I'm playing around with the new template designer. This still has a long way to go, but it's a start...I'm going to try and figure out if I can use my own background image, but the webby thing looks kinda cool and relevantish.
The weather's so beautiful I haven't been posting much. With the new job's early hours and lots to do in the evenings, the chances of posting at winter pace isn't likely. Oh well, I'll try as much as I can.
It's 30C today, off to the beach after work...! Ciao for now
Hi Reid, The new page colours are excellent! I especially enjoy the highlighted links, red is a great colour for this.
ReplyDeleteMartin and I are just back from a 7 day vacation in New York, we were down watching the Macy's 4th July celebration fireworks.Never see anything like them before,very imaginative.
regards Dx
Ooh... black, white, and red! It's all shiny and contrasty! I heartily endorse this color scheme. It's intense (in a good way.)