Slick Pages

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I saw this vid posted on All American Kinkster and needed to report. Erav2000 looks great in this new face-entry catsuit; nice tight body and impressive endowment too. This looks like a Simon O catsuit? Can anyone place it to the designer?


  1. Holy Motherf%$k that was HOT!

  2. From Mannex via email:

    Hey Rubbercanuck,
    just a minute ago, I watched the guy in skintight rubber. I read your question about the designer. I suppose, that this suit came from fantastic rubber, near Berlin. I myself have the same suit in red colour. It's a fantastic feeling to be in that zippless suit fitting like a second skin. You'll find Peter Picks web site with the following link The company fantastic rubber produces neckentries as well as hoodentries. I habe in my stock five of these fantastic suits. I don't think that these suits come from Austria made by Simon O.
    Kind regards from Germany

  3. You can try out the site, I can't read German very well, it doesn't make much sense to me. I might as well ask Erav2000 directly.

  4. yes it's from fantastic rubber :)
    it cost 315 Euro, with custom size at no extra costs.

    The owner speaks perfect english and there is no problem ordering in that language - I for once don't speak German and only used google translate to have the basic knowledge and questions answered, the rest was done via mail :)

    thanks for recognition

  5. Thanks for the information, and especially thank you for your HOT videos, erav2000! :D
