Slick Pages

Thursday, August 19, 2010


So, just adding to the merriment that has been 2010 for me, I was involved in a car-bike accident on Tuesday evening. I was riding back from my measurement session with the owners of Hypershine for my new rubber outfit, flying down busy Cornwall Avenue in Kits towards the Burrard Bridge when I was t-boned at Arbutus Ave by a car turning left as I was going through the intersection on a yellow light. I flew onto the hood of the Mazda and took out the windshield which thankfully took the brunt of the impact. The fork of my bike snapped in half and shards of carbon fibre are still stuck in the headset. I haven't done anything with it yet as I have an interview with ICBC Claims this afternoon. I sure hope there are no fractures in the frame, otherwise this is probably going to turn out very sad for me.

Physically the worst injury is my knee. I went in for x-rays yesterday morning because of the pain but there is nothing busted, apparently. It feels a lot better today now that the swelling is going down. I will be gimping around for the next week or so, but it seems I had a horseshoe up my butt again on Tuesday night. Had it been an SUV or truck that I met at that intersection rather than a small car, I might not be posting this entry today. Lucky lucky me....the ironic thing is that the bike I was on when I got hit is the replacement I've had because of the last time I got hit by a car back in 2003. That one was essentially a hit and run...

I was worried that this was totally going to screw up my travel plans over the next month, but now it doesn't appear that it is going to be as bad as I initially thought and freaked out about. I won't be able to squeeze into any rubber until the swelling and pain go away though. :(

Undaunted against the big machines, I will persevere. I love cycling so much!


  1. I am glad you were lucky enough to escape a major injury. You must be one durable guy!

  2. Hi Reid, I'm so happy that you're okay.Have you ever thought of buying a car?lol.That way you can protect yourself a lot more easier than being so unprotected on a bike,other than that there is always a suit of armour! It can be VERY sexy too!
    take care,Dx

  3. Glad you're okay Reid! Feel better soon!

  4. People have suggested that I should start living in a Zorb.

  5. Reid, I've just had to google Zorb,never heard of that should be better than a bike and a lot more exhausting!

  6. If you start living in a Zorb, I want to climb into it with you. And a bucket of lube.

    (your anonymous admirer)

  7. Aw thanks guys. the saga continues and I'm still in a lot of pain but I am very lucky it wasn't worse.

  8. That was you? I remember hearing about that on the traffic report! Jeeze glad you're okay!
