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Monday, February 21, 2011

West Coast Rubber Winter Warmup 2011 Re-cap

I had the privilege of attending my third Winter Warmup in Palm Springs on the February 11-13 weekend. I flew into Los Angeles and drove out to Palm Springs with my friends Rubberchris and XXXRubberXXX. We barely had room in the car for ourselves and the gear.

We got into Palm Springs around 6pm, went to grab some groceries and got to the Helios Resort around 6:30pm. Most of the gang had already arrived. We had a welcoming glass of champagne and got ready for dinner at Dink's. There were 12 of us at dinner. Once again we marvelled all the patrons and had a bunch of people come to our table with questions and asking for pictures.
We went over to Toucan's Tiki Lounge for a couple of drinks then everyone went back to the Resort to sit in the hot tub and misbehave. I had had a very early morning with very little sleep the night before, so I crashed around 1:30am.

In the morning I had some fun with our very sexy pup staying in the room with me and Mr. Rubber Pup 2010. Afterwards we spent the afternoon lazing by the pool and trying on lots of each others gear. Fun!
Rubberpup adjustments
Nacho Canucko
We had some pizza and lots of drinks in the afternoon. In the evening we all dressed up and went to Wang's in the Desert for dinner. Afterwards we went to Hunter's for a couple of drinks then to the Tool Shed. We got back to the resort around 1am and I soon found myself in the dungeon playing with Rubberkitten. It was about 5:30am when I went to bed.
Sunday morning came far too soon. We had a WCR meeting with L8txdad and L8txboy to consider what format we want the following couple of events to be. It looks pretty much that the next Mr. West Coast Rubber event will take place in Palm Springs in February 2012.
Palm Springs Waterworks Department Inspector
Trying out Rubberkitten's Slick It Up Netsuit

Most of the weekend crew left by noon or shortly after. Our crew hung around with some of the guys staying longer and perved out in suits, masks, hoods for the rest of the afternoon. Some Palm Springs friends showed up in the afternoon for our ad-lib 'Introduction to Latex 101' course ;).
We packed up and left the Resort around 6pm and headed back to L.A. Despite being exhausted, we stayed up until 2am again fooling around :)

I was on the plane back to Vancouver in the early afternoon on Monday. I can't believe how quickly the weekend went; despite being a short visit, it was great to see the California crew again. I am hoping that a lot of them are coming up to Vancouver for Rubbout!

The next West Coast Rubber event will be the last weekend in August; a bit different format than last year, for this one will be all parties all weekend on a standard weekend instead of the Labour Day long weekend as it usually is. I will be helping with marketing and sponsorships for WCR2012 until I am pulled off to focus on Rubbout 2012 in the late fall. I'll be trying to juggle both going into 2012.

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