A week or so ago, Mr. P was coming back to his place and noticed a strange item sitting on the curb outside his building. He told me he thought it was a sling board, which of course piqued my interest so I went out to investigate. It appears someone had had this stored away for some time and decided to toss it out. I grabbed it and even though it isn't exactly built to specifications I would ask for, it's a neat find, and after a visit to Home Depot yesterday, it looks like it'll be a great addition to the sling inventory! It's interesting what you can find just outside your door if you're looking for it. The biggest issue now might be that I'm having a hard time finding places to store all my kinky stuff in my tiny apartment (and yes, I realize all of you are collectively thinking, "aw, poor you!" lol).

Also today I received a package from a friend. If you recall, I played with and did the demon mask and SPFX videos with a sexy guy several years ago. We'd been in touch again recently and due to personal reasons is moving out of fetishland. He offered to send me the demon masks knowing that I'd put them to good use. They showed up today! I need to give him a great big rubbery hug for thinking of me. Maybe it was more a payment to get me out of his hair, I'm not sure...

Thought of the day:
If I ever have to listen to another Bel Ami soundtrack, I'll kill myself. Piano, sax and acoustic guitar while fucking? Give me a break!
hey Reid, that would make a lovely coffee Table though.lol.