Slick Pages

Thursday, November 4, 2010

MIR! I'm here!

OMG I'm so exhausted. Last night I went to Drag Queen Bingo with the gang, then pizza at Gigi's, then Mr. P and I went to his place and, er, didn't go to bed right away. I figured heading to the airport from his place was easier, but it doesn't really matter when you're running on two hours of sleep.

After a minor freakout in the cab when I thought I'd left the MIR contestant application at the condo, I made it through the lineups at YVR (who knew so many people were catching flights at 6am?), and was off to ORD! I fortunately slept 2-3 hours on the plane, now just finishing work up for the afternoon, and off to dinner with some Chicago friends tonight.

Now that I'm here, I'm getting so excited! It's going to be a great weekend. The one shitty thing? I brought three pairs of boots, seven latex outfits (five for the competition and interview), and all accessories I could conceivably carry under 70 lbs., but once again I forgot my freaking camera! Argh!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Reid,lol...poor guy.
    Just buy another one?Doesnt have to be expensive?
    get someone to take the pics for you and mail them.
    Everyone I know seems to know who you are anyway.You have a great fan base here in the uk.I almost want to prevent anyone taking you away from me(uhoh
    23.30pm here, gotta go to bed, Thinking of you(in your tight latexmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)
    Duncan xx
