first time in hours. He licked his rubber lips, and became aware of how thirsty he felt. As if reading Tom's mind, Richard produced a pair of surgical clamps within the jaws of which was gripped a piece of gauze which had been dipped in the food supplement Tom was soon to receive by a very different method. Tom needed no telling what to do. He opened his mouth, allowing Richard to swab the inside of his cheeks and give Tom an opportunity to suck some of the heavy liquid from the gauze. Meager though it was, for Tom it felt like a feast. Richard removed Tom's head harness. Tom took advantage of the release to move his head about to relieve the strain on his neck muscles. For the first time in hours he was able to look about him briefly, and although the light was subdued he was able to see that Hans was hovering nearby, and that Karl was approaching the table from the far side of the room. Richard's voice came once more into Tom's ears, 'you must be hungry now, Tom.' Realizing that this was indeed the case, Tom nodded his assent.

He was ravenous, and the thought of eating took his mind of his ass and his dick. 'Well, we have some refreshment for you now, so open your mouth and we'll soon be feeding you', Richard went on. Tom complied as Hans handed to Richard what appeared to Tom to be a piece of moulded black rubber. It was a gag which had been moulded from impressions taken of Tom's mouth. To Tom it looked enormous, and he doubted that it would ever fit into his mouth.

It was however, in two sections, one for the upper jaw, the other for the lower. Richard fitted the lower part first, it fitted exactly over Tom's lower dentition, and there was room for his tongue to lie snugly in its natural position beneath the central piece of rubber. Richard inserted the upper section and this also fitted perfectly. The two separate pieces were like elaborate gum shields, and when placed together there was a narrow channel running from front to back between the two parts of the gag. The effect on Tom was that his mouth was now full of semi hard black rubber, his mouth was forced slightly open by the bulk of it to the extent that he could not quite get his lips to meet. He moved his lips over the outer flanges of the gag to make it feel more comfortable, and indeed it fitted perfectly and felt very snug. The outer end of the channel was blocked with a small rubber plug so Tom had to breathe through his nose. He was surprised to see Richard with a screwdriver in his hand. Richard applied this to one of two small rubber screw heads built into the upper part of the gag and gave it half a turn. He did the same to the second, and by a clever arrangement of catches and grooves running through the gag, he was thus able to lock the two portions together, and there was no way that Tom could expel it, even if he had wanted to, which he did not because he found wearing it to be quite a turn on.

Tom became aware that Karl had begun lubricating his ass, probing with rubber fingers; the feeling was good and Tom flexed his anal muscles against the gentle pressure being exerted by Karl's fingers. Noting the response, and realizing that Tom was now able to move his head, he lifted a long slender dildo with a substantial head so that Tom could see it, at the same time Karl clenched his other fist and bent his arm up from the elbow and shook his rubber fist to indicate to Tom that he was about to be well-fucked with the big rubber member. Tom wanted to grin back at Karl in happy anticipation but the massive black rubber gag in his mouth prevented him; he had no way of knowing that the grin Karl wore under his mask was big enough for the two of them. This distraction prevented Tom from noticing Hans handing the long red rubber feeding tube to Richard, who removed the plug from the opening of the channel running through Tom's gag. When Tom saw the tube he realised just what was in store for him. He had never before had a tube inserted down his throat, and he reacted with horror. Richard noticed on the monitor the expected sudden surge in Tom's blood pressure, indicating his alarm. Richard's voice came quietly into Tom's ears, 'Now, Tom, take it easy. Nothing to worry about so long as you do just as I tell you. I'm going to put this tube into your stomach. I know that your reflexes will make you want to reject it, and you will want to heave it out; that is only natural. You must believe me now when I tell you that once the tip of the tube has passed beyond your throat the urge to vomit will pass, and although you will still feel the presence of the tube, the main discomfort will have passed, and the longer the tube is in place the less you will notice it. Now I want you to wait until your mask has been replaced, and then turn your head so that you are looking to this side. When you feel the tube begin to enter your throat begin to swallow and keep swallowing all the time and the tube will go in much more easily and quickly. You'll be back on oxygen in a few seconds and will feel better. Now just settle down, and remember what I have said and remember also that you are in the process of becoming a very advanced Rubberman. You've done fine so far so don't spoil it now.' Richard came out of circuit and stepped up the volume of the recorded sounds, which had taken on the quality of urgent intensity, and now filled Tom's head with their exciting and stimulating Rubber breathing sounds and occasional moaning.

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